Yone is still good in 14.2
Riven is bad, only play with 8-Bit Emblem, with Emblem its the same level as Yone CD Emblem
Hello guys I'm Khym
~~Riven & Yone are already playable in 13.25 and many Chinese pro spamming this comp. In 14.1 PBE Cait is nerfed and 8-Bit got a buff, if this patch arrive without any further change i'm 100% sure Riven will be on top (if you watched my guide I predicted Jax reroll with be broken before 13.25 live). Moreover Crown Diver Yone at 2/4 breakpoint still good so you have more option to flex around.
This comp is easy to play that can run in every game as long as you hit 2 8-Bit early, unlike Yone no one really buy Riven~~
Check out my profile for more detailed guides which don't scam your LP buy guiding spend lots of gold finding a specific headliner trait then lost the game if you can't find any.
For easy visualize, I'll put champion into group instead of positioning, if any thing need to be noticed I'll mention.
Stacking 8-Bit early if possible
Reach level 7 at 3-5 and play around the first headliner you get (Yone or Riven). Spend all of your gold to stabilize your board (2* Garen, Kayle, Morde, and find Viego...) if possible.
Depending on your headliner, build one of these: Riven with 4 8-Bit or Yone with 4 Crown Diver (or 5 Edgelord when you don’t see Cait or Zed).
Econ back to 4-2 and all in your gold again to hit 3-star Riven/Yone. In case you are contested, switch to the other version (Riven to Yone or vice versa) or level up to 8 and wait for them to die before all-inning your gold (only when you have higher HP than the contestant).
Don't forget to keep a redundant Edgelord for lv 8 upgrade
After that, level up to 8 and add more trait.
For newbie you may wonder why 3-5 and 4-2? These are the points where other comps in the lobby are upgraded, so it’s crucial to have a strong board at these levels.
Riven Headliner

For Edgelord headliner, Aphe = Corki then play with 4 8-Bit 5 Edgelord with Kayn
Upgraded board

At lv 8 + Jazz, 5 Edgelord only if you got Edgelord headliner
Give redundant AD items to Cait
Yone can be replaced by any Rapidfire, but keep him on bench for lv 8 5 Edgelords
8-Bit+ Emblem


Assume opponent carry place in the right corner
Unless it's Ahri or Samira, they can't kill your Riven, you can place in the right side for kill them quickly (not recommend for Yone)
Place Kayle, Corki and Cait like above to dodge Akali (KDA), otherwise place Cait in opposite direction to the opponent (left corner) because her skill deal dmg to 4 furthest enemies
Crown Diver headliner

The fact is, 3 Edgelord 2 Sentinel > 5 Edgelord
Upgraded board

Crown Dive Emblem

Edgelord headliner Yone

Lv 8 Garen, Riven = Kata Qiyana Ekko
Lv 8 7 Edgelords

Only play 7 Edgelords when you both have 3 star Riven and Yone at lv 8 (lv 7 play like above)
Twin Terror 8-Bit Emblem

Bonus this version if you lucky enough :>
If you hit headliner Edgelord Riven but you want 8-Bit, buy it then sell to break the headliner mechanic (1 headliner can't appear twice between 7 rolls)
Items for Riven/Yone

BT and Titan is BiS, last item could be anything, but in case you are free to choose:
HoJ: always save to slam
IE: maximize dmg but more vulnerable, best with Harmacist and Vampirism
EoN: against Ahri, you have to move Riven, Morde and Viego while they just switch a Ahri in front of Riven and kill her, EoN will save her a life
QS: give extra MR especially against Jax comp, avoid Zac slap on her head then Jax one shot
Gunblade: when you have lots of rods somehow, or Crownguard on Morde
Statistics for who interested
Broken augments

Many support items work well with them, healing and personal dmg aug (Ornn, Radiant items)