Common TFT Mistakes


Neutral rounds (Start of the game)

In this list i'll name the mistakes I've seen tons of people making. In no particular order.

  1. Greed the 10 gold, which in most cases it is not the right thing to do.

  2. Not collecting as many pairs of any unit as possible. Early game upgrades are way better than synergies you may want to play later on.

  3. Leveling up on 2-1 not having a strong enough board to go for a win streak. If you level up, having a weak board, congratulations you've F-up your economy at 2-1.

  4. Not caring about your streak. If you have a pretty weak board then try to go on a lose streak. In the opposite case when you have a stronger board than your apponents and some slammable items, go for a win streak

  5. NOT SCOUTING. How would you know if your board is strong enough to get you a win streak if you just stand still on your board spamming emotes?

  6. Holding on to high cost units. You may need them later on for your composition, but the likelihood of getting them upgraded this early, is, in most cases, 0% Also bad for your econ early game.

Level intervals.

If you want to keep your economy healthy, you should and must level up at the correct intervals. (Unless you have enough gold and a good amount of health)

2-1. Level 4: This depends on how good your board is. Don't roll at this point. If you are rerolling 1-costs then it's okay to stay level 4 for the whole stage. Since you'll reach level 5 naturally at 3-2

2-5. Level 5: If you are on a winning streak. You can level up right after the carousell. If for some reason you lost your 1st or 2nd round. Don't level up, since you'll naturally reach level 5 at the end of the stage (Neutral round)

3-2. Level 6: In most cases you'll want to level up to 6, so you maintain the lobby's tempo.

3-5. Level 7 - Part 1 (Conditional): If you are on a winning streak, it's a good idea to agressively level to 7 at this stage (Keeping at least 20 - 30 gold).

4-1. Level 7- Part 2: Here you should normally be leveling up and rolling only if you have some pairs on your bench. This will stabilize your board so you can go for your level 7 reroll comps. Or going safely to the next level.

4-2. Level 8 - Part 1: If you were planning to fast 8 and have at least 20 to 30 gold after you level, then go for it and if your board is stable enough, this is where you'll spike really hard. Consider rolling at this point, to get your 4-cost units. Sometimes you'll miss your roll down at this stage. This may happen for 3 reasons:

1. Not scouting: Scouting can give you an idea of how many 4-cost are already out of the pool so it will make it easier to hit your units

2. Contested: If you're trying to hit the same 4-cost units as some other player, it is just a lottery of who hit first. This is why you should be able to flex your composition, and/or do a complete pivot. Depending on what you hit.

3. Bad luck: Happens to all of us. (Only applicable if you did your scouting tasks correclty, then GG).

4-5 Level 8 - Part 2: If not enough gold to level at 4-2, or simply not planning to do so, level up at 4-5.

5-1 Level 8 - Part 3: If playing a reroll composition, try to maintain a high amount of gold, and only picking up the units that naturally appear on your shop (Assuming you are not even close to 3-starring your units). This allows you to do your roll down at 5-1. while being able to reach level 8 after you hit.

6-1. Level 9 Part 1: Depending on your strategy, level up at this point. And just roll all your gold to hit your final board.

6-2. Level 9 part 2: Level up and roll all your gold.

Stage 6 at any point. Level 10: What the fuck.

Remember to also have a stable board before moving on to the next level. It happens the most going from 8 to 9. Having your whole board 1-starred and not gold to even roll. So, make sure your board has all the upgraded units you need, and then think about going 9



Recognizing the lobby's tempo is crucial. Reason being, if all players are planning on playing a fast 8 comp or fast 9 comp. Do not get stuck on level 6 or level 7, trying to reroll your units. If you are close enough to hit you 3-star units. Just level up. So you don't fall behind and go 8th. This mostly happens in regions where you'll get tons of resources, like Scuttle Puddle.

If you didn't hit, then you didn't hit. Get over it and move on. Don't go broke; think about a 4-cost carry that can use the items you already have.

In shorter terms: Don't get stuck on ' X ' level.


  • Don’t greed for Best-in-Slot (BIS) items unless you have a very specific comp in mind.
  • Try to use items that are similar to the ones you’re looking for.
  • Slamming your items will preserve as much HP as possible while maintaining your match tempo.


Switching items way too early: Considering you are at ' X-Stage ' with a reasonably stable board. DO NOT SELL YOUR ITEM HOLDER. Unless your item holder is a trait bot, something like a Soraka, for example.

Let's say you want to use ' Y-Unit ' and you are item holding ' Z-Unit '. If ' Y ' is 2-star and ' Z ' is not, in most cases you shouldn't sell your item holder just yet.

Only experience will tell you if it's worth it or not.

Based on my own games. I'd rather have a 2 star backliner with good items than a 1-star. But as I said, only experience will tell which units are strong at 1-star.


Time wasting.

Having components when you fought neutral rounds, either from anvils or simply component drop.

DO NOT GIVE THE ITEM JUST YET. If you are playing a composition of any kind, where you should be leveling up or rolling, DO SO! Stop openning your anvils or giving items as soon as you get them. First do whatever you need to do, keeping in mind which components you got, and then, only then, you'll start slamming your items when you start the fight in most cases.

Something I recommend is, buying a "dummy unit", meaning, a random unit that you'll use to craft completed items and then sell.

And why is that? If any unit you want to itemize is holding a component, you just messed up your slam. The worst case scenario is when you got a spat and you thought about making a specific one that will spike you really hard and you just f-ing slammed the wrong spat, and grief your game plan gg.

There will not be any moments where you are doing absolutely nothing.

You could be using your team planner so you don't miss your units. Or something even better Scouting... Scout. Like, there are player images, right side of the screen. I swear it's not that hard. You can even use keybindings so that you don't click one by one.

(I use Q, W, E, R, A, S, D, F starting from the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ..., 8th place).

Also, try to use keybindigs for both rolling your shop, and buying XP. This way you can have the cursor on the shop, so whenever you see your unit, you can buy it quickly. It may not seem like a big thing, but those extra seconds can make the difference on whether you go to the next fight with your upgraded units, or not.

(I use 2 for rolling and 1 for XP)



Forcing a comp in a pretty bad spot.

  • If you want to force an AD comp and you only got dropped AP components, it's not that good to still go for that comp. Though there are cases where you'd one-trick a comp, so you have mastered the ins and outs, how to be flexible with the components you have, etc. This is the only reason to force a comp.

In my opinion, it's not worth going for pandora's items if you know the ins and outs of your comp, as you'll be down a Combat augment. This depends from player to player. Sometimes you could get only Cloaks or a lot of Belts, in this case where your item ecomony is simply not 'itemeconomig' just pick pandora's to fix that mess.

Picking only economy augments.

  • Sure you'll be flexing your 50 gold at 2-4.
  • Why are you still flexing 50 gold on stage 3?
  • Dude we get it you are rich at stage 4
  • Ok you reached level 9 with your whole board 1-starred, and got an 8th. Because you wanted to make that 100 gold and roll like a king, not even rolling once up until this point, costing you the game and your LP.

So augment selection should be a healthy mix between (Econ-Combat-Combat), (Econ-Emblem-Combat), (Items-Combat-Econ)

Just balance your augments

I hope I've helped you in some way. Thanks for reading.