FINAL BOARD (with Emblem)
FINAL BOARD (with Fine Vintage)
You cant hit Tristana 3 play Irelia on 9 lvl
I play the early game around Kha'zix and Heavenly because it has good items that we will later put on Tristana, which is our main carry. We go down to level 8 to economy 30 to hit Volibear and her to level two. Then I go back to 50 economy and slow roll for Voilbear and Tristan to 3 stars, once we do that, we want to roll at least one Lee Sin to level 8 to activate the 6x duelist feature, preferably on two because we also throw items similar to Volibear on it (unless someone in the lobby has it on level 2) then we skip the roll and go to level 9 to give some legend
There is also a style of play for augments that give us support items after 3 rounds or Ornn items, remember about it! these are:
- Fine Vintage
- Trash to Treasure
Qiyana 3 is great (because she gives her RFC)
Soraka is also an add
Duelist Spatula goes on Diana (unless Rakan star level = Diana star level)
Dragonlords are great adds aswell
We cant hit Tristana 3 so we trade on Irelia 2 in 9 lvl
All Comps here: