In TFT Set 13, the Experiment trait introduces an innovative mechanic that revolves around positioning units on Laboratory hexes for maximum power. These unique hexes offer Experiment champions a blend of additional health and the ability to share each other’s bonuses, creating synergy effects that scale as you invest in more Experiment units. As the number of active Experiments grows, so does the effectiveness of this trait, ultimately doubling the Experiment bonuses at the highest level. With careful positioning, the Experiment trait provides a unique layer of strategy that rewards players for optimizing their board layout and harnessing collective power.
Experiment gives laboratory hexes on your board. Experiment units who go on the hexes get health and give experiment bonuses. Although the Academy is experimenting with hextech there are other things to be experimented with as well. This is where units like Urgot, Dr. Mundo, and Twitch come in to join set 13! Let’s take a look deeper into the Experiment trait.
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Final Board Setup
Game plan
- Stage 2
Play around early Experiment or Conquerors with slammed bow items.
- Stage 3
Level to 6 and play Experiment in if you haven't already. Add more frontline to stall for your 2 Sniper backline.
- Stage 4
Level to 8 and roll for Mundo, Twitch, and Corki. Build sturdy frontline with Firelights. Once stable, go 9 for 5 costs.
Early game
In summary, the Experiment trait in TFT Set 13 offers a distinct advantage for players who excel in strategic positioning. By maximizing Laboratory hex usage and leveraging the trait’s scaling bonuses, players can create potent synergies that strengthen the entire team. Experiment units can be highly adaptable and impactful, especially at higher tiers where their shared bonuses reach full potential. For those looking to diversify their gameplay with an interactive and positioning-focused trait, Experiment offers the tools to turn the tide and secure critical victories in Set 13.
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Good luck to you! – Cheng