🟠 Fortune Loot Table TFT Set 4 🟠

See leducktft's Twitch channel
Tahm Kench
Tahm Kench


  • (3) Winning combat against a player will give bonus orbs. The longer you've gone without an orb, the bigger the payout!
  • (6) Wins give an extra bonus orb with rare loot.
  • (10) Legends say one day the Money Tree will rise up to fight.

How does Fortune work?

If you have 3 Fortune active and you lose a PVP fight, you get +1 to your Loss counter. You are free to remove 3 Fortune anytime, it won't reset your stack counter. After you win a fight with 3 Fortune active, you receive a cashout based on how many rounds you lost while Fortune was active.

If you open with a Fortune Emblem you can run Tahm and Annie (no Chosen) and place the Fortune Emblem on a third unit once you are certain you will lose the fight. If you know you will win the fight, because your opponent was afk, you can simply not use the Emblem and avoid the pre-emptive cashout.

6 Fortune is completely seperate from 3 Fortune. This means losing a fight with 6 Fortune is the exact same as losing with 3 Fortune. Winning a fight with 6 Fortune will simply grant you one Loot Orb that has 9 different potential outcomes.

6 Fortune Loot Table

30%Item Component
25%5x Gold
15%Tier 5 Unit
14%Thief's Gloves
5%Artifact Anvil
5%Champion Duplicator
3%Frying Pan
1%Tactician's Crown

3 Fortune Loot Table

0 Losses
50%1x Gold
50%2x Gold

1 Loss
35%1x Tier 2 Unit, 1x Gold
35%3x Gold
30%1x Tier 3 Unit

2 Losses
30%2x Tier 2 Unit, 2x Gold
25%6x Gold
25%3x Tier 2 Unit
20%2x Tier 3 Unit

3 Losses
30%12x Gold
30%1x Item Component
15%3x Tier 3 Unit, 2x Gold
10%6x Gold, 1x Lesser Duplicator
10%1x Item Component, 3x Gold

4 Losses
25%8x Gold, 2x Lesser Duplicator
25%3x Tier 3 Unit, 8x Gold
20%1x Thief's Gloves, 2x Gold
20%2x Item Component
10%2x Tier 4 Unit, 8x Gold

5 Losses
20%1x Frying Pan, 12x Gold
20%1x Spatula, 12x Gold
20%1x Artifact Anvil, 2x Gold
20%1x Tier 4 Unit, 4x Gold, 1x Item Component
20%3x Tier 4 Unit, 10x Gold

6 Losses
20%2x Thief's Gloves, 4x Gold
20%2x Tier 5 Unit, 15x Gold
20%3x Item Component, 10x Gold
20%3x Tier 4 Unit, 1x Item Component, 2x Gold
10%1x Frying Pan, 1x Item Component, 12x Gold
10%1x Spatula, 1x Item Component, 12x Gold

7 Losses
40%5x Item Component
30%3x Tier 4 Unit, 25x Gold, 1x Champion Duplicator
30%1x Spatula, 1x Frying Pan, 2x Item Component, 6x Gold

8 Losses
30%4x Tier 5 Unit, 20x Gold, 3x Lesser Duplicator
30%1x Tactician's Crown, 5x Tier 4 Unit, 5x Gold
20%9x Gold, 9x Lesser Duplicator
20%5x Tier 5 Unit, 14x Gold, 2x Item Component

9 Losses
40%2β˜… Tier 5 Unit, 30x Gold, 3x Item Component
30%4x Tier 5 Unit, 30x Gold, 1x Champion Duplicator
30%2x Completed Item, 20x Gold, Champion Duplicator

10 Losses
40%3x Masterwork Upgrade, 40x Gold, 1x Champion Duplicator
30%2β˜… Lee Sin, 10x Gold, Bulwark's Oath, Suspicious Trench Coat
30%2β˜… Sett, Glamorous Gauntlet, Fist of Fairness, 5x Gold

11 Losses
40%2x Radiant Item, Tactician's Crown, Artifact Anvil, Champion Duplicator, 2x Reforger, 5x Gold
30%2x Tier 4 Unit, 2x Completed Item, 2x Masterwork Upgrade, 35x Gold
30%2β˜… Tier 5 Unit, Tactician's Crown, 2x Tier 5 Unit, 45x Gold

12 Losses
40%2x Artifact Anvil, 2x Completed Item, 2x Support Anvil, 3x 2β˜…Tier 5 Unit
30%Radiant Conversion, 2x Masterwork Upgrade, 20x Gold
30%40x Gold, Hexcore (+1 to all Traits)
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Updated 1mo ago

🟠 Fortune Loot Table TFT Set 4 🟠

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