Currently a sleeper OP comp
You can spam this comp until it starts to get popular, since AD components are rarely contested you can decide wether you want to go on a win streak or a lose streak.
Olaf's inmunity to crowd control will make him jump around even when time stops
Item requirement and Units
Your Core will always be 4 Chrono
Olaf needs LW, though Twitch already has built in armor reduction, Olaf will be jumping around after his first takedown, making Twitch no longer aiming at the same target as Olaf and also making him not getting stuck on a fully itemized tank for that long.
Olaf's items: BT - LW - Flex item depending on what you get dropped
Karma's items: Blue Buff - Antiheal (Morello or Red) - Flex item
Item Prio (IMO): Karma's Blue buff > Olaf's completed setup > Antiheal > Tanks
(Var 1) Shapeshifters

Var 1 Notes
You can later swap Swain for Briar (For those who don't like having odd looking synergies) and Camille for Jax.
(Var 2) Bastion

(Var 3) Preservers

(Var 4) Hunters

Var 4 Notes
I'd say this is the worst variariation, but feel free to cook. You might end up getting the easiest 8th of your life or your most awkward and unexpected 1st if you manage to get Camille 2