FINAL BOARD (with Augment Why Not Both) (version 1)
FINAL BOARD (with Augment Why Not Both) (version 2)
FINAL BOARD (version 3)
FINAL BOARD (version 4)
FINAL BOARD (version 5)
The Augment for Form Swapper is very important here; currently, it's hard to play Gangplank without it. However, when we do play him, it’s worth remembering that there are two ways to play him: AD on the backline or on the frontline. The difference lies in the itemization.
- For the frontline (Melee) version, Bloodthirster and Sterak's Gage are essential.
- For the backline version, you can opt for items like Guinsoo's Rageblade, Spear of Shojin, and Infinity Edge.
When playing the first version (Melee GP), try to position him in Pit-Fighter. For the backline GP, it’s better to play him in Conqueror/Scrap or 4x Form.
Regarding the early game, aim to play a strong board to maintain a win streak. You can start in various ways, for example, with Scrap or Sniper Maddie and Bruiser/Sentinel.
At level 7, begin slow rolling for Gangplank and Swain to upgrade them to three stars. In the late game, aim for level 9/10 and add your FINAL BOARD, including legendary units or 6-cost champions.
If you have the Augment, the most important thing is to place 2 of each champion from the Form Swapper trait.