How to get permanent 4 Star Units in TFT Set 12

See leducktft's Twitch channel

Upcoming Changes

Starting with Patch 14.18, Riot is adding a new feature to TFT: Permanent 4 Star Units. Here are the core rules:

  • Requires 27 Copies (3x 3 Star)
  • Works for every Tier, though anything beyond Tier 1 will require a lot of setup
  • 4 Star is the maximum, you can't upgrade the unit with Moonlight Charm
  • There is currently a bug that prevents you from changing items once the unit upgrades to 4 Star

Champion Pool Limit

The current champion pool for Set 12 is:

  • Tier 1 -> 30
  • Tier 2 -> 25
  • Tier 3 - > 18
  • Tier 4 -> 10
  • Tier 5 -> 9

While Tier 1 and to an extent Tier 2 can be achieved with Pandora's Bench and Duplicators, if you ever want to reach a 4 Star unit in a higher tier, you will have to use either Polymorph Charms or Recombobulator.


Scaling Example


  • 1 Star -> 45 AD and 700 HP
  • 2 Star -> 68 AD and 1260 HP
  • 3 Star -> 101 AD and 2268 HP
  • 4 Star -> 135 AD and 3427 HP

Abilities of 4 Star units also have stronger base damage.

  • Ziggs 3 Star -> 450 Primary and 225 Splash
  • Ziggs 4 Star -> 600 Primary and 300 Splash

How to get a 4 Star Unit

Worth the Wait + Overrolling

  • Select Worth the Wait 1 in Stage 2-1
  • Once you have 8 copies, place both 2 star units on your board and wait for combat start
  • Roll down and collect as many additional copies as possible (Overroll)
  • Can also combine Worth the Wait with Two Tanky instead of Overrolling

Pandora's Bench

  • Select Pandora's Bench in Stage 2-1 or 3-2
  • Scout and decide for a 1 cost unit that is completely uncontested
  • Upgrade several Tier 1 units to 3 Star and roll them until you have your desired unit

Double Up

  • You and partner can decide for specific Tier 1 units
  • Use Rune of Allegiance to send 2 Star or 3 Star copies to each other
  • Your partner can continue to find the unit you're looking for.

Teleport Trick

Normally you can't find a unit you already 3-starred in your shop, but there is way to bypass this rule. If you roll at a specific time when you teleport to the opponent's board, you don't own any units for around half a second.

If you roll during this timeframe, you will sometimes still find additional copies. This can be useful if you're missing only a few copies and have Duplicators ready to complete the setup.

You can learn more about the teleport trick here


Useful Resources


  • Pandora's Bench
  • Team Building
  • Missed Connections
  • Recombobulator
  • Worth the Wait 1
  • Two Tanky
  • Heroic Grab Bag
  • Build-A-Bud


  • Minor/Normal/Major Polymorph
  • Late Bloomer
  • Assembly
  • Minor Mimicry
  • Major Mimicry