Hey! I am Frobei, I have been Challenger multiple sets in a row and I've been making TFT guides for years so stick around or follow me for more content!
This guide features Arcanist Lux reroll, a comp that received wo buffs with patch 14.7 so expect to see it in the meta. So here's how to play it!
Full Late Game Comp

Lux received a major buff and 6 Arcanist received a slight buff, but combined, this should make Lux extremely powerful if you manage to hit properly.
- Always position Lux at the opposite side of your potential opponents
- You can also reroll Zoe if she comes naturally and play her instead of Syndra
- I highly recommend playing this comp if you have a Porcelain Emblem or the augment "Boiling Point"
GAMEPLAN This is a 2-cost & 3 cost reroll comp so here's how to play it:
- Consider this comp if you rapidly have Lux or Illaoi and / or items for her
- Lose all stage 2 fights on purpose to maximize your econ
- At 3-2 push lvl 6 and roll to stabilize your board with key units and 2-stars
- Slowroll until you find at least Lux 3
- Push level 7 and wlos roll for Illaoi 3, Amumu 3 and Syndra 2
- Once you find them, push your levels to add Sett and more Wardens
If you want to know more about how to optimize your economy and use it efficiently for a 2-cost reroll comp, I have a much deeper post here: https://www.tacter.com/tft/guides/how-optimize-your-economy-in-tft-set-11-economy-guide-3784208a
Lvl 6 Stabilized board (example)

Best Items For Lux

Lux is all about dealing burst damage, this is why the crit build is actually extremely valuable. However, don't build JG if you can't have Guardbreaker.
If you want to know exactly what items you want to build for every carry in the game, check this cheat sheet I'm updating weekly: https://www.tacter.com/tft/guides/best-items-for-all-champions-in-tft-set-11-36d59dfe
- April 9th: some comp optimisations