Hey! I am Frobei, I have been Challenger multiple sets in a row and I've been making TFT guides for years so stick around or follow me for more content!
This guide features Soraka and Diana reroll, both champions received a major buff in patch 14.7. So here's how to play it!
Full Late Game Comp

Diana and Soraka received major buffs and Kayle provides tons of AP now with the blue scroll. This comp already had a lot of potential but were struggling against some match-ups and the counters received nerfs so Diana & Soraka should strive now in the meta.
- This comp is extremely durable thanks to Altruist and Sage, Diana is expect to tank forever while Soraka scales with her damage (and heal)
- You can give Ionic Spark to Diana instead of Steadfast if you can't build a statikk
GAMEPLAN This is a 3 cost reroll comp so here's how to play it:
- Consider this comp if you rapidly have Soraka or Diana and relevant items
- Play stage 2 and 3 "normally" (try to win most fights and build your econ as much as you can)
- Push lvl 7 at stage 4-1
- Roll to find your 2 stars to stabilize your board
- Rebuild your econ back to 50g
- Slow roll for your 3 stars
- Once you find them, push your levels to add late game units
If you want to know more about how to optimize your economy and use it efficiently for a 3cost reroll comp, I have a much deeper post here: https://www.tacter.com/tft/guides/how-optimize-your-economy-in-tft-set-11-economy-guide-3784208a
Lvl 7 Stabilized board (example)

Best Items For Soraka

Soraka is a typical carry AP who can utilize Morello very efficiently and she needs to have more mana with either Shojin or Adaptive Helm to be truly efficient.
If you want to know exactly what items you want to build for every carry in the game, check this cheat sheet I'm updating weekly: https://www.tacter.com/tft/guides/best-items-for-all-champions-in-tft-set-11-36d59dfe