Tocker's Trials in TFT Set 13 is an exciting feature introduced to enhance the gameplay experience. Named after Tocker, the adorable robotic companion, these trials are a series of challenges that allow players to earn rewards, deepen their mastery of Teamfight Tactics, and immerse themselves in the new set's mechanics.
The trials often align with the central theme of Set 13 and push players to experiment with different strategies, traits, and units. Whether it's dominating with unique team compositions or meeting specific in-game conditions, Tocker’s Trials provide both casual and competitive players a chance to refine their skills while earning cosmetics, emotes, or other rewards.
Would you like a breakdown of the specific challenges or how they impact Set 13's progression?
See more: Tacter blog

First, there are two team compositions that you can easily use to succeed:
Don't worry, I have thoroughly tested these strategies before writing this guide to share with you. Avoid playing the Chem-Baron composition because it requires winning every round, and you are allowed a maximum of only two losses.
During the game, you will acquire:
- 1 or 2 Spatulas (or 1 or 2 Pans) to craft emblems.
- 1 Champion Duplicator.
- 2 Lesser Champions.
- 2 Super Small Champion Duplicators.
- And a significant amount of gold to level up to 10.
For the Conqueror composition, you can play with either 9 Conquerors or 6 Conquerors.
For the 6 Sentinel 4 Scrap composition, you will need to craft 2 Sentinel Emblems or 2 Scrap Emblems.
Regardless of the composition you choose in the Tocker's Trials mode, having a 3-star 4-cost or 5-cost champion in your lineup is quite common. However, the exciting part is how you manage to clear the PBE rounds and achieve the highest score possible.
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Good luck to you! – Cheng