🟡Patch Notes 14.18 Teamfight Tactics🟡



Units – 1 Cost


Transform into hammer form and gain 35 (Ability power) Armor and Magic Resist. Replace this Ability with Hammer Slam and immediately cast it.

Hammer Slam: Leap to the target, dealing 274/411/678 (Attack damageAbility power) physical damage. Transform into hammer form and gain 25 (Ability power) Armor and Magic Resist. Replace this Ability with Hammer Slam and immediately cast it.

Hammer Slam: Leap to the target, dealing 274/411/678 (Attack damageAbility power) physical damage.


Passive: Permanently gain 1% Attack Speed and movement speed for each champion killed. Attacks heal for 15/20/30 (Ability power) Health and deal 25/37/66 (Attack damage) bonus physical damage. Gain double the healing and physical damage for targets below 25% Health.

Bonus Damage: 37 (Attack damage)


Passive: Permanently gain 1% Attack Speed and movement speed for each champion killed. Attacks heal for 15/20/30 (Ability power) Health and deal 27/41/66 (Attack damage) bonus physical damage. Gain double the healing and physical damage for targets below 25% Health.

Bonus Damage: 41 (Attack damage)


Ability reworked

For the next 5 (Ability power) seconds, Ashe fires an extra missile dealing 25/38/56 (Attack damage) physical damage at a target near Ashe. This effect stacks.

Changed to

For the rest of combat, fire an additional arrow at a nearby enemy that deals 20/30/44 (Attack damage/ Ability power) physical damage. This effect stacks.


Ability reworked

Sneeze fire at the target, dealing 240/360/550 (Attack damageAbility power) physical damage. Dragon Upgrade: Instead sneeze dragonfire in a larger area. Dragonfire deals 290/435/663 (Attack damage/ Ability power) physical damage.

Changed to

Sneeze fire at the target, dealing 240/360/550 (Attack damage/ Ability power) physical damage. 50% of overkill damage is dealt to the closest 2 targets.

Dragon Upgrade: Deal 290/435/663 (Attack damage/ Ability power) physical damage instead. Overkill hits 4 targets.


Ability reworked

Fire a shard of ice at the target that pierces through enemies hit, dealing 110/165/259 (Attack damage/ Ability power) physical damage, reduced by 10% for each enemy hit. Targets are Sundered for 5 seconds.

Changed to

Fire a piercing shard of ice that Sunders for 5 seconds and deals 110/165/259 (Attack damage/ Ability power) physical damage, reduced by 10% for each enemy hit.

Units – Tier 2


Fire a cannonball at the target, dealing 224/336/523 (Attack damage) physical damage to the first enemy hit. That enemy is knocked back 2 hexes and Stunned if they are within 2 hexes of Tristana.

Damage Attack damage


Damage Ability power


Damage: 336 = 340% Attack damage + 55% Ability power

Fire a cannonball at the target, dealing 227/341/511 (Attack damage) physical damage to the first enemy hit. That enemy is knocked back 2 hexes and Stunned if they are within 2 hexes of Tristana.

Damage Attack damage


Damage Ability power


Damage: 341 = 340% Attack damage + 60% Ability power


Place a bomb on the target, dealing 180/270/420 (Ability power) magic damage and Stunning them for 1.25 seconds. When the stun ends or the target dies, the bomb explodes, dealing 180/270/420 (Ability power) magic damage to the target and 150/225/350 (Ability power) magic damage to adjacent enemies.

Initial Damage: 270 (Ability power)


Primary Explosion Damage: 270 (Ability power)


Secondary Explosion Damage: 225 (Ability power)


Place a bomb on the target, dealing 180/270/405 (Ability power) magic damage and Stunning them for 1.25 seconds. When the stun ends or the target dies, the bomb explodes, dealing 180/270/405 (Ability power) magic damage to the target and 150/225/340 (Ability power) magic damage to adjacent enemies.

Initial Damage: 270 (Ability power)


Primary Explosion Damage: 270 (Ability power)


Secondary Explosion Damage: 225 (Ability power)


Conjure a rift on the target that deals 215/325/500 (Ability power) magic damage and 20% Shreds for 6 seconds. This ability upgrades the more it is cast.

15 Casts: Enemies adjacent to the target are Shredded and take 105/155/240 (Ability power) magic damage.

30+ Casts: For every 30 casts, create an additional rift on a nearby enemy that deals 30% damage.

Shred: Reduce Magic Resist

Primary Target Damage: 325 (Ability power)


Area Damage: 155 (Ability power)


Conjure a rift on the target that deals 220/330/495 (Ability power) magic damage and 20% Shreds for 6 seconds. This ability upgrades the more it is cast.

15 Casts: Enemies adjacent to the target are Shredded and take 110/165/245 (Ability power) magic damage.

30+ Casts: For every 30 casts, create an additional rift on a nearby enemy that deals 30% damage.

Shred: Reduce Magic Resist

Primary Target Damage: 330 (Ability power)


Area Damage: 165 (Ability power)


For 3 seconds, gain 30/30/35% (Ability power) Durability and create a cone of flame that deals 220/330/515 (Ability power) magic damage over the duration and Wounds enemies for 5 seconds.

Wound: Reduce healing received by 33%

Magic Damage: 330 (Ability power)


For 3 seconds, gain 30/30/35% (Ability power) Durability and create a cone of flame that deals 220/330/495 (Ability power) magic damage over the duration and Wounds enemies for 5 seconds.

Wound: Reduce healing received by 33%

Magic Damage: 330 (Ability power)



Dash to the farthest enemy within 3 hexes, dealing 138/206/328 (Attack damage) physical damage to them. The next 3 attacks launch kunai at the target, dealing 104/156/256 (Attack damageAbility power) damage.

Dash Damage: 206 (Attack damage)


Kunai Damage Attack damage


Total Kunai Damage: 156 (Ability power) = 135% Attack damage + 45% Ability power

Dash to the farthest enemy within 3 hexes, dealing 143/215/322 (Attack damage) physical damage to them. The next 3 attacks launch kunai at the target, dealing 107/161/243 (Attack damageAbility power) damage.

Dash Damage: 215 (Attack damage)


Kunai Damage Attack damage


Total Kunai Damage: 161 (Ability power) = 140% Attack damage + 45% Ability power


Ability reworked

Passive: Gain 15% bonus Ability Power from all sources. Active: Fire an orb towards the target dealing 135/200/310 (Ability power) magic damage. After hitting an enemy it returns, dealing 85/125/195 (Ability power) true damage.

Changed to

Fire an orb at the current target dealing 250/375/580 (Ability power) magic damage. Launch X firefoxes at enemies near the target, each dealing 20/30/45 (Ability power) true damage. Gain an additional foxfire this combat.


Ability reworked

For the next 6 seconds, attacks instead deal 95/145/230 (Ability power) magic damage.

Changed to

Empower the next 3 attacks to deal 130/195/305 (Ability power) magic damage.


Ability reworked

Transform into dragon form and gain an aura that deals 58/84/136 (Health/ Ability power) magic damage per second to adjacent enemies. Then fly through the largest group of enemies within 2 hexes and Stun them for 1/1/1.25 seconds. Dragon Upgrade: While in dragon form, heal 1% of max health whenever a Burning enemy is damaged by an attack or ability.

Changed to

Transform into dragon form and gain an aura that deals 63/99/151 (Health/ Ability power) magic damage per second to adjacent enemies. Then fly through the largest group of enemies within 2 hexes and Stun them for 1/1/1.25 seconds.

Dragon Upgrade: Double the size of the aura. It deals 30% more damage.


Deal 110/165/255 (Ability power) magic damage to the target and gain 260/285/310 (Ability power) Shield for 3 seconds. For the rest of combat, attacks deal 30/45/70 (Ability power) bonus stacking magic damage. Stab Damage: 165 (Ability power)


Deal 110/165/245 (Ability power) magic damage to the target and gain 260/285/310 (Ability power) Shield for 3 seconds. For the rest of combat, attacks deal 30/45/70 (Ability power) bonus stacking magic damage.

Stab Damage: 165 (Ability power)



Launches a honey wad through the current target, dealing 154/231/359 (Attack damage) physical damage to enemies hit. Adjacent allies and allies hit by the trail are set abuzz, gaining 20/25/30% (Ability power) Attack Speed for 4 seconds.

Physical Damage: 231 (Attack damage)


Launches a honey wad through the current target, dealing 154/231/347 (Attack damage) physical damage to enemies hit. Adjacent allies and allies hit by the trail are set abuzz, gaining 20/25/30% (Ability power) Attack Speed for 4 seconds. Physical Damage: 231 (Attack damage)



Passive: Shields grant 60% Attack Speed for 3 seconds.

Active: Dash up to 2 hexes away, then deal 180/270/428 (Attack damage) physical damage to enemies in a line through the target. Gain 100/140/180 (Ability power) Shield for 3 seconds.

Damage: 270 = 360% Attack damage


Passive: Shields grant 60% Attack Speed for 3 seconds.

Active: Dash up to 2 hexes away, then deal 180/270/405 (Attack damage) physical damage to enemies in a line through the target. Gain 100/140/180 (Ability power) Shield for 3 seconds.

Damage: 270 = 360% Attack damage

Units – Tier 3


Launch a magic missile at the target that bounces 4 times between enemies dealing 100/150/240 (Ability power) magic damage to enemies hit. They also take 10% more damage for 3 seconds.

Damage: 150 (Ability power)


Launch a magic missile at the target that bounces 4 times between enemies dealing 110/165/255 (Ability power) magic damage to enemies hit. They also take 10% more damage for 3 seconds.

Damage: 165 (Ability power)



Dash to the ideal spot within 3 hexes. Then, fire a blast in a line, dealing 230/330/494 (Attack damageAbility power) damage reduced by 25% for each enemy hit.

Missile Damage Attack damage


Missile Damage Ability power


Missile Damage: 330 = 300% Attack damage + 60% Ability power

Fire a blast in a wide line through the current target, dealing 222/333/506 (Attack damage) physical damage to enemies hit, reduced by 25% for each enemy is passes through. The first enemy hit takes an additional 150/225/335 (Ability power) magic damage.

If an enemy is adjacent, blink to safety before firing.

Missile Damage: 333 (Attack damage)


Bonus Damage: 225 (Ability power)

If an enemy is adjacent, blink to safety before firing.


Ability reworked

Passive: On takedown of the current target, if Hecarim’s next target is out of range, charge to them, dealing 152/228/357 (Attack damage/ Ability power) physical damage. Active: For the next 6 seconds, attacks also cleave adjacent enemies for 87/131/209 (Attack damage) physical damage.

Changed to

Passive: On takedown of the current target, empower the next attack to deal 152/228/357 (Attack damage/ Ability power) physical damage. If the next target is out of range, charge to them. Active: For the next 6 seconds, attacks also cleave adjacent enemies for 87/131/209 (Attack damage) physical damage.


Ability reworked

For 4 seconds, gain 100% decaying Attack Speed and her attacks deal 21/31/48 (Attack damage/ Ability power) bonus true damage. Takedowns refresh this effect for 3 seconds.

Changed to


Teamfight Tactics Patch 14.3 notes: Heartsteel nerfs, item drop changes, Set 3.5 balance & more Gain 140% decaying Attack Speed for 4 seconds. For the duration, attacks fire rockets that deal 91/137/205 (Attack damageAbility power) physical damage and ignore 50% Armor.


Ability reworked

Gain 210/250/300 (Ability power) Shield that decays over 2 seconds and slam the target, dealing 180/270/430 (Ability power) magic damage in a 2-hex line. Gain 10 Ability Power for the rest of combat.

Changed to

Gain 300/350/400 (Ability power) Shield that decays over 2 seconds and slam the target, dealing 180/270/430 (Ability power) magic damage in a 2-hex line. Gain 15% Damage Amp for the rest of combat. Wukong

Ability reworked

Passive: Gain 30% bonus Armor and Magic Resist from all sources. Active: Spin, gaining 380/460/550 (Ability power) Shield for 4 seconds and dealing a total of 121/188/305 (Armor/ Magic resist) physical damage to each adjacent enemy.

Changed to

Combat Start: Gain 40 Armor and Magic Resist. Lose 1 of each every second. Active: Spin, gaining 380/460/550 (Ability power) Shield for 4 seconds and dealing a total of 121/188/305 (Armor/Magic resist) physical damage to each adjacent enemy.


Transform into a Crab for 2 seconds. Over the duration, regain 115 (Health) health and release scuttleblasts at 3 nearby allies and 3 nearby enemies. Allies hit are healed for 75/100/125 (Ability power); enemies hit take 100/150/240 (Ability power) magic damage and are Stunned for 1.25 seconds. Self Heal: 115 (Health) = 15% (Health) + 100

Transform into a Crab for 2 seconds. Over the duration, regain 212 (Health) health and release scuttleblasts at 3 nearby allies and 3 nearby enemies. Allies hit are healed for 75/100/125 (Ability power); enemies hit take 100/150/240 (Ability power) magic damage and are Stunned for 1.25 seconds. Self Heal: 212 (Health) = 12% (Health) + 200


Passive: Gain 3 Ability Power for every Charm you buy.

Active: Deal 240/330/475 (Ability power) magic damage to the target.

Damage: 330 (Ability power)



Passive: Gain 3 Ability Power for every Charm you buy.

Active: Deal 215/300/425 (Ability power) magic damage to the target.

Damage: 300 (Ability power)


Units – Tier 4


Ability reworked

Fire a supernova at the largest clump of enemies within Attack Range plus 1 hexes that deals 239/364/1145 (Attack damage/ Ability power) physical damage to the target and adjacent enemies. It explodes into a cluster of fireballs, each dealing 120/200/916 (Attack damage/ Ability power) physical damage.

Changed to

Fire a supernova at a cluster of enemies within 5 (Range) hexes that deals 239/364/1145 (Attack damage/ Ability power) physical damage to the target and adjacent enemies. It explodes into a cluster of fireballs, dealing 120/200/916 (Attack damage/ Ability power) physical damage to all other enemies within three hexes.


Gain 290/478/1680 (Health) Shield for 3 seconds and shoot 8 feathers in a wide cone, dealing 150/225/1200 (Ability power) magic damage to enemies they hit. Then land, granting allies within 2 hexes a 100/130/1000 (Ability power) Shield for 4 seconds. Shield Amount: 478 = 20% Health + 100% Ability power



60 / 140

Gain 390/578/1680 (Health) Shield for 3 seconds and shoot 8 feathers in a wide cone, dealing 150/225/1200 (Ability power) magic damage to enemies they hit. Then land, granting allies within 2 hexes a 100/130/1000 (Ability power) Shield for 4 seconds. Shield Amount: 578 = 20% Health + 200% Ability power



Passive: Every 4 attacks and when changing targets, leap at the target and deal 120/180/591 (Attack damage) physical damage to the target and adjacent enemies. Active: For the next 5 seconds, gain 90/100/300% Attack Speed, 15% (Ability power) Omnivamp, and crowd control immunity. Slam Damage: 180 (Attack damage)



30 / 80

Passive: Every 4 attacks and when changing targets, leap at the target and deal 135/203/608 (Attack damage) physical damage to the target and adjacent enemies. Active: For the next 5 seconds, gain 90/100/300% Attack Speed, 15% (Ability power) Omnivamp, and crowd control immunity. Slam Damage: 203 (Attack damage)



0 / 50


40 / 120


Passive: Every 1 casts, Gwen gains a Snip! stack. Active: Dash and snip twice plus once for every Snip! stack in a cone. The first and last snip each deal 95/145/430 (Ability power) magic damage and other snips each deal 40/60/180 (Ability power).

Small Snip Base Damage: 60 (Ability power)


Dash to a safe position and snip NaN times in a cone. The first and last snip each deal 95/145/430 (Ability power) magic damage, while snips inbetween deal 45/70/210 (Ability power).

Increase the number of snips this combat by 1.

Small Snip Base Damage: 70 (Ability power)


Units – Tier 5



40 / 120


0 / 90

Norra & Yuumi

Launch a ball at the current target that explodes for 180/270/1000 (Ability power) magic damage, and colors the area for 5/5/15 seconds, dealing 500/750/3000 (Ability power) magic damage over the duration. If the ball lands in an area that is already colored, it will bounce to a new location within 2-hexes before exploding.

Magic Damage: 270 (Ability power)


Launch a ball at the current target that explodes for 190/285/2000 (Ability power) magic damage, and colors the area for 5/5/15 seconds, dealing 500/750/3000 (Ability power) magic damage over the duration. If the ball lands in an area that is already colored, it will bounce to a new location within 2-hexes before exploding.

Magic Damage: 285 (Ability power)



Ability reworked

Passive: Fly around and attack the nearest enemy. Active: Gain 50/50/500% Attack Speed and replace Smolder’s attacks with fireballs that deal 173/268/2486 (Attack damage/ Ability power) physical damage for 6/6/60 seconds. Dragon Upgrade: Each fireball also heals 20/30/200 Health.

Changed to

Passive: Fly around and attack the nearest enemy. Active: Gain 50/50/500% Attack Speed for the next 4/4/30 attacks. These attacks launch fireballs that deal 173/268/2486 (Attack damage/ Ability power) physical damage.

Dragon Upgrade: Next 6/6/99 attacks instead. Fireballs deal 225/348/3232 (Attack damage/ Ability power) physical damage.


Ability reworked

Launch 10/10/99 arcane blasts at random enemies that each deal 220/330/777 (Ability power) damage. Changed to

Launch 10/10/99 arcane blasts randomly split between the closest 5 enemies that each deal 220/330/777 (Ability power) magic damage.



gain Damage Amplification Damage Amp, which increases for 3 seconds after casting their Ability.

(2) 12% Damage Amplification; 25% during burst

(4) 25% Damage Amplification; 50% during burst

(6) 45% Damage Amplification; 90% during burst

Blasters gain Damage Amplification Damage Amp, which increases for 3 seconds after casting their Ability.

(2) 15% Damage Amplification; 30% during burst

(4) 35% Damage Amplification; 60% during burst

(6) 60% Damage Amplification; 100% during burst


Six piece Chrono also grants 80 ability power to your Chrono units


(2) 100 Health, Gain Queen’s Crown that grants 25% Damage Amplification Damage Amp

(4) 400 Health, Crown 40% Damage Amplification

(6) 600 Health, Crown 50% Damage Amplification, Gain Queenguard’s Armor

(9) 850 Health, Crown 75% Damage Amplification, Both items become Radiant

Changed to

(3) 200 Health, Gain Queen’s Crown that grants 30% Damage Amplification Damage Amp

(5) 400 Health, Crown 45% Damage Amplification, Gain Queenguard’s Armor

(7) 600 Health, Crown 55% Damage Amplification, Gain a 2nd Crown

(9) 900 Health, Crown 75% Damage Amplification, Items become Radiant


Trait reworked

Honeymancers gain Bees that deal magic damage to their target every 3 seconds. Each Bee deals 7.5% of the Honeymancer’s damage dealt and 2.5% of their damage taken.

When a Honeymancer dies, leave 1 Bee that follows nearby Honeymancers for the rest of combat.

(3) 3 Bees (5) 6 Bees (7) 9 Bees, 3 Bees survive instead

Changed to

Honeymancers gain 5 Bees that deal magic damage to their target every 3 seconds. Each Bee deals damage based on the damage a Honeymancer deals and takes.

When a Honeymancer dies, they leave 2 Bees that follow nearby Honeymancers for the rest of combat.

(3) 6% of damage dealt, 2% of damage taken

(5) 8% of damage dealt, 4% of damage taken

(7) 12% of damage dealt, 6% of damage taken. Bees deal damage twice as often.


6 Piece hunter AD reduced by 10% but they now gain 40% attack speed


Shapeshifter 8 piece now heals 3% of max HP every 2 seconds


Warrior 4 piece omnivamp and damage amp reduced: 20% >>> 18%

Xerath Arcana

2 Arcana true damage reduced: 3% true damage >>> 2% true damage

3 Arcana true damage reduced: 5% true damage >>> 4% true damage


Sugarcrafters build a layer cake from sugar. Gain sugar for each component your champions are holding after player combat. They gain Attack damage Attack Damage and Ability power Ability Power, increased by 10% for each cake layer. When the cake has reached 7 layers, gain treats instead!

(2) 2 sugar, 20 Attack damageAbility power

(4) 4 sugar, 30 Attack damageAbility power

(6) 6 sugar, 40 Attack damageAbility power, team gains 150 Health

Sugarcrafters build a layer cake from sugar. Gain sugar for each component your champions are holding after player combat. They gain Attack damage Attack Damage and Ability power Ability Power, increased by 10% for each cake layer. When the cake has reached 7 layers, gain treats instead!

(2) 2 sugar, 20 Attack damageAbility power

(4) 4 sugar, 30 Attack damageAbility power

(6) 6 sugar, 35 Attack damageAbility power, team gains 50 Health


Witch Abilities apply a curse to enemies for 4 seconds. When a cursed enemy dies, the curse spreads to the nearest enemy. Cursed enemies become:

(2) smaller, losing 150 Health

(4) AND green, healing the lowest Health Witch for 18% of damage taken

(6) AND frail, taking 25% bonus true damage from Witches

(8) AND a frog, stunned for 2 seconds every 8 seconds. All other curse effects are increased by 40%. Witch Abilities apply a curse to enemies for 4 seconds. When a cursed enemy dies, the curse spreads to the nearest enemy.

Cursed enemies become:

(2) smaller, losing 150 Health

(4) AND green, taking 4% of their max Health as magic damage per second

(6) AND frail, taking 25% bonus true damage from Witches

(8) AND a frog, stunned for 2 seconds every 8 seconds. All other curse effects are increased by 50%.

Tactician’s Crown

Changed from every stat to 10% chance to drop 1 gold when you win combat

Class Emblems added

Several class emblems were added as craftable items, the recipes can be found here


New Augment Shen Herpo

An Upgraded Adventure

After upgrading 4 champions to 3-star, gain a magnificent reward. Gain 4 1-cost champions.

After upgrading 4 champions to 3-star, gain a magnificent reward. Gain 2 1-cost champions.

Arcane Conduit

The High Arcana gains 15% Attack Speed and 6% Health for each unique Arcana champion fielded. Gain an Ahri and a Hecarim. Arcana champions deal 10% bonus damage. If they start combat holding 2 items, they gain a recommended 3rd completed item.

Gain an Ahri and a Hecarim.

At What Cost

Immediately go to level 6. You don't get to choose your future augments.

Immediately go to level 6 and gain 8 XP. You don't get to choose your future augments.

Avenge The Fallen

After 3 allies die, your team gains 20% Attack Damage, 20 Ability Power, 20 Armor, and 20 Magic Resist.

After 3 allies die, your team gains 30% Attack Damage, 30 Ability Power, 30 Armor, and 30 Magic Resist.

Bee-st Friends

Honeymancers gain 1 more Bee. When Bees jump to a new Honeymancer, the Honeymancer gains a 25% max Health Shield. Gain a Blitzcrank and a Kog'Maw.

Honeymancers gain 1 more Bee. When Bees jump to a new Honeymancer, the Honeymancer gains a 10% max Health Shield. Gain a Blitzcrank and a Kog'Maw.

Big Gains

Your units gains 100 bonus Health, and permanently gains 10 Health every 2 takedowns.

Your units gains 100 bonus Health, and permanently gains 20 Health every 2 takedowns.

Called Shot

Set your win streak to +4. Gain 2 gold.

Set your win streak to +4. Gain 4 gold.

Category Five

Gain a Runaan's Hurricane. Your Runaan's Hurricanes shoot 1 extra bolts, each dealing 95% of the original damage.

Gain a Runaan's Hurricane. Your Runaan's Hurricanes shoot 1 extra bolts, each dealing 90% of the original damage.


Pyromancers' attacks deal 3 bonus magic damage for every 3 cinders collected. Gain an Akali and a Shen.

Pyromancers' attacks deal 5 bonus magic damage for every 3 cinders collected. Gain an Akali and a Shen.

Clockwork Accelerator

Your team gains 9% Attack Speed every 3 seconds in combat.

Your team gains 10% Attack Speed every 3 seconds in combat.

Combat Bandages I

The first time each ally unit falls below 60% health, they restore 150-375 health (based on stage) over 2 seconds.

The first time each ally unit falls below 60% health, they restore 130-325 health (based on stage) over 2 seconds.

Combat Bandages II

The first time each ally unit falls below 60% health, they restore 250-600 health (based on stage) over 2 seconds.

The first time each ally unit falls below 60% health, they restore 200-500 health (based on stage) over 2 seconds.

Deja Vu

Gain a Galio. Your strongest Galio has +3 range and gains 15 Mana and 6 Ability Power on each attack. His Ability deals 125% more damage, but no longer stuns or reduces damage.

Gain a Galio. Your strongest Galio has +3 range and gains 15 Mana and 5 Ability Power on each attack. His Ability deals 125% more damage, but no longer stuns or reduces damage.

Deja Vu+

Gain 2 Galios. Your strongest Galio gain +3 Range and gains 15 Mana and 6 Ability Power on each attack. His spell deals 125% increased damage but no longer stuns or reduces damage.

Gain 2 Galios. Your strongest Galio gain +3 Range and gains 15 Mana and 5 Ability Power on each attack. His spell deals 125% increased damage but no longer stuns or reduces damage.

Draconic Mastery

Dragons gain 15% Damage Amp against Burned enemies. Enemies that are Burned deal 12% less damage to Dragons. Gain a Nomsy and a Shyvana.

Dragons gain 10% Health and 18% Attack Speed. After Dragons score 60 champion takedowns, gain a Smolder. Gain a Nomsy and a Shyvana.

Takedowns: 0

Fine Vintage

Completed items left on your bench for 4 rounds transform into Support Anvils.

Completed items left on your bench for 3 rounds transform into Support Anvils.


Gain 1 random emblem. At the start the next 2 Stages, gain a random emblem. Your team gains 10 Health for each emblem they are holding.

Gain 1 random emblem. At the start of every Stage, gain a random emblem. Your team gains 40 Health for each emblem they are holding.

Frosty Frontline

The Frost trait also grants 1 placeable Frost Statue equipped with Eternal Winter that gains health with each Frost trait level. The first time it would die, it instead heal 40% Health over 7 seconds if an ally is alive. Gain a Warwick and a Zilean.

The Frost trait also grants 1 placeable Frost Wolf equipped with a Protector's Vow. The wolf gains 40% Attack Speed and 300 Health per Frost tier. Gain a Warwick and a Zilean.

Good For Something I

Champions that aren't holding items have a 40% to drop 1 gold on death.

Champions that aren't holding items have a 50% to drop 1 gold on death.

Hard Commit

Gain a random emblem. Now and after each Carousel, gain a 1-star champion of that trait with a cost equal to the Stage + 1 (max 5).

Gain a random emblem. Now and after each Carousel, gain a 1-star champion of that trait with a cost equal to the Stage (max 5).

Heroic Grab Bag

Gain 2 Lesser Champion Duplicators and 6 gold. This item allows you to copy a 3-cost or less champion.

Gain 2 Lesser Champion Duplicators and 9 gold. This item allows you to copy a 3-cost or less champion.

High Horsepower

Gain a 2-star Lillia. Your strongest Lillia gains 125% Attack Speed and moves 150% faster. Her Ability deals 275% bonus damage, but only hits 1 target.

Gain a 2-star Lillia. Your strongest Lillia gains 125% Attack Speed and moves 150% faster. Her Ability deals 240% bonus damage, but only hits 1 target.

Item Collector I

Your team gains 20 Health. For each unique item they are holding, your team gains bonus 5 Health, 1 Attack Damage, and 1 Ability Power.

Your team gains 10 Health. For each unique item they are holding, your team gains bonus 2 Health, 1 Attack Damage, and 1 Ability Power.

Item Collector II

Your team gains 40 Health. For each unique item they are holding, your team gains bonus 10 Health, 1.5 Attack Damage, and 1.5 Ability Power.

Your team gains 20 Health. For each unique item they are holding, your team gains bonus 5 Health, 1.5 Attack Damage, and 1.5 Ability Power.

Pandora's Items

Round start: items on your bench are randomized (except Tactician's Crown and Spatula). Gain 1 random component.

Round start: items on your bench are randomized.

Gain 1 random component.

Pandora's Items II

Round start: items on your bench are randomized (excluding Tactician's Crown and Spatula).

Gain 2 random components.

Round start: items on your bench are randomized.

Gain 2 random components.

Pandora's Items III

Round start: items on your bench are randomized (excluding Tactician's Crown and Spatula). Gain 1 random Radiant item.

Round start: items on your bench are randomized.

Gain 1 random Radiant item.

Potions 201

Witch curses last forever. Witch Abilities also curse the nearest uncursed champion. If all champions are cursed, Witches gain 25% Attack Damage and Ability Power. Gain a Poppy and a Cassiopeia.

Witch curses last forever. Witch Abilities also curse the nearest uncursed champion. If all champions are cursed, Witches gain 20% Attack Damage and Ability Power. Gain a Poppy and a Cassiopeia.

Precise Planning

When you win or lose combat by 3 or fewer units, gain 2 gold next round.

When you win or lose combat by 3 or fewer units, gain 3 gold next round

Press The Attack

Your Multistriker's attacks apply a stack on their target for 5 seconds. Every 3rd stack deals true damage equal to 5% of the target's max Health. Gain a Kassadin and an Ashe.

Your Multistriker's attacks apply a stack on their target for 5 seconds. Every 3rd stack deals true damage equal to 4% of the target's max Health. Gain a Kassadin and an Ashe.


Gain 1 item component(s). Every 3 wins gives you an item component.

Gain 2 item component(s). Every 4 wins gives you an item component.

Radiant Refactor

Gain a Masterwork Upgrade and 1 component anvils.

Masterwork Upgrade upgrades an item to Radiant!

Gain a Masterwork Upgrade and 1 component anvil.

Masterwork Upgrade upgrades an item to Radiant!

Rolling For Days I

Gain 9 free Shop rerolls.

Gain 11 free Shop rerolls.

Salvage Bin

Gain 1 random completed item now, and 1 component after 7 player combats. Selling champions breaks completed items into components (excluding Tactician's Crown).

Gain 1 random completed item now, and 1 component after 7 player combats. Selling champions breaks completed items into components (excluding Tactician's items).

Sleight of Hand

Gain a Thief's Gloves. Champions holding this item gain 200 Health and 20% Attack Speed.

Gain a Thief's Gloves. Champions holding this item gain 100 Health and 20% Attack Speed.

Spider Queen

Gain a 2-star Elise. Your strongest Elise's Ability no longer Stuns, but poisons her target and the 2 closest enemies with 130% damage over 3 seconds.

Gain a 2-star Elise. Your strongest Elise's Ability no longer Stuns, but poisons her target and the 2 closest enemies with 90% damage over 4 seconds.

Sweet Tooth

Gain a Nunu. Your strongest Nunu gains 100 Health, 2% Damage Amp per 100 Health, and his heal scales with Health. Whenever his Ability kills an enemy, Nunu permanently gains 35 Health.

Gain a Nunu. Your strongest Nunu gains 100 Health, 2% Damage Amp per 150 Health, and his heal scales with Health. Whenever his Ability kills an enemy, Nunu permanently gains 35 Health.

Sweet Tooth+

Gain 2 Nunus. Your strongest Nunu gains 100 Health and deals 2% bonus damage per 100 Health. Whenever his Ability kills an enemy, Nunu permanently gains 35 Health.

Gain 2 Nunus. Your strongest Nunu gains 100 Health and deals 2% bonus damage per 150 Health. Whenever his Ability kills an enemy, Nunu permanently gains 35 Health.

Trait Tracker

The first time you activate 7 non-unique traits for 1 combat, gain 5 random emblems.

The first time you activate 7 non-unique traits for 1 combat, gain 6 random emblems.

What the Forge

Completed items you own (except Tactician's Crown and Emblems) are transformed into random Artifacts. Champions gain 220 Health per equipped Artifact.

Completed items you own (except Tactician's Crown and Emblems) are transformed into random Artifacts. Champions gain 220 Health per equipped Artifact. Gain 1 Artifact Anvil.

Witchy Wallop

Gain a 2-star Poppy. Your strongest Poppy's Ability no longer Shields, but strikes 3 times, dealing 85% of the original damage. Gain a 2-star Poppy. Your strongest Poppy's Ability no longer Shields, but strikes 3 times, dealing 75% of the original damage.


Spear of Shojin


Attack Damage


Ability Power




Attack Damage


Ability Power



Titan's Resolve

Gain 2% Attack Damage and 1 Ability Power when attacking or taking damage, stacking up to 25 times. At full stacks, gain 20 Armor and 20 Magic Resist.

Gain 2% Attack Damage and 2 Ability Power when attacking or taking damage, stacking up to 25 times. At full stacks, gain 20 Armor and 20 Magic Resist.

Nashor's Tooth

After casting an Ability, gain 35% Attack Speed for 5 seconds.


Attack Speed


Ability Power



After casting an Ability, gain 60% Attack Speed for 5 seconds.


Attack Speed


Ability Power



Adaptive Helm

Combat start: Gain different bonuses based on starting position. Front Two Rows: 40 Armor and Magic Resist. Gain 1 Mana when struck by an attack.

Back Two Rows: 20 Ability Power. Gain 10 Mana every 3 seconds.

Combat start: Gain different bonuses based on starting position.

Front Two Rows: 40 Armor and Magic Resist. Gain 1 Mana when struck by an attack.

Back Two Rows: 15 Ability Power. Gain 10 Mana every 3 seconds.


🟩 Pros ‎Patch

🟢 Wukong RIP

🟢Veigar need Nerf Mage/Honeymancy

🟢 Nerf All Hero Augments

🟢 Olaf have Buff

🟢 Jinx needed nerf

🟢 Briar can be very good we can now stack her

🟢 Nerf Xerath Arcana

🟢 8x Shapeshifter is weaker

🟢 6x Chrono now get AP buffed

🟢 Nerf Op Items

🟢 Sugarcraft were definitely too strong (HP)

🟢 Nice changes Witchcrafts

🟢 Dragons playable

🟢 Rakan/Tahm Kench better tank than Nasus

🟢 Cassiopia is very good but with Spatula Witchcraft or Poppy Hero Augment or with Shapesifter Briar

🟢 Hecarim the good from Raid Boss is now ok, not just a character to be added

🟢 + is that rolls and flex 8/9 are together at the finish line

🟢 Next buffs for Faerie

🟢 Syndra is unplayable

🟢 Next Nerf on Shojin

Good reword skill Xerath

🟥 Cons Patch

🔴 Nomsy rework WTF

🔴 Cassiopeia rework WTF

🔴 New Hero0 Augment Shen

🔴 No Buff needed for Norra

🔴 Smoldere still broken

🔴 Why Change Gwen

🔴 Why Chnage Ezreal on front?

🔴 Most of Artifact is crap

🔴 Legendary Board still has nothing to say

🔴 Clockwork Accelerator OP?

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Updated 6mo ago

🟡Patch Notes 14.18 Teamfight Tactics🟡

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