🟡Patch Notes 14.20 Teamfight Tactics🟡


BPATCH 14.20

PATCH 14.20




Every 4 seconds, heal the attached ally for 150/225/3000 Health and grant them either 3/5/200 Ability Power or 4/6/200% Attack Damage based on their role, doubled if she heals them over full Health. She grants Ability Power to champions with a "Magic" role and Attack Damage to champions with an "Attack" role.

Heal: 150%/225%/3000%

Ability Power: 3/5/200

Attack Damage: 4%/6%/200%

Every 4 seconds, heal the attached ally for 120/240/3000 Health and grant them either 3/6/200 Ability Power or 3/6/200% Attack Damage based on their role, doubled if she heals them over full Health. She grants Ability Power to champions with a "Magic" role and Attack Damage to champions with an "Attack" role.

Heal: 120%/240%/3000%

Ability Power: 3/6/200

Attack Damage: 3%/6%/200%



50/100 → 50/90


Gain 298/401/566 Shield for 6 seconds.

Honey Barrier

Gain 298/401/566 Shield for 4 seconds.


Heal: 160%/190%/230% → 190%/220%/250%


Total Damage: 425%/425%/475% → 450%/450%/500%


Healing: 220%/260%/320% → 250%/290%/330%



46/69/104 → 48/72/108


Gain 275/300/325 Shield for 3 seconds. Then, wallop the target for 238/356/534 physical damage.

Gain 275/300/325 Shield for 4 seconds. Then, wallop the target for 238/356/534 physical damage.


Fires a soundwave towards the longest line of enemies that deals 240/360/540 magic damage, reduced by 35% for each enemy hit.

Fires a soundwave towards the longest line of enemies that deals 240/360/540 magic damage, reduced by 30% for each enemy hit.


Fire a piercing shard of ice that Sunders for 5 seconds and deals 110/165/259 physical damage, reduced by 10% for each enemy hit.

Sunder: Reduce Armor

Fire a piercing shard of ice that Sunders for 5 seconds and deals 110/165/259 physical damage, reduced by 20% for each enemy hit.

Sunder: Reduce Armor


Bonus Damage: 60%/60%/65% → 60%/60%/60%

Heal: 15%/20%/30% → 18%/20%/30%


Damage: 125%/190%/285% → 135%/205%/305%


Orb Damage: 200%/300%/460% → 220%/330%/500%



10/70 → 0/60


Flat Damage Reduction: 20/25/30 → 25/30/40



55/83/124 → 53/80/119


15/75 → 20/70

Physical Damage: 280%/280%/280% → 300%/300%/300%


Passive: Shields grant 60% Attack Speed for 3 seconds.

Active: Dash up to 2 hexes away, then deal 180/270/428 physical damage to enemies in a line through the target. Gain 100/140/180 Shield for 3 seconds.

Passive: Shields grant 60% Attack Speed for 4 seconds.

Active: Dash up to 2 hexes away, then deal 180/270/428 physical damage to enemies in a line through the target. Gain 100/140/180 Shield for 4 seconds.


Durability: 30%/30%/35% → 35%/35%/35%


Primary Target Damage: 230%/345%/520% → 250%/375%/565%

Area Damage: 115%/170%/260% → 125%/185%/280%



60/90/135 → 55/83/124

Cleave Damage: 125%/125%/130% → 130%/130%/135%


Bolt Damage: 130%/200%/320% → 150%/225%/350%



50/75/113 → 52/78/117


Gain 300/350/400 Shield that decays over 2 seconds and slam the target, dealing 180/270/430 magic damage in a 2-hex line. Gain 12% Damage Amp for the rest of combat.

Shield Amount: 300%/350%/400%

Gain 350/400/450 Shield that decays over 3 seconds and slam the target, dealing 180/270/430 magic damage in a 2-hex line. Gain 10% Damage Amp for the rest of combat.

Shield Amount: 350%/400%/450%



50/125 → 40/110


Gain 35/40/50 Durability for 3 seconds. Create 3 volcanic ruptures under the closest enemies which Stun for 1.5 seconds and deal 120/180/300 magic damage. Subsequent ruptures on the same enemy are 50% effective.

Gain 35/40/50 Durability for 4 seconds. Create 3 volcanic ruptures under the closest enemies which Stun for 1.5 seconds and deal 120/180/300 magic damage. Subsequent ruptures on the same enemy are 50% effective.


Damage: 240/330/475 → 260/340/460


Shield: 380%/430%/480% → 420%/450%/480%


Shield Amount: 380%/460%/550% → 380%/480%/580%


Snip Base Damage: 95%/145%/430% → 90%/135%/430%


Passive: Attacks embed a spear in her target. Every 3/3/1 attacks, also embed spears into 2/2/3 nearby enemies.

Active: Deal 27/43/170 physical damage to each enemy for each of their embedded spears.

Passive: Attacks embed a spear in her target. Every 3/3/1 attacks, also embed spears into 2/2/3 nearby enemies.

Active: Deal 27/43/170 physical damage to each enemy for each of their embedded spears. If there is a safe position nearby, leap to it.


Steal 300/480/5000 Health split between the nearest 3/4/10 enemies. Each cast after heals 250/300/900 Health and deals 165/297/535 physical damage to the target instead.

Health Steal: 300/480/5000

Steal 350/500/5000 Health split between the nearest 3/4/10 enemies. Each cast after heals 250/300/900 Health and deals 165/297/535 physical damage to the target instead.

Health Steal: 350/500/5000



55/83/124 → 52/78/117


Hookshot and Ability Damage: 165%/165%/800% → 180%/180%/800%


Magic Damage: 333%/500%/1000% → 333%/555%/1000%



50 → 65

Magic ResistMagic Resist:

50 → 65



Your team gains 10 Armor and Magic Resist.

Bastions gain more, and the value doubles in the first 10 seconds of combat.

(4) 40 → 45 ArmorMR

(6) 75 → 100 ArmorMR

(8) 140 → 200 ArmorMR and 2 champions starting combat in the back 2 rows are invulnerable until 4 Bastions die


When your team loses 20% of their Health, an Old God awakens. It gains 25% Health and 12 → 10% Ability Power for each Eldritch star level.


Faeries gain Health and create special items that become stronger with trait tiers.

Only Faeries can hold Faerie items.

(3) 200 → 150 HP, Gain Queen's Crown that grants 30% Damage Amp Damage Amp

(5) 400 → 350 HP, Crown 45% Damage Amp, Gain Queenguard's Armor

(7) 600 → 650 HP, Crown 50 → 55% Damage Amp, Gain a 2nd Crown

(9) 900 HP, Crown 60 → 66% Damage Amp, Items become Radiant


Honeymancers gain 5 Bees that deal magic damage to their target every 3/3/1.5 seconds. Each Bee deals damage based on the damage a Honeymancer deals and takes.

When a Honeymancer dies, they leave 2 Bees that follow nearby Honeymancers for the rest of combat.

(5) 8 → 9% of damage dealt, 4% of damage taken


Hunters gain Attack Damage, increased the first time they get a takedown each combat.

(4) 40 → 45% AD, 70 → 75% after takedown


Mages cast their Abilities twice and have modified total Ability Power.

(3) 75 → 85% AP

(5) 90 → 100% AP

(7) 110 → 125% AP


Multistrikers' attacks have a chance to trigger 2 extra attacks.

(3) 30 → 25% chance


Your team heals for a percent of their max Health every 3 seconds. If they're full Health, restore Mana instead.

Preservers gain double the amount.

(3) 4 → 3.5% HP or 5 → 4.5% Mana

(4) 6 → 5% HP or 7 → 6% Mana

(5) 9 → 7.5% HP or 11 → 9% Mana


Your team gains 3% Attack Speed. Pyro champions gain more and execute enemies under 10/10/10/15% Health.

For each kill, Pyro champions create an infernal cinder that you collect the next round. For every 5 cinders you collect, your team gains 2% more .

(2) 10 → 5% AS


(1) Briar gains Damage Amp 0.8 → 0.7% Damage Amp for each player health you are missing. Each round, gain a Light Snack to give her 180 HP in exchange for 3 of your player health.


Scholars gain bonus Mana on attack and Ability Power.

(4) 5 Mana per attack, 15 → 20 AP


Shapeshifters gain max Health. After their first Ability cast, they triple this effect.

(4) 16 → 18% HP

(6) 24 → 27% HP

(8) 30 → 33% HP, and heal 3% HP every 2 seconds


Sugarcrafters build a layer cake from sugar. Gain sugar for each component your champions are holding after player combat.

They gain Attack Damage and Ability Power, increased by 10% for each cake layer. When the cake has reached 7 layers, gain treats instead!

(2) 2 → 3 sugar, 20 → 22 ADAP

(4) 4 sugar, 30 → 33 ADAP

(6) 6 sugar, 35 → 36 ADAP, team gains 100 HP


Vanguards gain 10/10/15 → 10/10/20% Durability while Shielded.

Combat start and at 50% Health: Gain a Shield for a percent of max Health for 10 seconds.

(4) 30 → 35% max Health


Warriors gain Omnivamp and Damage Amp. When Warriors drop below 70% health, they gain double .

(6) 25% Omnivamp, 25% Damage Amp, also gain 20 → 15% pbePatchNote.augment.stat.damagereduction Durability


Witch Abilities apply a curse to enemies for 4 seconds. When a cursed enemy dies, the curse spreads to the nearest enemy.

Cursed enemies become:

(2) smaller, losing 150 → 120 HP

(4) AND green, taking 4 → 6% of their max Health as magic damage per second


Blue Buff

When the holder gets a takedown, they deal 8 → 5% more damage for 8 seconds.

Bramble Vest

Armor: +55 → +65


Combat start: Gain a 25% max Health Shield for 8 seconds.

When the shield expires, gain 35 → 25 Ability Power.

Dragon's Claw

MR: +65 → +75

Eternal Monarch's Crown

After dealing damage 12 times, gain 60 → 66% for the rest of combat.

Queenguard's Armor

Gain 25 → 20% increased healing and shielding. Heal for 12 → 5% of the Queen's damage dealt.


Health: +250 → +400


Precise Planning

When you win or lose combat by 3 → 4 or fewer units, gain 3 → 2 gold next round.

Risky Moves

Your Tactician loses 20 Health, but after 7 player combats, gain 33 → 30 gold.

Avenge The Fallen

After 3 allies die, your team gains 30 → 28% Attack Damage, 30 → 28 Ability Power, 30 → 28 Armor, and 30 → 28 Magic Resist.

Blaster Crest

Gain an Blaster emblem and a Tristana.

Gain an Blaster emblem.

Chrono Crest

Gain a Chrono emblem and a Zilean.

Gain a Chrono emblem.

Faerie Crest

Gain a Faerie emblem and a Tristana.

Gain a Faerie emblem.

Frost Crest

Gain a Frost emblem and a Zilean.

Gain a Frost emblem.

Honeymancy Crest

Gain a Honeymancy emblem and a Nunu.

Gain a Honeymancy emblem.

Multistriker Crest

Gain a Multistriker emblem and a Kassadin.

Gain a Multistriker emblem.

Portal Crest

Gain a Portal emblem and a Kassadin.

Gain a Portal emblem.


Gain 2 item component(s). Every 4 → 5 wins gives you an item component.

Pyro Crest

Gain a Pyro emblem and an Akali.

Gain a Pyro emblem.

School Mascot

The Eldritch summon is holding beneficial items. The summon gains bonus 10% Health and 30 Ability Power. Gain an Elise and a Syndra.

The Eldritch summon holds a beneficial item. The summon gains bonus 10% Health and 10 Ability Power. Gain an Elise and a Syndra.

Unleash The Beast

Gain a Sterak's Gage. When its effect triggers, the holder gains 45 → 35% Attack Speed for the rest of combat and immunity to crowd control for 10 seconds.

Witchcraft Crest

Gain a Witchcraft emblem and a Cassiopeia.

Gain a Witchcraft emblem.

Worth the Wait

Gain a random 1-cost champion. After 1 rounds, gain another copy of them at the start of each round for the rest of the game.

Champion: ?

Gain a random two-star 1-cost champion. After 1 rounds, gain another copy of them at the start of each round for the rest of the game.

Champion: ?

Support Golem I


Blaster Crown

Gain an Blaster emblem, a Spear Of Shojin, and an Ezreal.

Gain an Blaster emblem, a Tear of the Goddess, and an Ezreal.

Blossoming Lotus II

Your team's Abilities can critically strike. Every 3 seconds, your team gains 12 → 15% Critical Strike Chance.

Chrono Crown

Gain a Chrono emblem, an Archangel's Staff, and a Zilean.

Gain a Chrono emblem, a Needlessly Large Rod, and a Zilean.

Frost Crown

Gain a Frost Emblem, a Protector's Vow, and a Swain.

Gain a Frost Emblem, a Chain Vest, and a Zilean.

Hard Commit

Gain a random emblem. Now and after each Carousel, gain a 1-star champion of that trait with a cost equal to the Stage (max 5).

Gain a random emblem. Now and and at the start of each stage, gain a 1-star champion of that trait with a cost equal to the Stage (max 5).

Honeymancy Crown

Gain a Honeymancy emblem, a Gargoyle Stoneplate, and a Nunu.

Gain a Honeymancy emblem, a Chain Vest, and a Nunu.

Living Forge

Gain an Artifact anvil now and after every 8 → 9 player combats.

Multistriker Crown

Gain a Multistriker emblem, a Quicksilver, and a Kassadin.

Gain a Multistriker emblem, a Sparring Gloves, and a Kassadin.

Portal Crown

Gain a Portal emblem, a Spear of Shojin, and a Kassadin.

Gain a Portal emblem, a Tear of the Goddess, and a Kassadin.

Pyro Crown

Gain a Pyro emblem, a Infinity Edge, and an Akali.

Gain a Pyro emblem, a BF Sword, and an Akali.

Support Golem II

Gain 1 Golem that fights for your team, holding 2 → 1 permanently attached Support item(s).

Tiniest Titan+

Gain 8 → 15 gold now.

Upward Mobility

Buying XP costs 1 less. Gain 3 → 2 Health and 2 free rerolls whenever you level up.

What the Forge

Completed items you own (except Tactician's Crown and Emblems) are transformed into random Artifacts. Champions gain 110 Health per equipped Artifact. Gain 1 Artifact Anvil.

Completed items you own (except Tactician's Items and Emblems) are transformed into random Artifacts. Champions gain 60 Health per equipped Artifact. Gain 1 Artifact Anvil.

Worth the Wait II

Gain a random 2-cost champion. Gain another copy at the start of each round for the next 8 rounds.

Champion: ?

Gain a random 2-cost champion. Gain another copy of them at the start of each round for the rest of the game.

Champion: ?


Let 'Em Cook

Start with a Spatula and a Frying Pan.

Start with a Spatula and a Frying Pan. Reforgers wont drop.




6 → 5

Golden Armor

[New] Your team gains 50 for every 10 gold you have for 1 round.


Scope Expansion

[New] Champions in your back 2 rows gain 2 Attack Range for 1 round.


Combat Mastery

[New] Next combat: Gain 1 XP for each enemy your team kills.




2 → 0

The Chariot


3 → 2

The Moon


2 → 4

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