This composition revolves around the Porcelain and Warden traits that synergizes excellent, with this composition we will have an unkillable Amumu and with Ashe melting boards you will have some serious solid chances to claim the top 1 spot.

Snipers will be part of our core composition, so starting with a Sniper item holder fits just perfect, if you can get your hands in an Aphelios early that's great, if not, Senna works just fine until you get an Aphelios/Ashe.
As for our frontline, with Aatrox and Riven we can get Bruiser and Ghostly. Jax completes this early board perfectly by activating Inkshadow basically granting yourself and extra item for the early game; just keep in mind to not put items in him because he is our Sett placeholder.

At level 7 we want to keep adding Warden units and activate the Porcelain trait with a Lux.
Before we go to level 8/9 we want to have at least a 2★ Amumu to have a strong frontline, hitting an Aphelios 2★ is not that important as we will replace him when we get an Ashe.
LATE GAME (no legendaries)

When you get to level 8 you will want to slowroll a bit to hit the juicy 2★ Ashe and the rest of your core units, you will see that a core unit much needed by the Porcelain trait is Lissandra, so if you can't hit her at level 8, just go to 9 and slowroll there, as your 9th unit add any umbral unit (Alune does wonders by buffing Ashe atk speed).
- For your extra items Sett > Lissandra
- Amumu 3★ is unkillable here, but he works just fine as 2★, so don't waste gold slowrolling to hit if you don't have Sett and Lissandra, just buy any copies of him that pops naturally in your shop