[Set 10] Everything you need to know about EDM

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The Basics

EDM can be hard to understand if you're just starting out with Set 10, which is why this Guide will cover this trait in detail, so you will find success once the Set goes live!

EDM has a total of 4 units with Jax (T2), Lux (T3), Zed (T4) and Zac (T4). The trait activates if you field at least two of these units, which grants you an item on your item bench: The EDM Selector. You can use this item as many times as you want.

The EDM Selector works somewhat similar to the Dragonmancer Blessing in Set 7. You can use the item on any of your EDM units to receive a special effect during combat. Once combat starts, depending on which unit was sampled, your strongest EDM units on your board will periodically transform into the sampled unit. When they transform they receive full mana and therefore cast their ability right away. Afterwards they transform back, return to their original position and also continue with the same amount of mana they had before they transformed.


Maximum 4 units can transform

To prevent players from simply filling up their entire board with EDM units, Riot had to include a few rules to balance the trait. The most important rule is that only the strongest of each EDM type can transform. So only one specific Jax, Lux, Zac and Zed on your board will benefit from the trait.

For example if you use the EDM Selector on Zac and you are running two Lux, then the one that has items is considered the strongest and will transform into Zac. The second Lux will not transform.

This still holds true if one of your duplicate unit dies in combat. If you run two Jax and your strongest Jax is taken out, the other Jax will NOT take over. At the start of combat the game will decide your 4 strongest EDM units and only they are capable of transforming.

There is also no EDM Emblem in the game, so you will always be limited to one of each of the four EDM units in the game.

Double Cast / Single Cast

An interesting interaction that can occur when playing EDM is that your units are capable of casting twice in a row. When a unit transforms, they are granted full mana so they will cast their ability immediately.

Let's say you sample a Lux and she reached 70 out of 75 mana during combat. If the EDM transformation procs at exactly that moment, then she will receive full mana and cast the initial Laser. Afterwards she returns to her original form where she still has 70 mana from before. So now she only needs to do one attack to receive the missing mana and she will cast again.

Unfortunately it is possible for a unit to NOT transform, because they are already in the middle of their own animation. We can take the previous Lux example again, except this time she hits exactly 75 mana when EDM procs. Since she started the cast on her own ability, she ends up ignoring the mana gain and won't fire second Laser.

EDM timers can differ depending on which unit you sampled and deep you went into the trait, so keep an eye out if a unit constantly misses out on the transformation and fix it with different positioning or mana items.


Damage Calculation

One of the more complicated parts of the EDM trait is to understand how the damage is calculated when a unit transform. Riot has recently done some changes on the PBE to simplify the interaction. This is what you need to remember:

  1. If you use the EDM Selector on a unit, then the BASE damage of that unit is copied. You use the EDM Selector on Lux*2, who has 330 base damage. If Jax3, Zed2 and Zac1 transform, they will all fire a laser for 330 damage.

  2. Items on a unit will only improve their own ability: This time you use the EDM Selector on Lux*2, who has a Rabadon's Deathcap (60 Ability Power). If Lux fires a Laser, she will deal 528 damage. If other units like Jax, Zed or Zac transform into Lux, they will still only deal 330 damage, because they don't profit of the bonus AP on Lux.

  3. Units can amplify the ability with their own items Here you use the EDM Selector on a Lux*2 with no items. You have have a Zed2 with a Giant Slayer. If Zed transform into Lux and fires a Laser into a high HP unit, then Giant Slayer will increase the damage of Zed firing a laser.

  4. Spell Crit is indiviudal for each unit If Lux has Spell Crit from her Headliner bonus or if she has a Jeweled Gauntlet, then only she herself can critically strike. Other EDM units would require items like Infinity Edge or Jeweled Gauntlet to critically strike after they transform. This also means that the Augment Jeweled Lotus is one of the best Augments you can receive when playing EDM.


Jax Transformation

One way you can utilize EDM is to reroll for Jax*3 and use the Selector on him. In this comp you will often run multiple Mosher and put less emphasis on your other EDM units. It can be still useful to run Lux/Zac in your setup and have them transform into Jax. Jax his ability makes him jump to the highest HP unit within a 2 Hex Range, deal magic damage to that unit and then spin around him for more some Aoe damage.

Something work noting is that ranged units like Lux who are standing in the last row will end up jumping to the front row. After copying Jax she will jump back to her original position.

Lux Transformation

Arguably the strongest way to play EDM is to roll for Lux*3 in combination with the Jeweled Lotus Augment. This way you sample the base damage from 3 Star Lux and every unit that transform will have Spell Crit to enhance the damage further.


Zac Transformation

Sampling Zac can be a good way to add utility to your team, since his ability will stun every unit hit for a short amount of time. In this setup you don't have to go deep into the EDM trait and simply run 2 or 3 units and have all of them transform into Zac for crowd control.

If you ever reach Zac 3 Star, then you should always use the EDM selector on him. He has 1200 base damage, which is copied by every single EDM unit effectively granting you a free win.


Zed Corner

While it is possible to give Zed AD items and have all of your own EDM units transform into him, this is usually not very effective. Since Jax, Lux and Zac are AP units, they won't have any AD items to deal meaningful damage with their Zed ability.

A better strategy you can use is to corner Zed in the bottom right part of the map and bodyblock him with two ranged units so he can't move. Now he is safe even as a 1 Star and will periodically transform into your sampled Unit, which will be much more useful than have him run to the frontline, where he is likely taken out quickly.


Final Tips

Finally, here are some additional tips you might want to remember:

  • If you upgrade an EDM unit that was sampled, then the unit will often lose the effect from the EDM Selector. This can be easily fixed by using the EDM Selector again, but it's something you should watch out for, as it can potentially ruin you a fight.

  • It doesn't matter if your sampled unit dies, your units can still transform during the entire fight.

  • If you run an EDM unit like Jax twice, then you can put the weaker Jax towards the front line and the stronger one in the second/third row. You want to protect the one that is capable of transforming and the weaker one dying won't matter as much.

  • If you hover over the EDM Selector you can see how many seconds it takes for your units to transform. This information will always be accurate, since the timers will change based on your board.

Best of luck with the EDM trait, while everything sounds complicated, it's a ton of fun to play once you figure it out!

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