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In Set 11 there is only one type of Encounter that will collect all players and move them to the Carousel for an announcement. Some of them add flavor to the game with Sett working out and others will shuffle around Augments, but two of these Encounters stand out from the rest.

  • Tahm Kench (Stage 1-6): Stand in puddles to catch fish for Tahm Kench. The more fish he eats, the more loot everyone gets!
  • Kobuko (Stage 1-6): Kobuko invites you to dance with him! The more players join in, the better the reward.

Both of these Encounters have an actual Loot Table that changes based on player participation. When the timer hits 7 seconds they will distribute Loot orbs to each player board and it is possible to open up the orb early. This can be useful if they contain gold, since this can help you to reach a higher threshold for gold interest.

Tahm Kench Loot Table

0 Fish

  • Boot (100%)

1-6 Fish

  • 5 Gold + Magnetic Remover (50%)
  • 5 Gold + Reforger (50%)

7-12 Fish

  • Random Component (45%)
  • 8 Gold (45%)
  • Spatula (10%)

13-20 Fish

  • 2x Random Component (45%)
  • Random Component + 10 Gold (45%)
  • Masterwork Upgrade (10%)

21-35 Fish

  • 3x Component Anvils (30%)
  • Artifact Anvil (30%)
  • 25 Gold (30%)
  • Champion Duplicator + 10 Gold (10%)

36+ Fish (Borderline Impossible)

  • 50 Gold (30%)
  • Tome of Traits (30%)
  • 1 of every Component (30%)
  • 2x Tactician's Crown (10%)

Kobuko Loot Table

  • 1 Player: 2 Gold
  • 2 Players: 4 Gold
  • 3 Players: 2 Gold + Random Component
  • 4 Players: 2 Gold + Component Anvil
  • 5 Players: 2 Gold + 2x Random Component
  • 6 Players: 2 Gold + Random Component + Component Anvil
  • 7 Players: 2 Gold + 2x Component Anvil
  • 8 Players: 3x Component Anvil (95%)
  • 8 Players: 2x Tactician's Crown + 2x Component Anvil (5%)

Why your Loot orb doesn't open early

What you have to understand is that the game will spawn each player at the bottom of the carousel, to make it easier for players to navigate around. To achieve this, the game uses different Camera Angle based on your spawn position.

If you spawn in the bottom left and walk to the bottom left in the carousel, you won't be able to open up the Orb, because you might be going into the opposite direction. The forced perspective gives a wrong impression on where you are walking.

Method 1 - Open your Loot orb early by using Pings

There are two different ways to confirm which direction you have to walk, based on your starting position in the carousel. The first method utilizes pings in the carousel. Repeat the following steps:

  • Remember your position on the board before the Encounter starts
  • Ping the different spawn positions in the carousel
  • Check where the ping appears on your minimap in the bottom right corner
  • Walk to the spawn position where the ping matches with your board from step 1

Method 2 - Determine position with board placement

If you're playing on a plattform that doesn't allow for pings, there is another method you can use to determine the correct position. Again the first step is to remember your position on the minimap in the bottom right. Next you need to check your current position in the lobby. Take the corresponding picture and walk to the spawn point that matches your board position in your Lobby.

Example 1: If your board is in the top right of the minimap and you are currently in first place in your Lobby, you have to use the first picture and walk to the portal that says "top middle". The orb flying towards this spawn point is your Orb will open up early.

Final Advice

You can see in the interface if a potential Kobuko/Tahm Encounter is coming, because they will take up an extra round. Just check your Interface at the start of each Stage and look for any additional rounds created by Encounters. This gives you time to prepare in advance.

While this method should work most of the time, the game will sometimes give you a mirror of your position, because of a Tiebreaker. If you're using the picture method, you should always check the branches and stones at the bottom left of the carousel and confirm you have the correct picture as the placement is not 100% reliable.

If you have Kobuko/Tahm Kench in Stage 1-1 as your first Encounter each player is already assigned to the correct position. You can simply return to the bottom middle of your screen where you spawned and it should open the loot orb early.

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Updated 9mo ago


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