Augment modified with Set 13: You need to activate 8 traits to proc the augment, but you receive 6 random emblems. Except in specific cases (perfect board/emblems or 4-cost units at level 7), you'll typically activate the augment around 4-1/4-2.
The Best Champions to Activate the Augment:

Boards lvl 7

S+ tier : Lvl 7 fast proc

S+ tier : lvl 7 (variation urgot + tristana)

The base of the board is GP/DRAVEN/NAMI + TRUNDLE/SWAIN. To this core, you add a Bruiser with a synergy. The three options are:
- STEB + Enforcer
- SETT + Rebel
- Nunu + Visionary
Board lvl 8 : Black rose

Black rose, proc lvl 8 (no elise)

Base Black rose, proc lvl 8 (elise)

The base of the board here is: SWAIN, VLAD, NUNU + MORGANA, CASSIO. Then, you adjust the board depending on whether you have Elise or not, with Darius being the cornerstone
Scrap Base

board lvl 8 Scrap Base

The base is very similar to the board at level 7, but level 8 simply provides more flexibility in terms of units. This section mainly highlights the strength of playing 6 Scrap after Trait Tracker, especially if you have a Rumble and/or a Scrap spatula from the loot. With 6 emblems, you gain a shield of +720 (6*12) on your Scrap units.
Academy/visionary base

lvl 8 (no Heimerdinger) = SWAIN/GP + Urgot

lvl 8 (Heimerdinger) = SWAIN & GP + scrap

The base of the board here is RELL, LEONA & LUX, EZREAL. Then, you adjust depending on whether you have HEIMER or not. Keep in mind to always have SWAIN + GP on the bench to easily proc Trait Tracker.
Sniper & Twitch/Mundo Base

Twitch Base (cut 4 sniper to proc Trait tracker)

Sniper Mundo base

First Board: The most complicated base to set up, as it relies on having all your 4-cost units: ELISE + MUNDO + TWITCH. The idea is to swap in SWAIN + NAMI instead of the 4 Snipers and adjust your board based on your cash.
Second Board: Easier to set up but depends on getting a MUNDO quickly at level 8.
Board 3 : Low cost NO 4 COST, sniper base

Easier to set up board with a Sniper base: MADDIE + KOG/AMUMU or ZERI/SCAR.
Board 4 : sniper & Bruiser+Watcher base