Board Presentation

How to play
This comp need high cost units, so you want to rush level 8 with a strong economy. Focus XP or Gold value augment. For the early game play the standar Visionary/sentinel comp with Rell as tank item holder and Renata/Vex as Carry item holder. At level 8 you need to activate Visionary 6 as soon as possible, I realy recomend you to push level 9 to find all your Legendary. If you have a Visionary Emblem replace Renata for Leona (to activate Sentinel and Academy) and use Jayce as hold for Visionary Emblem.
Anomaly Target : Heimerdinger (Magic Expert/Nothing Waste) or Jayce (Power absorbtion/Attack Expert)
Priority of items : Heimerdinger } Elise } Jayce } Malzahar } Leblanc
Base early comp

Additional tips
Positioning Tips : If you cannot have the Gargoil on Elise play your other front line champ in each side of Elise Academy Items : If you activate Academy use AP Item on Heimer / Tank on Elise / AD on Jayce
I hope this guide can help you to progress and win more game. You can like this guide to support me, comment for the next composition you would like to see.