Best board possible at lvl 8

Example of a powerful board at lvl 7
This comp requires you to have at least 3 3-star champion to upgrade Kled into a 4 star champion thanks to Yordle.
Yordle: Your units gain 10% Attack Speed per star level.If you have three 3-star champions, your Yordles can become 4-star, which gives their Ability a wacky upgrade!
Also make sure not to give more than 2 items to Poppy so she can get a Radiant item from Demacia.
Demacia: Your strongest Demacians become Elite and equip a random Radiant item each combat.
This comp requires you to slow roll your units during the early game to get your 3 star units, more details below!
VLADIMIR: the first augment allows your team to be stronger based on the amount of HP you lost. Since, most of the time, you will lose a lot oh HP during the early game due to a slow roll strategy, you will greatly profit from Vladimir's augments.
A Cut Above: Gain a Deathblade. Champions holding Deathblade have a 50% chance to drop 1 gold on kill.
Battle Ready: Your team deals more damage and takes less damage.
Blood Price: Your team gains Attack Speed for each 10 Tactician Health missing.
Healing Orbs: When an enemy dies, the nearest allied unit is healed
Think Fast
EARLY GAME (Board lvl 5)

During the 2nd stage you will apply a loss streak strategy, meaning you will try to lose every fight to start accumulating a lot of gold from the loss streak. You should never buy any exp during this stage and you should only buy units that will fit your board very soon (Poppy, Teemo, Kled, Kayle and Sona). Thanks to these tips, you should be able to be lvl 4 with more than 50 gold at the end of Stage 2. At stage 3-1, you will have to roll to abuse the high odds on the 1 cost champion to find as many poppy and Kayle as possible (while buying all the Kled you find). However, do no go below 30 gold.
- Lose stage 2 on purpose (all 5 fights against players)
- Buy only what's necessary and prioritize gold interest
- Reach lvl 4 with 50g at the end of the stage
- Roll down to 30 gold at stage 3-1 to find as many Poppu, Kayle and Kled as possible
MID GAME (Board lvl 6)

During Stage 3, you will have to slow roll for your 3 star champions. It's extremely to have Poppy 3, Kled 3 and another 3 star champion to activate Yordle and transform your Kled into a 4 star champion. Usually we play with Kayle 3 but Teemo 3 can also do the job (more costly though). At stage 3-2 you will naturally level up to lvl 5, from this point you want to get back your gold to 50 as fast as possible and then slow roll.
Slow Roll: When a player has 50g and use the extra gold every turn, without going under 50g, to refresh the shops and buy key units to make 3 star champions.
Once you get your 3 star Poppy and 3 star Kayle, you usually push lvl 6 to add another slayer (like Zed) and slowroll again for Kled.
The odds at lvl 4 and 5 are in favor to find many 1 cost unit (such as Poppy and Kayle) but the odds at lvl 6 are more in favor to find 2 cost units such as Kled and Zed
- Get back to 50g
- Slow roll until you find Poppy 3 and Kayle 3 (buy every Kled you find)
- Push lvl 6
- Slow roll for Kled 3
Once you found Kled 3, that is transformed to Kled 4, then you should be very, VERY strong.
From this point, the game is pretty easy: find a Quicksilver for Kled so he can freely fight, add Slayers one by one (Gwen at lvl 7 and Aatrox lvl 8). Put all your remaining items on Gwen if they are offensive or Aatrox if they are defensive.