Playing around Sugarcraft
With Jinx and Gwen receiving buffs, now they are good units to play around. There's no need for an Emblem, though if you get one, you can play 6 Sugarcraft and adding your last Preserver at 9.
We'll focus on Item > Emblem > Leveling augments. Since Sugarcraft scales with items and components, there's no need to find a good combat augment, which sometimes can be difficult. Also having so much items early on can make us winstreak throughout stage 2 and even stage 3. Allowing us to get safely to level 8.
Slam whatever items you get, to start stacking layers early on. Prioritize Shiv for Soraka/Bard and antiheal. Then start working on your items for Gwen and don't wait for BIS.
- If you get Adaptive, use it instead of blue
- Gunblade instead of BT
- Arcangel's insted of JG
- And so on...
Play 4 sugar ASAP
Item prio: Shiv > Gwen > Antiheal > Fiora > Leftover tank items for whichever 2-star unit you hit first (Rakan/Kench)
I prefer keeping Soraka on my board instead of Jinx late game, just for the extra healing she provides. But an itemized Jinx 2 is way better than Soraka 2 so... Do whatever makes you happy.
When picking Item augments (Not Pandora's items tho) we'll be stacking layers rapidly as if we were to have 6 sugar.

Emblem Variant

3 Star Jinx?
If you get a lot of Jinx copies, since now is more of a carry due to her buffs, you can reroll her AT LEVEL 8




Those are just some examples, but feel encouraged to freestyle your items.
Our main Carry will be Gwen, that's why we want Shiv for a backliner instead of Spark.