Suspicious Trench Coat
The Suspicious Trench Coat is an Artifact that was added in Set 12 with a ton of different interactions. The description states:
- 25% Attack Speed
- 100 HP
- Unique - only 1 per champion
Once per combat at 50% Health, the holder splits into 3 copies of themself each with 33% of their max Health.
How is HP calculated?
If a unit splits apart into three copies, they have 33% of the holder's HP based on COMBAT START. This means if a unit is holding a Coat and a Warmog's, only the original unit will receive +600 HP and the 12% max HP increase.
Example 1:
Elise*2 with a Coat and a Warmog's Armor has 1170 (base) + 100(coat) + 600 (warmog) and an additional 12% from Warmog's passive for a total of 2095 HP. After she splits each copy has 33% of 2095 HP, which is around 692 HP.
How is Shapeshifter calculated?
Shapeshifters gain bonus max Health. After their first Ability cast, they triple this effect.
- (2) 10%
- (4) 15%
- (6) 21%
- (8) 30%
If a Shapeshifter unit has a coat, it does not matter if the unit splits before or after their first cast. The HP of the copies is based on combat start and any HP gain that comes after is ignored.
Example 2:
Elise*3 with a Coat, a Warmog's and 2 Shapeshifter has 2106 (base) + 100 (coat) + 600 (belt) for a total flat value of 2806. She receives an additional 12% of this value (336) from Warmog's and 10% from Shapeshifter (280) putting her maximum HP at 3424.
After the first cast the Shapeshifter value (280) is tripled, so now she has 3985 HP. If this Elise splits apart, the copies will have 33% of the original HP value (0.33*3424), meaning every copy has 1130 HP.
If one of these copies casts, the original Shapeshifter value (280) will triple, meaning the new HP of the copy is 1690.
Good Augment Combinations
- High Voltage: Increase the amount of Ionic Sparks on the board
- Thorn-Plated Armor: Increase the amount of Bramble Vests on the board
- Raid Boss: Increase the amount of Bastions units that funnel Armor/MR into Raid Boss
- Combat Bandages: Every copy will heal back up
Good Item Combinations
Completed Items:
- Protector's Vow for more starting mana + shield on copies
- Redemption
- Edge of Night
- Sterak's Gage
Support Items:
- Spite
- Moonstone Renewer
- Needlessly Big Gem
- Unstable Treasure Chest
- Virtue of the Martyr
- Randuin's Omen (has a bug that procs the effect again after split)
- Talisman of Ascension is based on fight timer, so all copies can instantly ascend
- Zhonya's Hourglass to keep your copies alive longer
- Mogul's Mail for potentially more gold if copies stay alive long enough
Arcana Emblem Interaction
If you have an Arcana Emblem, you can give a unit a coat with two emblems. After the split, you now have 6 emblems that all increase the damage amp for the rest of combat.