Teamfight Tactics Leveling Guide Set 13

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Leveling Guide

General Tips:

  1. Charms should encourage you to roll more to get bonuses
  • In Stage 3, you may need to roll more during random stages if you have pairs to also get a Charm
  • In Stage 5+ Charms are almost mandatory every turn, especially Combat Charms
  • Level 9 is harder, and Level 10 is extremely rare now due to Charms
  1. Save gold if you need to
  • Roll at a specific level and you have NOT reached that level yet
  • You are healthy (high health compared to everyone else)
  • You have a strong board (you have key units, big synergies, unit upgrades compared to others)
  1. Roll if you need to
  • Preserve your Health
  • Complete a lot of pairs (your bench is full of 2 copies of units and you need 1 more to upgrade a few of them)
  • Need units at a specific cost and you are at the optimal level to roll for them
  1. Level up if you need to
  • Add an extra unit to activate a key trait (you may need to level up no matter what the cost)
  • Roll to obtain units at a specific cost (you will need to have enough gold to roll after spending gold on leveling up)
  • Have too much extra gold and you might as well buy XP.

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Good in most situations if you are flexing. Can decide to pivot to 2 Cost, 3 Cost, or Fast 8 patterns. Good for comps with good carries at multiple costs

Level 4 – Stage 2-1, 2-2, 2-3 Do not Roll

Level 5 – Stage 2-3, 2-5, 2-7, 3-1 Do not Roll

Level 6 (Have 20-30g+ after leveling) – Stage 3-1, 3-2, 3-5 Generally do not Roll. Can Roll on 3-2 if you have a lot of pairs OR if you are low health and some pairs OR if you want to use a charm. Can be anywhere from 10-30g (roll more if you have lower health).

Level 7 (Have 30g+ after leveling) – Stage 3-5, 4-1, 4-2 Typically roll a little bit after reaching level 7 because you need to stabilize your board if you have pairs or if you are low hp. If you are healthy, maybe 10 gold. If not, roll until stable (20-40g+). If you already have upgrades and have good health, Fast 8 instead

Level 8 (Have 30g+ after leveling) – Stage 4-2, 4-5, 5-1, 5-2 Usually roll a lot of gold (30-50g+) on level 8 unless your board is already 2* or if you are 80hp+.

Level 9 – Stage 5-1, 5-2, 5-5, 6-1, 6-2, 6-5 Roll most of your gold when you hit level 9 unless you are doing something very specific

Level 10 – Stage 6+ Go to Level 10 if you have all upgrades already and can’t realistically get any good 3* units OR if you need to activate a crucial trait breakpoint.

Fast 8 (similar to Standard)

Good for 4 cost comps

Level 4 – Stage 2-1, 2-2, 2-3 Do not Roll

Level 5 – Stage 2-3, 2-5, 2-7, 3-1 Do not Roll

Level 6 (Have 30g+ after leveling) – Stage 3-1, 3-2, 3-5 Do not Roll

Level 7 (Have 30g+ after leveling) – Stage 3-5, 4-1, 4-2 Do not Roll

Level 8 (Have 30g+ after leveling) – Stage 4-2, 4-5, 5-1 Roll all your gold

Level 9 – Stage 5-1, 5-2, 5-5, 6-1, 6-2, 6-5 Roll most of your gold when you hit level 9 unless you are doing something very specific

Level 10 – Stage 6+ Go to Level 10 if you have all upgrades already and can’t realistically get any good 3* units OR if you need to activate a crucial trait breakpoint.


Fast 9 (similar to Fast 8)

Good for 5 cost comps. Only do with at least 1 Econ Augment or Portal (the more the easier)

Level 4 – Stage 2-1, 2-2, 2-3 Do not Roll

Level 5 – Stage 2-3, 2-5, 2-7, 3-1 Do not Roll

Level 6 (Have 30g+ after leveling) – Stage 3-1, 3-2, 3-5 Do not Roll

Level 7 (Have 30g+ after leveling) – Stage 3-5, 4-1, 4-2 Do not Roll

Level 8 (Have 30g+ after leveling) – Stage 4-2, 4-5, 5-1 Do not Roll unless you will die

Level 9 – Stage 4-2, 4-5, 5-1, 5-2, 5-5, Roll most of your gold when you hit level 9 unless you are doing something very specific

Level 10 – Stage 6+ Go to Level 10 if you have all upgrades already and can’t realistically get any good 3* units OR if you need to activate a crucial trait breakpoint.

1-Cost Reroll Leveling

Level 4 – Stage 2-3 At Stage 3-1 while you are still level 4, roll down to 30g. If you have 7+ copies of the unit you want after rolling to 30g, roll another 10. If you have 8 copies after that, then roll another 10 again. You can also consider Hyper Rolling (rolling all your gold) if you are low health and desperate

Level 5 (50+ gold) – Stage 3-2 Slow Roll at level 5. Slow Rolling is rolling down to 50g every turn while buying all the units you want. Think about ‘all inning’ (rolling all your gold) or ‘fishing’ (rolling gold 10g at a time to see if you get an additional copy of your unit) when you have 6+ copies of the most important unit in order to save HP. At Stage 4-1, roll until you hit your unit(s).

Level 6 – Stage 3-x, 4-x Typically after you get your crucial 3*s, you spend all your money on leveling for most of the game to add in additional traits

Level 7 – Stage 4-x, 5-x

Level 8 – Stage 5-x, 6-x

Level 9 – Stage 6-x

Level 10 – Stage 7-x

2-Cost Reroll Leveling

Level 4 – Stage 2-1, 2-3 Do not Roll

Level 5 – Stage 2-5, 3-1, 3-2 Do not Roll

Level 6 (50+ gold) – Stage 3-2, 3-5 Slow Roll at level 6. Slow Rolling is rolling down to 50g every turn while buying all the units you want. Think about ‘all inning’ (rolling all your gold) or ‘fishing’ (rolling gold 10g at a time to see if you get an additional copy of your unit) when you have 6+ copies of the most important unit in order to save HP

Level 7 – Stage 4-x, 5-x Typically after you get your crucial 3*s, you spend all your money on leveling for most of the game to add in additional traits

Level 8 – Stage 5-x, 6-x

Level 9 – Stage 6-x

Level 10 – Stage 7-x

3-Cost Reroll Leveling

Level 4 – Stage 2-1, 2-2, 2-3 Do not Roll

Level 5 – Stage 2-3, 2-5, 2-7, 3-1 Do not Roll

Level 6 – Stage 3-1, 3-2, 3-5 Sometimes you roll at Stage 3-2 to stabilize your board to hit 2* 3 cost units. Do not be afraid to roll to 0 sometimes in desperate situations

Level 7 (50+ gold) – Stage 3-5, 4-1, 4-2 Stabilize by rolling until you get several 2*s of crucial units. After that, econ to 50g+ and then Slow Roll at this level. If you are not getting a lot of copies (4 or less) of your desired units, go Level 8 instead.

Level 8 – Stage 5-x, 6-x

Level 9 – Stage 6-x

Level 10 – Stage 7-x


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Good luck to you! – Cheng

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Updated 3mo ago

Teamfight Tactics Leveling Guide Set 13

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