TFT Carousel Odds - How high is the chance for a Spatula?

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What is this guide about?

Carousels have been a core mechanic in TFT from the very start. However, since their inception they have changed tremendously and it is somewhat difficult to get good information on what you can expect from each Carousel throughout the game. This guide will hopefully give you insight into the different possibilities and also cover your exact chances of getting a Spatula in the earlier Stages.

Stage 2

The first carousel you will encounter is in Stage 2-4 and it will select between one of three options:

Opening - 73% chance

  • This is the most common carousel you will see in your TFT Games
  • It will have one of each item component (BF, Bow, Rod, Tear, Chain, Cloak, Belt, Gloves)
  • Since there are 9 units, but only 8 normal item components, the game will chose one additional component at random

One of All - 25% chance

  • This is almost the same carousel as the “Opening” variant, but with one key difference
  • It will have one of each item component + one Spatula. There are no duplicate item components.

3x Spatula + 6x Random - 2% chance

  • This is an extremely rare outcome, especially for Stage 2
  • There are three guaranteed Spatulas together with 6 completely random item components
  • The random components cannot become Spatulas, so this selection will always have 3 Spatulas

You have a 27% chance of at least one Spatula appearing in a Stage 2 Carousel.


Stage 3

The second carousel you will encounter is in Stage 3-4 and it will have four different variants.

Opening - 50% chance

  • It will have one of each item component (BF, Bow, Rod, Tear, Chain, Cloak, Belt, Gloves)
  • Since there are 9 units, but only 8 normal item components, the game will chose one additional component at random

One of All - 25% chance

  • This is almost the same carousel as the “Opening” variant, but with one key difference
  • It will have one of each item component + one Spatula. There are no duplicate item components.

Default - 20% chance

  • This is also known as the Full Random No Spatula Carousel
  • All 9 item components are COMPLETELY random, but they cannot roll a Spatula

3x Spatula + 6x Random - 5% chance

  • There are three guaranteed Spatulas together with 6 completely random item components
  • The random components cannot become Spatulas, so this selection will always have exactly 3 Spatulas

You have a 30% chance of at least one Spatula appearing in a Stage 3 Carousel.

Stage 4

The third carousel you will encounter is in Stage 4-4 and it follows the exact same options as in Stage 2

Opening - 73% chance

  • It will have one of each item component (BF, Bow, Rod, Tear, Chain, Cloak, Belt, Gloves)
  • Since there are 9 units, but only 8 normal item components, the game will chose one additional component at random

One of All - 25% chance

  • This is almost the same carousel as the “Opening” variant, but with one key difference
  • It will have one of each item component + one Spatula. There are no duplicate item components.

3x Spatula + 6x Random - 2% chance

  • There are three guaranteed Spatulas together with 6 completely random item components
  • The random components cannot become Spatulas, so this selection will always have 3 Spatulas

You have a 27% chance of at least one Spatula appearing in a Stage 4 Carousel.


Stage 5

Carousels starting with Stage 5 currently don't have any known odds. The three variants you will encounter are:

Full item based on single component

  • If the carousel takes Chain Vest as its core, it will have every item that builds out of this component (Edge of Night, Titan’s, Crownguard etc.)
  • Since there are only 8 normal items it will also include the combination of Spatula + Chain Vest, which is currently a Pentakill Emblem
  • This variant can happen with any of the eight components

9x Random Items

  • As the name implies, the game will select 9 completed Items at random
  • It is possible for Emblems to appear as well, so you can encounter variants with only 1 or multiple Emblems

9x Tactician's Crown

  • This is among the rarest outcomes with a chance of around 0.5 %
  • Every unit has a Tactician's Crown that will add +1 to your team size

While it is possible to encounter several Emblems, you cannot receive a normal Spatula in Stage 5.


Stage 6

Carousels starting with Stage 6 are quite random and have lots of different options available.

  • Starting in Stage 6 you can encounter normal Spatulas again.
  • This is also the first time where the game will offer completed items and item components at the same time

In short, you can expect a mix of Completed Items, Emblems, item components and Spatulas.

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Updated 11mo ago

TFT Carousel Odds - How high is the chance for a Spatula?

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