Hey! I am Frobei, I have been Challenger multiple sets in a row and I've been making TFT guides for years so stick around or follow me for more content!
Here is the list of the 5 most broken comps for patch 14.7, the first patch of Set 11. Also for each comp, I link a more in-depth guide so you can either use this article as a cheat sheet or use the guides as a support to help you learn more about the game!

Kaisa & Xayah received a buff while this comp was already strong in patch 14.6. Expect this comp to be S tier and overly contested. Check how to play it here: https://www.tacter.com/tft/guides/how-to-play-trickshot-kaisa-set-11-challenger-guide-d5853439

This is by far the best version to play Yone reroll, if you have a Heavenly Emblem or Reaper Emblem this is even stronger Check how to play it here: https://www.tacter.com/tft/guides/how-to-play-yone-heavenly-set-11-challenger-guide-5859f19c

Another 3 cost reroll but this time it's with Tristana and Volibear. This comp also has a great late game cap with many 4 cost and 5 cost who can become secondary carries (Irelia, Lee Sin, Rakan and Wukong). Check how to play it here: https://www.tacter.com/tft/guides/how-to-play-duelist-tristana-and-volibear-set-11-challenger-guide-f42f5c88

This comp is still going to be strong because it didn't get only nerfs. Inkshadow received buffs and Morgana as well.
Check how to play it here: https://www.tacter.com/tft/guides/how-to-play-senna-ghostly-set-11-challenger-guide-385b37eb

Arcanist and Lux received buffs in patch 14.7. This comp struggled against some match-ups but its natural counters received nerfs. Expect this comp to be a bit niche but powerful when played properly.
I suggest to go for this comp if you have a Porcelain emblem.
Check how to play it here: https://www.tacter.com/tft/guides/how-to-play-arcanist-lux-reroll-set-11-challenger-guide-abb4032a

With Diana & Soraka buff we can see this comp being popular as it was during PBE. There's no guarantee this comp becomes S tier in patch 14.7 but there is potential, this is why it's marked as a "bonus" comp.
Check how to play it here: https://www.tacter.com/tft/guides/how-to-play-soraka-diana-reroll-set-11-challenger-guide-aae3681a
Updated the comps based on the b-patch