Hey! I am Frobei, I have been Challenger multiple sets in a row and I've been making TFT guides for years so stick around or follow me for more content!
Here is the list of the 5 most broken comps for patch 14.9b. This patch contains 20 new artifacts and if you want to know how to use them, check this cheat sheet: https://www.tacter.com/tft/guides/20-new-artifact-items-and-their-best-holder-tft-patch-149-21e0e2b3

This comp includes many 4 cost units and all of them are getting buffed, expect this comp to be still on top for patch 14.8.
Check how to play it here: https://www.tacter.com/tft/guides/how-to-play-trickshot-kaisa-set-11-challenger-guide-d5853439

This comp includes many 4-cost units so make sure to have a healthy economy if you want to aim for it.

This comp started to be popular during the last patch and it has great late game scaling thanks to Rakan and Wukong who can become side carries if you have stuff for them.

Gnar received a massive buff and is not the most consistent reroll comp in the meta.

With the buffs to Arcanist, Zoe and Syndra, this comp becomes much more powerful in the meta. Reroll for Zoe and Illaoi before going for lvl 9 win conditions with Azir and Annie for more frontlane and utility (Invoker)
If you are unsure of the best items for the champions you are playing then check these item cheat sheets I update regularly: