TFT PBE Patch 13.8 Notes

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Champion Changes

  1. Irelia

Defiant Dance

Enter a defensive stance and gain 400/475/575 Shield that rapidly decays over 3 seconds. When it expires, deal 70/100/150 magic damage + 30%->75% of the damage absorbed to enemies around and in front of Irelia.

  1. Powder

Mana: 40/120 → 0/90

  1. Sett


Damage: 180%/270%/420% → 220%/330%/500%

  1. Kog'Maw

AS: 0.7 → 0.75

  1. Smeech

Health: 800/1440/2592 → 777/1399/2517

  1. Ambessa
  • AD: 68/102/153 → 70/105/158
  • Mana: 40/90 → 30/70
  1. Twitch

AD: 70/105/158 → 71/107/160

  1. Jinx

Mana: 0/60 → 0/50

  1. Sevika

Health: 1200/2160/3888 → 1277/2299/4137

  1. Viktor

Chaos Storm

Magic Damage: 160%/600%/9999% → 175%/700%/9999%

Trait Changes

  1. Automata

Automata gain a crystal when they deal damage. At 20 crystals, they blast their current target, dealing magic damage + 25% of damage dealt since the previous blast and reset. They also gain Armor and Magic Resist.

  • (4) 400 → 450 damage, 60 Armor/MR
  • (6) 1200 → 1337 damage, 111 Armor/MR
  1. Conqueror

Conquerors' takedowns grant stacks of Conquest. After gaining enough Conquest, open War Chests full of loot!

Conquerors gain Attack Damage and Ability Power, increased by 8% for each War Chest opened.

War Chests Opened: ? Current Stats: ?% AD & AP

(4) 25 → 33% AD ≈ 3x Conquest

  1. Emissary

This trait is active only when you have exactly 1 or 4 unique Emissaries.

Tristana: Allies gain 0.06% Attack Speed per star level.

(4) Gain all bonuses. Emissaries gain 250 HP and 20% Damage Amp

Ambessa: Allies gain 2 Armor and Magic Resist for each opponent defeated. (?/7)

Garen: On Combat Start, Garen and allies to his left and right gain 12% of his max Health.

Nami: Allies' attacks grant 2 → 3 bonus Mana.

  1. Experiment

Gain Laboratory hexes on your board.

Combat start: Experiments standing on Laboratory hexes gain the Experiment bonuses of all Experiments on Laboratory hexes, plus max Health.

  • (5) 3 Laboratories, 300 → 450 HP
  1. Firelight

Every 6 seconds, Firelights dash. While dashing, they attack with infinite range and heal a percentage of the damage taken since their last dash.

  • (2) 20 → 25% of damage taken
  • (3) 33 → 40% of damage taken
  • (4) 40 → 45% of damage taken. While dashing, gain a massive burst of Attack Speed.
  1. Form Swapper
  • (2) 15% Durability or 20% Damage Amp
  • (4) 33% or 44%

  • (2) 15% Durability or 20% Damage Amp
  • (3) 22% or 30%
  • (4) 33% or 44%
  1. Pit Fighter

Pit Fighters gain 15% Omnivamp and deal bonus true damage. Once per combat at 50% Health, they heal a percentage of their max Health over 2 seconds.

  • (8) 45 → 35% true damage, 80% HP

Augment Changes

Augment Siver: This WILL Work

  • [New] Gain a Powder. Your strongest Powder's explosion radius is increased by two hexes, has different damage falloff, but deals 50% damage to ALLIES.

Anomalies Changes

  1. Arcana Overwhelming

Gain Ability Power equal to 30%->50% of Magic Resist. Gain 100 Magic Resist.

  1. Avalanche of Armor

Gain Attack Damage equal to 30% of Armor. Gain 70-99 Armor.

  1. Berserker Rage

Gain 25 Ability Power & 25% Attack Damage. Triple it when below 70%->85% Health.

  1. Defense Expert

This champion gains 90%-110% more Armor and Magic Resist from all sources.

  1. Eagle Eye

Gain +1 Range. Every 2 seconds this champion doesn't move, gain 6%->9% Attack Damage.

  1. Heavy Hitter

Attacks deal bonus physical damage equal to 30% of this champion's max Health. (Cooldown: 2.5->1.5 seconds)

  1. Hunger For Power

Combat start: Consume an adjacent ally Champion and gain 66%-75% of their Health and Attack Damage.

  1. Infectious Anomaly

[Deleted] Gain 10% Attack Damage and 10 Ability Power. At the start of each round, grant a random ally this Anomaly. If they already have it, instead grant them 2% and 2 .

  1. Into the Unknown

This champion disappears for 3 rounds. When they return, they gain 50->60 Ability Power and 50%->60% Attack Damage.

  1. Laser Eyes

Constantly deal 133%->175% Ability Power magic damage per second in a 3-hex line and Burn enemies for 3 seconds.

  1. Share Your Energy

Combat start: grant 15%->12% of their Attack Damage, Ability Power, Health, Armor, and Magic Resist to adjacent allies.

  1. Slime Time

Every 2 seconds, deal 160%->200% (AP) magic damage in a 1-hex radius and heal this champion for 100% of damage dealt.

  1. Touch of Frost

Ability casts 20% Chill (reduce Attack Speed) enemies for 8 seconds. When Chilled enemies die, they stun the nearest enemy for 1.5->2.5 second.

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Updated 11d ago

TFT PBE Patch 13.8 Notes

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