TFT Set 12 brings a new hero augment, High Horsepower, which transforms Lillia from a frontline tank to a single-target damage carry!
High Horsepower was recently buffed and is almost a must take if you see it on stage 2-1. Lillia is a Bastion that works well with other units and has 2 solid comp options to play. It can be hard to decide which direction you want to take her in, but I am here to guide you!
Augment Background
Lilla’s hero augment transforms her from just a tank into also a carry to be reckoned with.
"Gain a 2-star Lillia. Your strongest Lillia gains 125% Attack Speed and moves 150% faster. Her Ability deals 260% bonus damage, but only hits 1 target".
How to Play the Augment
In an ideal circumstance, you also have progress on other 1 cost units including Zoe and Poppy who are all great units to hold onto while rerolling for Lillia – giving you more value per each roll. This means that you will not want to press the level button until you have multiple 3-star units including Lillia. You will stay at level 5 above 50 and slow roll for all these units.
Remember that although Lillia is a carry in this comp, perhaps the more important carry in this comp is Ahri. You will want to prioritize items for her just as much as Lillia. Make sure to be grabbing tears and rods whenever you can!
Lillia prefers to have Bloodthirster for healing then additional tank items such as Crownguard, Warmog’s Armor, or even Ionic Spark.
Archangel for damage is also acceptable on her. She can also wear the Faerie Queen’s Crown as an item if you have another Faerie such as Seraphine early.
If you have these items or good components for Lillia then it is another great reason to pick up this augment.
Early Team Comp (High Horsepower)
This is what your early stage board might end up looking like. Another strong early game board can be playing 4 Bastions with Shen, Nunu, and Hecarim especially if you end up contested on rerolling Poppy, Zoe and Ahri.
Final Team Comp (High Horsepower )
Later in the game at level 8 and onwards three traits are the biggest tells of whether you will be successful or not. The first one is having 4 or 6 Bastion units. The difference between the two isn’t much, so the default will be 4 Bastions unless you have spatulas.
The next one is Scholar. The difference between having 4 Scholar units and 2 is almost 2 full placements. It is incredibly important to have 4! This means that you might even play Bard on your board until you can find a Milio. This comp is an example of a strong but not capped board.
The other most important trait is Arcana. You want to make sure you have Arcana selected on Ahri at all times as your entire team gains additional Ability Power due to your 3 stars. Once you have your 4 Bastions and 4 Scholars you will want to add as many Arcana units as possible, often in the form of Tahm Kench and Xerath.
Remember that Ahri is your carry in this comp as well as Lillia! You might have noticed that there is no Faerie which gets dropped later in the game, so you will have to make a third item for Lillia at some point. Don’t forget it!
Let’s say that you can’t play Poppy, Ahri, and Zoe because they are too contested as they are a hot comp at the time. There is another option for Lillia which is Kalista carry with Bastions. This means in the mid game you play Bastions and prioritize Rageblades rather than Ahri items!
Comp with 4 Bastion
Comp with 6 Bastion
Comp with Kalista
Comp with Xerath
In Conclusion
Lillia is a strong unit in the early game due to her healing and she has flexible use of items. On top of this being a 1-cost unit there are plenty of her in the pool meaning that even if you are contested by one other player you can still hit her at a decent point.
Be sure to scout before picking the augment to have an easier time. If you have the option to play this augment, take it due to its strength and relative ease of play!
Good luck to you! – Cheng