Augment [Trait: Unlikely Duo] in TFT Set 13 revolves around the unexpected synergy between Jinx and Sevika, two champions whose abilities complement each other in powerful ways. This augment boosts both champions with a 15% Attack Damage increase and 150 Health, enhancing their durability and damage output. The real magic happens when one casts their ability—whenever either Jinx or Sevika casts, they grant the other 20 mana, allowing for faster ability cycling. Additionally, Sevika’s arm is luckier, further increasing the duo's effectiveness. This guide will delve into how to optimize the synergy between Jinx and Sevika and turn them into an unstoppable pair.
See more: How to Play Augment (Trait: Unlikely Duo)
Explore all of the TFT Set 13 Blog here!
Final Board Setup
- Stage 2-3
This comp is a variation of Chem Baron where you pivot your carry on Stage 4. Play a standard Chem Baron Legendaries board.
- Stage 4
Pick Unlikely Duo and transition to Jinx / Sevika primary carry. Sevika 1 takes item priority, but stack whoever you can while stabilizing on 8.
- Stage 5+
Get to level 9. To cap the highest, slowly go down to 3 Chem Baron and play strong 4 and 5-costs like Vi, Morde, Rumble, Caitlyn, etc.
Mastering Augment [Trait: Unlikely Duo] involves making the most of the mana generation and stat boosts between Jinx and Sevika. By ensuring that both champions are consistently casting, you can keep them in sync, with each one gaining mana from the other's abilities. The 15% Attack Damage and 150 Health bonus makes them more resilient and capable of dishing out more damage. With proper positioning, itemization, and a focus on accelerating their casts, you can maximize their potential and create a duo that overwhelms enemies. Keep the pressure on your opponents by using their abilities in tandem, and you’ll reap the benefits of this unexpected but powerful partnership.
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Good luck to you! – Cheng