TFT Set 13: How to Play Automata

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How to Play Automata — TFT Set 13: Into the Arcane

In Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Set 13, a new and unique trait, Automata, brings an exciting layer of strategy to the game. Automata units are designed to build power as they deal damage, allowing players to unleash powerful blasts and boost their defenses mid-combat. This trait introduces a dynamic that emphasizes sustained damage and timing, offering both burst potential and durability as Automata champions gain strength over the course of a fight. Understanding how to maximize the Automata trait can be a game-changer for players aiming to achieve high placements in TFT Set 13.

Explore all of the TFT Set 13 Blog here!

How TFT Automata Works

  1. Automata Trait Bonus

Champions: Amumu 1g / Nocturne 2g / Blitzcrank 3g / Kog’Maw 3g / Malzahar 5g

Automata gain a crystal when they deal damage. At 20 crystals, they blast their current target, dealing magic damage + 20% of damage dealt since the previous blast and reset. They also gain Armor and Magic Resist.

  • (2) 125 damage, 20 Armor & MR
  • (4) 300 damage, 40 Armor & MR
  • (6) 625 damage, 70 Armor & MR
  1. Automata Synergy

Here are the additional traits of the Automata champions that give the opportunity to create trait webs:

  • Amumu (1G) – Watcher
  • Nocturne (2G) – Quickstriker
  • Blitzcrank (3G) – Dominator
  • Kog’Maw (3G) – Sniper
  • Malzahar (5G) – Visionary

Five units make up the Automata trait which means that 6 Automata requires a spatula to achieve. The main carries are likely to be Kog’maw who is a 3 cost sniper as well Malzahar who is a 5 cost AP carry. There is a possibility that Quickstriker Nocturne reroll will see play as the Quickstriker trait is a 2,3,4 piece trait which makes it easily splashable in other vertical based traits such as 6 Automata.

This trait doesn’t inherently have synergy with the other units in it and will highly rely on web traits to round out the weaknesses of the lack of synergy. With only 5 units part of the main trait, there is plenty of room to splash in traits based off your main carry and tank.

TFT Automata Champions

  1. Amumu (1G) – Automata + Watcher

Amumu has a passive which he reduces all incoming damage. Every second, he emits sparks that deal (AP) magic damage to adjacent enemies. His Watcher trait gives him additional tankiness through Durability which allows him to double up on tank traits and will likely make him one of the stronger 1 cost tanks in the game.

  1. Nocturne (2G) – Automata + Quickstriker

Nocturne’s attacks deal damage to adjacent enemies for 6 seconds when he uses his ability causing them to bleed for base and additional physical damage for 1 second. This makes him a solid early game carry as well as a potential rerollable carry in which the Quickstriker trait can easily be added to help enable him.

  1. Blitzcrank (3G) – Automata + Dominator

Blitzcrank has a passive in which after he survives damage he deals a percent of the damage that was done to him as magic damage. His active ability is to gain a (AP) shield for 4 seconds and shock the 3 nearest enemies for (AP) magic damage while reducing their damage for 4 seconds.

This makes Blitzcrank’s kit quite loaded for a 3 cost tank. He is absorbing damage and dealing it back as well as gaining a shield. On top of this, he is a Dominator which is a trait that gives units shields at the start of the fight on top of stacking Ability Power based on mana spent. This means that Blitz’s abilities further benefit from his traits. Blitz will be a key unit in the Automata trait as he will constantly be rebounding damage in order to stack the Automata crystals while offer tankiness through shield, armor, and magic resistance.

On top of this, the Dominator trait is easy to splash in through the likes of Silco (4G Chem-Baron, Dominator) or Mordekaiser (5G Conqueror Dominator) – two units that are expected to be premium in Set 13.

  1. Kog’Maw (3G) – Automata + Sniper

Kog’maw has a passive which his basic attacks deal bonus (AP) magic damage – making him a magic carry that will highly benefit from shred. He also has an active which he gains attack speed for the rest of combat. After every 2 casts, he gains +1 range.

This makes Kog’maw a premium Guinsoo’s Rageblade holder as he benefits from the AP and attack speed and Guinsoo’s does both.

One problem that these attack based carries often have an issue is toward the end of fights they end up walking up from the back row in order to attack the opponent’s back row making them targeted and deleted in a fight where they would have been safe if they were able to stay in the corner. Kog’Maw’s ability of gaining range eliminates that issue as he should stay in place rather than walking up.

  1. Malzahar (5G) – Automata + Visionary

Malzahar summons a gate in a 5-hex line. Enemies hit by the gate take (AP) magic damage and are shredded 20% for 4 seconds. Malzahar spreads 5 stacks of infection between enemies hit. Infection deals (AP) magic damage per second for the rest of combat. This effect can stack infinitely. When an infected target dies, they spread their stacks to nearby enemies.

This makes Malzahar very true to his abilities on the rift as well as will make him one of top 5 cost AP carries of set 13. The Visionary trait also allows him to gain additional mana for more casts. With the delay that Blitzcrank allows for, this will give Malzahar plenty of time to summon plenty of gates in order to get infinitely stacking infections on his opponents!

Best TFT Automata Augments

In general, Augments like Crest and Crown will always be good, but there are definitely more notable ones to explore and discover. As we make our way to the PBE, we’ll be sure to test a variety of combinations and update this article with what we find.

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The Automata trait in TFT Set 13 rewards players who can effectively manage the timing and positioning of their units to build up crystals and unleash high-impact blasts on enemy targets. With scaling benefits to both offensive and defensive stats, Automata champions are versatile assets that can adapt to different team compositions. As players become more familiar with the new mechanics, Automata promises to be a powerful option that can turn the tide of battle when used wisely. Mastering Automata could be the key to victory in the ever-evolving landscape of TFT Set 13.

Thanks for Reading! If you want to gain more in-depth knowledge about TFT, check out many helpful articles here!

Good luck to you! – Cheng

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Updated 3mo ago

TFT Set 13: How to Play Automata

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