TFT Set 13: How to Play Experiment


How to Play Experiment — TFT Set 13: Into the Arcane

In TFT Set 13, the Experiment trait introduces an innovative mechanic that revolves around positioning units on Laboratory hexes for maximum power. These unique hexes offer Experiment champions a blend of additional health and the ability to share each other’s bonuses, creating synergy effects that scale as you invest in more Experiment units. As the number of active Experiments grows, so does the effectiveness of this trait, ultimately doubling the Experiment bonuses at the highest level. With careful positioning, the Experiment trait provides a unique layer of strategy that rewards players for optimizing their board layout and harnessing collective power.

Experiment gives laboratory hexes on your board. Experiment units who go on the hexes get health and give experiment bonuses. Although the Academy is experimenting with hextech there are other things to be experimented with as well. This is where units like Urgot, Dr. Mundo, and Twitch come in to join set 13! Let’s take a look deeper into the Experiment trait.

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How TFT Experiment Works

  1. Experiment Trait Bonus

Champions: Zyra 1g / Urgot 2g / Nunu & Willump 3g / Dr. Mundo 4g / Twitch 4g

Gain Laboratory hexes on your board. Combat start: Experiments standing on Laboratory hexes gain the Experiment bonuses of all Experiments on Laboratory hexes, plus max Health.

  • (3) 2 Laboratories, 100 Health
  • (5) 3 Laboratories, 200 Health
  • (7) Experiment bonuses increase by 100%!
  1. Experiment Synergy

Experiment champions give a few options to extend the trait web through their secondary traits:

  • Zyra (1G) – Sorcerer
  • Urgot (2G) – Pit Fighter + Artillerist
  • Nunu & Willump (3G) – Bruiser + Visionary
  • Dr. Mundo (4G) – Dominator
  • Twitch (4G) – Sniper
  1. The Experiment Trait

Experiment is made of 5 champions with a 3,5, and 7 increment trait. This means that you can have considerable power with 5 experiment units while having space to utilize other carries as you have multiple open and flexible slots. With 2 spatulas you can also get 7 experiment to achieve a large bonus!

TFT Experiment Champions

  1. Zyra (1G) – Experiment + Sorcerer

Zyra sends vines towards the current target, stunning them for 1 second and dealing (AP) magic damage. The smaller vines seek out the 2 nearest enemies and deal (AP) magic damage to them. Her experiment bonus is the ability damage bleeds enemies for a bonus percent true damage over 3 seconds. This allows her to deal decent damage with experiment active. She is an AP carry who will need a casting item such as Shojin to really get going.

  1. Urgot (2G) – Experiment + Pit Fighter + Artillerist

Urgot fires an explosive charge, dealing (AD) physical damage to target and (AD) physical damage to adjacent enemies. As well as Sunder enemies hit for 6 seconds. His experiment bonus is on combat start and after ability casts, dash to the target, then gain percent max health shield and percent attack speed for 5 seconds.

Urgot becomes a strong piece of Experiment, Pit Fighter, and potentially artillerist boards as he sunders (armor reduces) enemies which means that if a player doesn’t have Last Whisper or Evenshroud they at least have some form of armor reduction.

  1. Nunu & Willump (3G) – Experiment + Bruiser + Visionary

Nunu & Willump gain Durability and creates a 2-hex cloud of noxious fumes that deals (AP) magic damage to enemies within. Afterwards, detonate the cloud and deal (AP) magic damage to all enemies within. The experiment bonus is after dealing damage, deal max health bonus magic damage. The bruiser trait gives Nunu an easy tie in with other Bruisers in this set giving the Experiment trait the option for a Bruiser front line.

  1. Dr. Mundo (4G) – Experiment + Dominator

Dr. Mundo becomes energized and heals over 2 seconds. While energized, he deals (AP) magic damage to a nearby enemy each second. Afterwards, he deals (health) magic damage to all enemies within 2 hexes. His experiment bonus is on takedown gain max health for the rest of combat. While being a Dominator he gets additional AP which allow him to become quite tanky while dealing substantial damage.

  1. Twitch (4G) – Experiment + Sniper

Twitch for the next 8 attacks gains percent attack speed, infinite range, and replace the attacks with a piercing bolt that targets random enemies. Bolts deal physical damage, reduce by a percent for each enemy they pass through. HIs experiment bonus is after every 5 attacks deal physical damage to the nearest enemy equal to percent of their max health. Twitch is the main carry of the experiment comp and will utilize AD items to do so.

Best TFT Experiment Augments

In general, Augments like Crest and Crown will always be good, but there are definitely more notable ones to explore and discover. As we make our way to the PBE, we’ll be sure to test a variety of combinations and update this article with what we find.


Conclusion for Experiment in TFT Set 13

In summary, the Experiment trait in TFT Set 13 offers a distinct advantage for players who excel in strategic positioning. By maximizing Laboratory hex usage and leveraging the trait’s scaling bonuses, players can create potent synergies that strengthen the entire team. Experiment units can be highly adaptable and impactful, especially at higher tiers where their shared bonuses reach full potential. For those looking to diversify their gameplay with an interactive and positioning-focused trait, Experiment offers the tools to turn the tide and secure critical victories in Set 13.

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Good luck to you! – Cheng

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Updated 3mo ago

TFT Set 13: How to Play Experiment

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