TFT Set 13: How to Play Family


How to Play Family — TFT Set 13: Into the Arcane

Family is one of the many thematic traits of set 13, but this one is more of a reminder of season 1 of Arcane rather than Season 2. It is where it all began – where sisters Violet and Powder find solace in their father figure Vander who fights to protect them and raise them to be strong since being orphaned.

Explore all of the TFT Set 13 Blog here!

How TFT Family Works

  1. Family Trait Bonus

Champions: Powder 1g / Violet 1g / Vander 2g

Family members support each other, reducing their max Mana and gaining extra bonuses.

  • (3) 25% reduction, 12% DR
  • (4) 30% reduction, 20% AS
  • (5) 40% reduction, heist on topside! After combat, progress the heist, increased for each surviving family member!
  1. Family Synergy

The Family is small and tight knit so there are only a couple of opportunities to expand the trait web:

  • Powder (1G) – Scrap + Ambusher
  • Violet (1G) – Pit Fighter
  • Vander (2G) – Watcher
  1. The Family Trait

The Family gets damage reduction and attack speed. This makes them prime to be rerolled as two units are also 1 gold which means it is more efficient to reroll for two 1 cost champions Violet and Powder while picking up Vanders along the way.

TFT Family Champions

  1. Powder (1G) – Family + Scrap + Ambusher

Powder sends a monkey towards the largest group of enemies causing a 2-hex radius explosion on impact. Enemies hit take (AP) magic damage reducing a percent for each hex they are away from the epicenter. She also wounds and burns applied for 5 seconds to all enemies hit.

Powder having burn and wound makes her solid throughout the entire game as anti-heal utility is helpful throughout the whole game and multiple units heal in this set.

  1. Violet (1G) – Family + Pit Fighter

Violet jabs a target 2 times for (AD) physical damage each. Then she uppercuts them, dealing (AD and AP) physical damage and briefly knocking them up. Like Powder, Violet’s kit also extends well into the late game as the knock up is helpful making her a solid option to reroll with Powder.

  1. Vander (2G) – Family + Watcher

Vander is a Watcher which makes him the other tank of the family as Violet and Vander work together to protect Powder. Vander’s ability is to stop attacking and brace for 2.5 seconds gaining (AP) armor and magic resistance. He empowers the next attack to deal (AD) physical damage, increased by additional (AD) additional physical damage for each 1 or 2 cost champion on your team. This ability makes him work well with Violet and Powder as well as other low cost rerollable units.

Best TFT Family Augments

In general, Augments like Crest and Crown will always be good, but there are definitely more notable ones to explore and discover. As we make our way to the PBE, we’ll be sure to test a variety of combinations and update this article with what we find.


Conclusion: Family in TFT Set 13

The Family trait in TFT Set 13 brings a collaborative and rewarding approach, where each Family member strengthens the others through shared bonuses and synergies. By reducing their max Mana, Family champions can cast abilities more frequently, while also gaining additional effects that vary depending on the trait level. This allows the Family to be highly adaptable, excelling in both durability and offense, and rewarding players who keep these units alive for even greater gains.

At (3) Family, units receive a 25% max Mana reduction and 12% Damage Reduction, making them more resilient and able to withstand extended fights. This foundation allows Family members to contribute consistently, with a focus on survival. At (4) Family, the max Mana reduction increases to 30%, and champions also gain a 20% boost to Attack Speed, adding a significant offensive edge. This allows Family units to unleash their abilities and basic attacks at a faster rate, amplifying their overall impact in combat.

At (5) Family, the true reward emerges as the “Heist on topside” feature unlocks. This special mechanic allows players to progress the heist after each combat round, with the progress increasing based on the number of surviving Family members. Successfully advancing the heist promises even greater rewards, encouraging players to keep their Family units alive and thriving.

In essence, the Family trait offers a blend of reduced Mana costs, enhanced combat resilience, and exciting late-game potential through the heist mechanic. Ideal for players who enjoy a coordinated team composition with both survival and synergy bonuses, Family provides a unique and rewarding experience in TFT Set 13.

Thanks for Reading! If you want to gain more in-depth knowledge about TFT, check out many helpful articles here!

Good luck to you! – Cheng

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Updated 3mo ago

TFT Set 13: How to Play Family

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