TFT Set 13: How to Play Form Swapper


The Form Swapper trait in TFT Set 13 offers an exciting level of flexibility and adaptability in team compositions. These units can shift their role based on positioning, allowing players to tailor their stats and abilities to fit the needs of the battle. Placing Form Swappers in the front two rows grants them enhanced durability, giving them a 15% to 30% damage reduction based on trait levels. Conversely, placing them in the back two rows boosts their damage output, increasing damage amplification from 20% to 40%. This unique positional trait allows Form Swappers to either tank damage or amplify attacks, making them versatile options that can adapt to different combat situations.

Explore all of the TFT Set 13 Blog here!

How TFT Form Swapper Works

Form Swapper is similar to the Shapeshifter trait, except instead of transforming, you get to pick which form they take based on your positioning. Depending on what your team needs, you can have them deal more damage in the back, or tank more damage in the front.

From first impressions, it appears like the Form Swappers may prefer to be mostly frontliners, but things may change as the meta is discovered.

  1. Form Swapper Trait Bonus Champions: Gangplank 3g / Swain 3g / Elise 4g / Jayce 5g

Innate: Form Swappers change their stats and ability based on if they’re placed in the front 2 rows or back 2 rows. Frontline Form Swappers gain Durability. Backline Form Swappers gain Damage Amp.

(2) 15% DR or 20% DA (4) 30% DR or 40% DA

  1. Form Swapper Synergy

The Form Swapper synergy in TFT Set 13 brings an intriguing positional element to gameplay, allowing players to customize unit roles on the fly. This trait is all about adaptability, as Form Swappers change their stats and abilities based on where they are placed on the board. Units positioned in the front two rows benefit from increased durability with damage reduction, ideal for tanking and protecting allies. Meanwhile, Form Swappers placed in the back two rows receive a boost in damage amplification, enhancing their offensive potential. This flexibility makes the Form Swapper synergy highly versatile, enabling players to adjust their strategy and capitalize on different positioning benefits.

In essence, the Form Swapper synergy is a powerful tool for players who enjoy strategic depth and on-the-go adaptation. With the ability to toggle between tank and damage-dealer roles based on positioning, Form Swappers can seamlessly fill gaps in any team composition. This trait rewards quick thinking and smart positioning, allowing players to optimize their units to counter opposing setups and shift tactics round by round. Whether fortifying the frontline or boosting the backline's damage output, the Form Swapper synergy offers a dynamic approach to team-building that can provide a tactical edge in battle.

TFT Form Swapper Champions

  1. Gangplank Scrap Form Swapper Pit Fighter 3g

Gangplank’s ability will cleanse negative effects, heal, and deal damage in a line. This ability makes sense for melee tank, but if you want him to deal more damage, you can start him in the back.

His Pit Fighter trait will also grant him Omnivamp, giving you a bit more incentive to play him as a front liner.

  1. Swain Conqueror Form Swapper Sorcerer 3g

Swain is a classic champion in TFT and he generally has the same ability across sets. He will transform and deal damage to surrounding enemies while also healing. This may only be his melee form, and we may see something else for his ranged ability.

His Sorcerer trait does give him damage, so you could play him as a backline DPS instead. However, the Sorcerer trait doesn’t have many frontline units, so having Swain for the frontline makes the most sense.

  1. Elise Black Rose Form Swapper Bruiser 4g

Elise is one of the premier 4-cost stunners, who will stun in a large AoE with her ability. Her Bruiser trait also incentivizes a tank role, so once again, we may have another frontline unit for the trait.

However, the situation could play out as the opposite of Swain. The Bruiser trait already has plenty of frontline (and the same for Black Rose), so players may look to use her more for backline damage.

Even still, her CC ability is so good that I find it difficult to imagine her as a backline carry.

  1. Jayce Academy Form Swapper 5g Jayce’s ability has multiple parts. You’ll place down a “Hextech Forge” onto the board. When you cast, the Forge will grant nearby allies a shield. The Forge can take damage, but will revive with 1% health.

His active will knock an enemy through a gate and back to their original spot, dealing damage to enemies caught in the path. Overall, it’s quite lengthy, but the concept is fairly simple. He’ll do a bit of AoE damage with his active and also shield allies.

His ranged ability will likely have something to do with shooting a blast of energy, but we’ll have to wait for PBE to see.

Best TFT Form Swapper Augments

In general, Augments like Crest and Crown will always be good, but there are definitely more notable ones to explore and discover. As we make our way to the PBE, we’ll be sure to test a variety of combinations and update this article with what we find.


TFT Form Swapper Team Comps

  1. Augment [Why Not Both?]
  1. Gangplank Swain Reroll


The Form Swapper trait adds a layer of strategic depth to TFT Set 13, rewarding players who adapt their positioning to maximize each unit's strengths. Whether using them as sturdy frontline tanks or powerful backline damage amplifiers, Form Swappers provide a dynamic advantage that can shift the tide of battle. This trait encourages creative playstyles and flexible setups, giving players the freedom to adjust their approach based on the flow of each round. With their dual nature, Form Swappers stand out as versatile units capable of transforming to meet various team needs, making them an invaluable asset in any composition.

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Good luck to you! – Cheng

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Updated 3mo ago

TFT Set 13: How to Play Form Swapper

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