TFT Set 13: How to Play Renni Hero Augment – Brutal Revenge



In TFT Set 13, Renni shines as a dynamic champion capable of delivering devastating area damage while swiftly closing in on her target. With her Hero Augment, Brutal Revenge, Renni gains increased mobility and enhanced damage potential. This article will guide you on how to maximize Renni's effectiveness with the Brutal Revenge augment.

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Understanding the Brutal Revenge Hero Augment

The Brutal Revenge augment provides Renni with multiple benefits:

  • Gain 2 Rennis: Immediately receive 2 copies of Renni, which makes it easier to upgrade her and strengthen your board.
  • Reduced ability mana cost: Renni's ability costs 35 less mana, allowing her to cast more frequently, increasing her overall damage output.
  • Targeting mechanism: Renni lunges towards the farthest enemy within 2 hexes, dealing 125% damage to the target and reduced damage to enemies in her path.

How to Play Renni with Brutal Revenge

  1. Positioning Renni on the Board

With Brutal Revenge, Renni can close in on the farthest enemy within range, so positioning her properly is essential. Placing Renni in the front or middle row is often effective, as it allows her to quickly engage enemies and reach key targets. Adjust her positioning depending on the opponent's setup; make sure she’s in a spot where she can reach high-priority targets while avoiding excessive crowd control.

  1. Choosing the Best Items for Renni

Since Renni serves as a primary damage dealer, focus on items that enhance her damage output and survivability. Some ideal items include:

  • Infinity Edge: Boosts her critical strike damage, which synergizes well with the high burst potential from Brutal Revenge.
  • Hand of Justice: Provides healing and damage bonuses, allowing her to sustain herself while dealing consistent damage.
  • Deathblade: Increases her attack damage each time she scores a takedown, helping her snowball in fights, especially when targeting the enemy backline.
  1. Synergizing with Chem Baron and Bruiser Traits Renni belongs to the Chem Baron origin and Bruiser class, both of which contribute to her tankiness and sustain. Here’s how each trait can complement her playstyle:
  • Bruisers: These champions gain bonus health, making them more durable and helping Renni survive longer in fights. Pair her with other Bruisers to amplify her health and create a more resilient frontline.
  • Chem Baron: This trait boosts attack damage and has excellent synergy with Renni’s aggressive playstyle, enhancing her damage and allowing her to shred through the enemy lineup faster.
  1. Managing Mana and Sustain

With the Brutal Revenge augment, Renni’s ability costs 35 less mana, allowing her to cast more frequently. This means you don’t need to prioritize items like Blue Buff to reduce her mana cost. However, to keep Renni in the fight for longer, you can consider lifesteal or healing items like Bloodthirster to provide her with added sustain and resilience during extended battles.

TFT Augment [Brutal Revenge] Team Comps


Evaluating Brutal Revenge’s Impact

Brutal Revenge turns Renni into a deadly assassin, especially effective against backline threats. Her ability to lunge at the farthest target within 2 hexes lets her bypass the frontline and target vulnerable carries, making her an excellent pick against teams with glass cannon backliners. However, she may struggle against teams with crowd control, as it can interrupt her attacks and mobility.

To maximize her potential, adapt Renni’s positioning and items based on the enemy team composition and keep an eye on key targets she should prioritize. By utilizing the Brutal Revenge augment effectively, Renni can be a powerful asset in TFT Set 13, helping you secure top placements in your games.

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Good luck to you! – Cheng

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Updated 3mo ago

TFT Set 13: How to Play Renni Hero Augment – Brutal Revenge

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