TFT Set 13: How to Play Scrap


How to Play Scrap — TFT Set 13: Into the Arcane

In TFT Set 13, the Scrap trait introduces a unique mechanic that transforms item components into full items at the start of combat, adding a dynamic twist to team building. Scrap units gain a shield that scales based on the number of components held by your team, offering additional durability in battle. At higher levels, the Scrap trait increases in potency, making all items “lucky” and even generating Radiant items at the maximum tier. This trait rewards flexible itemization and provides exciting possibilities for creative builds, making Scrap an excellent choice for players who enjoy experimenting with item combinations.

Scrap is back! It was a favorite trait in set 6 but hadn’t made an appearance until now! Scrap is unique as it makes players think about their itemization in a different way as Scrap creates temporary items based off the item component on a unit. On top of making a temporary unit, Scrap also gives a bonus shield based on components. This makes it so it has the ability to create massive shields through extra items!

Explore all of the TFT Set 13 Blog here!

How TFT Scrap Works

  1. Scrap Trait Bonus

Champions: Powder 1g / Trundle 1g / Ziggs 2g / Gangplank 3g / Corki 4g / Ekko 4g / Rumble 5g

Combat start: Components held by Scrap units temporarily turn into full items. Scrap units gain Shield for 30 seconds for each component held by your team, including those that make up a full item.

  • (2) 1 component, 25 Shield
  • (4) 3 components, 40 Shield
  • (6) All components, and full items become lucky! 65 Shield
  • (9) Generate Radiant items! 70 Shield
  1. Scrap Synergy

Here are the additional traits of the Scrap champions that give the opportunity to create trait webs:

  • Powder (1G) – Ambusher + Firelight
  • Trundle (1G) – Bruiser
  • Ziggs (2G) – Dominator
  • Gangplank (3G) – Form Swapper + Pit Fighter
  • Corki (4G) – Artillerist
  • Ekko (4G) – Ambusher + Firelight
  • Rumble (5G) – Junker King + Sentinel
  1. The Scrap Trait

Scrap makes the early game easier as you don’t have to slam specific items and can rely on component scraps turning into full items. Be on the lookout for Trundle, Powder, and Ziggs in the early game as well as Gangplank. Being able to have a 2 item carry or tank in the early game will prove to be strong or having 1 item on each unit is the other option. Scrap will likely be one of the stronger openers and on top of this has other strong 4 and 5 cost units making this trait have great high cap board options.

TFT Scrap Champions

  1. Powder (1G) – Scrap + Ambusher + Family

Powder sends a monkey towards the largest group of enemies causing a 2-hex radius explosion on impact. Enemies hit take (AP) magic damage reducing a percent for each hex they are away from the epicenter. She also wounds and burns applied for 5 seconds to all enemies hit.

Powder having burn and wound makes her solid throughout the entire game as anti-heal utility is helpful throughout the whole game and multiple units heal in this set. Placing a tear on her to help her cast easier might be an option in the early game as well.

  1. Trundle (1G) – Scrap + Bruiser

Trundle heals (AP) and chomps a target for (AD) physical damage. Both effects are increased by up to a 0.75% bleed based on Trundle’s missing health. Early game this will make Trundle strong on top of having the Bruiser trait for early and even late game tank traits.

  1. Ziggs (2G) – Scrap + Dominator

Ziggs tosses a bomb at a target, dealing (AP) magic damage. Three mini bombs fly out dealing (AP) magic damage to random enemies. Ziggs like most AP carries will need an early game casting item, but the bad news is that it likely doesn’t translate well into the late game carries of Scrap. But good news, you can easily Scrap a tear on him to make up for the lack of a mana item.

  1. Gangplank (3G) – Scrap + Form Swapper + Pit Fighter

Gangplank cleanses all negative effects and heals. He then slashes dealing 3 (AD) physical damage to enemies in a line. If only one enemy is hit, the damage is doubled.

  1. Corki (4G) – Scrap + Artillerist

Corki locks onto target and strafes to a nearby position, unleashing 21/21/35 missiles split between the target and all enemies within two hexes. Each missile deals (AD) physical damage and reduces Armor by 1.

Every 7th missile deals (AD) physical damage and reduces Armor by 1.

Corki is another unit of this set that inherently has armor reduction making missing a Last Whisper or Evenshroud not feel as bad.

  1. Ekko (4G) – Scrap + Ambusher + Firelight

Ekko summons an assault of afterimages that deals (AP) magic damage to the target and (AP) magic damage to 2/2/4 other nearby enemies. Afterimages reduce their target’s Magic Resist by 5 for the rest of combat.

Ekko has strong traits of Firelight, Ambusher along with his Scrap. On top of this Ekko has inherent shred (magic resistance reduction) that makes his kit strong as well. His Ambusher trait makes him easy to pair with another strong Ambusher – Jinx. However, Powder can also be paired as a Scrap unit if you don’t have a Jinx.

  1. Rumble (5G) – Scrap + Junker King + Sentinel

Rumble calls down a rain of 5 missiles on the target’s row that each deal (AP) magic damage, Wound, and 1% Burn units hit for 5 seconds. For each missile that doesn’t hit an enemy, restore 20 Mana. If there’s only 1 enemy left, fire all of the missiles at them. Burn: Deal a percent of the target’s max Health as true damage every second

Rumble’s utility will make him a strong unit in Scrap on top of the Sentinel trait being a strong defensive trait for Scrap as well. Hitting an early Rumble will feel like the icing on the cake in Scrap.

Best TFT Scrap Augments

In general, Augments like Crest and Crown will always be good, but there are definitely more notable ones to explore and discover. As we make our way to the PBE, we’ll be sure to test a variety of combinations and update this article with what we find.


Conclusion for Scrap in TFT Set 13

In conclusion, Scrap is a versatile and adaptive trait in TFT Set 13, ideal for players who want to maximize item potential and enjoy tactical flexibility. By transforming components into full items and granting substantial shielding, Scrap units can turn the tide of battle through resourceful item usage and extra durability. As the trait progresses, the added benefit of Radiant items at the highest level makes Scrap a powerful tool for endgame dominance. For players looking to add unpredictability and adaptability to their strategy, Scrap provides an engaging way to secure victories in Set 13.

Thanks for Reading! If you want to gain more in-depth knowledge about TFT, check out many helpful articles here!

Good luck to you! – Cheng

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Updated 3mo ago

TFT Set 13: How to Play Scrap

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