You should consider playing for a win streak when the following conditions are met:
1. Multiple Upgraded 2-Star Units Early
Having several 2-star units at the start of the game is a strong indicator to push for a win streak. This is especially true for Conqueror units, as their synergy provides valuable resources. For example, if you have a 2-star Darius and a 2-star Draven early, it's a clear signal to commit to a win streak.
You can absolutely get a full team of 5-cost 3-star or even 6-cost 3-star units if you have multiple Family or Conqueror emblems early on.

2. Immediate Item Combinations or Bonus Items from Augments
If you can quickly assemble strong item combinations or receive extra items from augments, it boosts your chances of maintaining a win streak. This is especially true for Artifact or Radiant items, as they are most impactful in the early game. Additionally, starting with the Academy trait, which provides extra items, can give you a significant edge.
3. Stronger Than the Lobby
Even if your board isn’t the absolute strongest, you can commit to a win streak if the rest of the lobby is weaker. This often happens when multiple players are running Chem-Baron or picking augments that encourage a loss streak, such as "What Doesn't Kill You".
Once you secure a strong win streak and establish both a solid economy and high HP, you should play at a slower pace. Take advantage of your lead and avoid going all-in too early like other players in Lobby.