Team Comp Overview:
In this comp we'll be rerolling Nitro units with Nidalee, Kindred and Elise being our main carries!
When to play:
- Scuttle Puddle
- Reroll augments
- 3 Nitro start
How to play:
- Level 5 Slow Roll: This comp rolls gold above 50 to look for 3-star 1-cost champions at level 5.
Explore all of the TFT Set 13 Blog here!
End Game Board


Early Game
- Play Nitro early to start stacking
- Don't level! Stay low level as we'll be rolling on 5
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Mid Game
- Play 4 Nitro once you hit Elise
- Don't level to 6 till you've hit your 3 stars

Late Game
- Go for 3 star Elise if you natural lots of copies, If not push levels
- If you reach level 9 or 10, you can add Annie, Aurora, Zeri, Miss Fortune, Zac, Garen, etc.
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Good luck to you! – Cheng