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TFT Set 4.5 PBE Comps
A tier list of the best comps to play on the TFT Set 4.5 Revival - Festival of Beasts PBE. Comps are sorted by Popularity within each tier, and update hourly.
- TFT Set 4.5 Revival: (Emblem) 9 Elderwood Veigar
- TFT Set 4.5 Revival: (Emblem) 9 Cultist Kalista
- TFT Set 4.5 Revival: 8 Brawler Shyvana Nunu
- TFT Set 4.5 Revival: 6 Warlord 4 Sharpshooter Nidalee
- TFT Set 4.5 Revival: 4 Executioner 4 Divine Kayle
- TFT Set 4.5 Revival: 4 Spirit Zed Reroll
- TFT Set 4.5 Revival: 6 Enlightened Talon
- TFT Set 4.5 Revival: 4 Spirit 4 Sharpshooter
- TFT Set 4.5 Revival: 7 Mage Aurelion Sol
- TFT Set 4.5 Revival: Vanguard Mystic Fabled Neeko
- TFT Set 4.5 Revival: (Emblem) 8 Duelist Yasuo
- TFT Set 4.5 Revival: (Emblem) 9 Dragonsoul Aurelion Sol
- TFT Set 4.5 Revival: 6 Dragonsoul 5 Mage Aurelion Sol
- TFT Set 4.5 Revival: 4 Spirit 4 Executioner Kayle
- TFT Set 4.5 Revival: 6 Assassin 4 Ninja Akali
- TFT Set 4.5 Revival: 6 Slayer Tryndamere
- TFT Set 4.5 Revival: 6 Fortune Darius
- TFT Set 4.5 Revival: 6 Keeper Kennen Xayah
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