🟡TFT Set 4.5 Revival: All Informations🟡



Exciting news! Soon, our servers will welcome the return of Set 4.5, scheduled for release on January 25, 2025. It will be available on the PBE two weeks prior.

As always, I will be compiling all the compositions that were played during this period in my document (link below). Please note that HERO AUGMENTS are likely to be included, as we also received them in Revival Set 5.5.

I'm particularly thrilled about this set because I reached a peak rank of Challenger with 780 LP, and I can't wait for the return of the chosen mechanic!


In the previous Revival, we not only had an engaging gameplay mode but also earned rewards such as borders and drops like Crystals and other prizes. I have a feeling that this time will be quite similar, so it would definitely be worthwhile to play more than just five games.


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Occasionally, in your shop, you may encounter a Chosen champion. These special champions are already at 2-star level, which means they cost three times their normal 1-star price and come with additional power:

  • One of their traits (either origin or class) is designated as “Chosen,” counting as 2 of that trait!
  • They gain an extra 200 HP along with a unique stat bonus—options include 500 HP, 35% spell power, 50 AD, or 25% reduced mana cost. (Please note that tunings are subject to change.)

Chosen units make it significantly easier to achieve certain traits, such as Warlord (9), compared to previous sets. They also enable you to reach high unit synergies with fewer units, providing greater flexibility in your choices. This innovative mechanic opens up a host of new possibilities and is sure to have a considerable impact on the meta.


Chosen champions appear in every fourth shop, even if you already have one on the board or bench. However, you won’t be able to buy them unless you sell your old one. When a Chosen champ is purchased, they will already be at a 2-star level and cost accordingly. Chosen champions give +1 to one of their traits. There are some rules around how they appear, so we’re here to clear the air:

When you see a Chosen that you’ve seen before, they will not have the same +1 trait as when you last saw them. For example, if you passed on an Enlightened Talon, the next time you’re offered a Chosen Talon, it will be an Assassin Talon.

When you pass on a Chosen champion, you won’t see that champion again for a few rounds.

There must be three copies remaining in the pool for the champ to be able to show up as a Chosen champ. However, your bag size is personal, with the number of units per cost listed below:

1 cost: 11

2 cost: 11

3 cost: 11

4 cost: 10

5 cost: 9


The last time we played this set, Augments didn’t exist, which is such a crazy thing to think about. Look at how far we have come. Here is a sneak peek into some set-specific Trait Augments that we created just for this Lunar Festival.

Cult’s Offerings: For every Gold above 40 that you have during planning, Galio permanently gains 5 health, up to 600

Divine Zeal: When Ascended, Divine units also gain 10% Attack Speed. Gain a Nasus.

Mother Dragon Breath: After 8 seconds of combat, a Dragon strikes the board, dealing 30% of max Health in magic damage to enemies and granting all allies 12% Attack Speed for the rest of combat. Gain a Tristana and a Braum.

Money Sprout: When Fortune is active, gain a Money Sprout that helps you in combat or drops gold depending on if it is in the front or back row. Gain a Tahm Kench and Annie.

The Tyrannical Warlord: At the start of combat, the Warlord who dealt the most damage last combat becomes the Tyrant. The Tyrant gains 25% Damage Amp. Gain a Jarvan IV and a Nidalee.

Executioner's Cut: Executioner executes enemies below 10% health.

How to play Early Game

The Chosen mechanic influences players throughout the game, allowing them to pick up a Chosen unit in the early stages to build a win streak. If you discover an early Chosen unit that fits within an S-tier composition, congratulations! You not only have the opportunity to establish a win streak, but you will likely transition seamlessly into your late-game composition as well.

However, even if you do not find an exceptional Chosen unit early on, you can still choose to acquire one later to maintain your strength throughout the game. If you decide to sell your Chosen unit, you will be able to find another in the shop; however, you will incur a net loss of 1 gold from that sale. The hope is that your Chosen unit has already generated significantly more gold for you through a potential win streak.

If you haven't found any decent Chosen units early on or are experiencing general bad luck, you can still use a Chosen unit as a way to make a comeback by aiming for a 3 or 4-cost Chosen unit. It’s important to try not to lose too much HP and to create flexible items whenever possible. When you roll down at levels 7 or 8, you will have a good chance of discovering a strong Chosen unit that you can transition into effectively.

Warning: This strategy can be quite risky and requires a solid understanding of the game. You'll need to be comfortable with transitioning into various compositions depending on the Chosen unit you encounter. Ideally, the perfect Chosen unit will appear and fit seamlessly into your composition, but relying on this can be less consistent than leveraging the early game with a well-chosen unit.

Unique stats. For the most part, the Chosen trait is what you care about. You can roll into a Chosen Elderwood or a Chosen Mage that will boost your team strength immensely. You can be lucky and find a Chosen carry with a good trait bonus, but looking for that every game is not very consistent. If you like playing a certain comp, try to figure out what Chosen traits would best fit your team, or best adapts aga




  • At the start of combat, Galio is summoned to fight alongside Cultists. His strength increases with more Cultist units.
  • (3/6/9): Summons Tyrant, Demonic Galio, or Supreme Galio.
  • After a few seconds in combat, Divine champions cleanse all crowd control effects, gain bonus true damage, and take reduced damage.
  • (2/4/6/8): Lasts 4/7/10/14 seconds.
Dragonsoul 🐉
  • Every few seconds, the nearest Dragonsoul unit gains bonus damage and attack speed and sets enemies on fire.
  • (3/6/9): One/two/three champions receive the buff.
Elderwood 🌳
  • Every few seconds, Elderwood champions gain bonus Armor, Magic Resistance, and Ability Power.
  • (3/6/9): The bonus effect increases.
Enlightened 📜
  • Enlightened champions generate more mana from their attacks.
  • (2/4/6): 40%/70%/100% increased mana gain.
Exile ⚔️
  • If an Exile champion starts combat without adjacent allies, they gain a shield and heal over time.
  • (1/2): 50%/80% shield and 8%/12% healing per second.
Fortune 🍀
  • Losing a round grants a bonus payout. The longer the losing streak, the better the reward.
  • (3/6): Gold and item rewards, with a jackpot at 6 Fortune.
Spirit 👻
  • When any Spirit champion casts an ability, the whole team gains attack speed for a few seconds.
  • (2/4): 35%/70% attack speed.
The Boss 🥊
  • Sett leaves the battlefield when reaching 40% HP, performs push-ups, then re-enters combat with restored health and bonus damage.
Fabled 🌊
  • Fabled champions' abilities gain bonus effects, such as extra damage or additional hits.
  • (3): Abilities are enhanced.
Blacksmith 🔨
  • Ornn can forge unique artifact items and grant them to allies.

  • At the start of combat, Adepts slow enemy attack speed for a few seconds.
  • (2/3/4): 2/3/5 seconds of slow.
Assassin 🗡️
  • Assassins gain bonus critical strike chance and damage.
  • (2/4/6): +10%/+25%/+40% critical strike chance and +30%/+55%/+80% critical strike damage.
Brawler 💪
  • Brawlers gain bonus health.
  • (2/4/6/8): +400/+700/+1100/+1600 HP.
Duelist ⚔️
  • Duelists gain bonus attack speed with every attack.
  • (2/4/6/8): 15%/25%/40%/60% per stack (max 7).
Emperor 👑
  • Azir starts combat with two invincible Sand Guards that fight alongside him.
Executioner 🎯
  • Executioner attacks always critically strike against low-health enemies.
  • (2/3/4): Critical strikes on enemies below 33%/66%/99% HP.
Mage 🔮
  • Mages cast their abilities twice, but with reduced power.
  • (3/5/7): 80%/105%/135% spell power on second cast.
  • Mystics grant bonus magic resistance to all allies.
  • (2/3/4): +40/+100/+200 Magic Resistance.
Sharpshooter 🎯
  • Sharpshooter attacks bounce to additional enemies with reduced damage.
  • (2/4/6): 1/2/3 extra targets at 50% damage.
Slayer ⚔️
  • Slayers deal bonus damage, which increases as their health gets lower.
  • (3/6): 20-60%/30-90% extra damage.
Syphoner 🩸
  • Syphoner champions and their allies heal for a portion of the damage they deal.
  • (2/4): 10%/25% lifesteal.
Vanguard 🛡️
  • Vanguards gain bonus Armor.
  • (2/4/6/8): +100/+250/+500/+800 Armor.
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1-Cost Champions

Brand (Dragonsoul, Mage) 🔥🔮

Ability - Sear:
Brand launches a fireball at his target, dealing magic damage. If the target is affected by Dragonsoul's Blessing, the fireball stuns them.

Diana (Spirit, Assassin) 👻🗡️

Ability - Pale Cascade:
Diana shields herself for a few seconds and summons orbs that circle her. Each orb explodes on contact, dealing magic damage.

Elise (Cultist, Keeper) ⛪🛡️

Ability - Frenzied Attack:
Elise enters a frenzy, gaining bonus attack speed and healing for a portion of her attack damage.

Fiora (Enlightened, Duelist) 📜⚔️

Ability - Riposte:
Fiora parries the next attack and stuns the attacker, dealing magic damage.

Garen (Warlord, Vanguard) ⚔️🛡️

Ability - Decisive Strike:
Garen cleanses himself of crowd control and gains bonus movement speed. His next attack slashes his target, dealing bonus damage.

Nasus (Divine, Syphoner) ✨🩸

Ability - Wither:
Nasus slows his target's attack speed and deals magic damage over time.

Nidalee (Warlord, Sharpshooter) ⚔️🎯

Ability - Javelin Toss:
Nidalee throws a spear at her target, dealing magic damage. The further the spear travels, the more damage it deals.

Tristana (Dragonsoul, Sharpshooter) 🔥🎯

Ability - Explosive Charge:
Tristana throws a bomb at her target, which explodes after a delay, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies.

Vladimir (Cultist, Syphoner) ⛪🩸

Ability - Transfusion:
Vladimir deals magic damage to his target and heals himself for a portion of the damage dealt.

Wukong (Divine, Vanguard) ✨🛡️

Ability - Crushing Blow:
Wukong smashes his target, dealing magic damage and reducing their armor for a few seconds.

Yasuo 👻🗡️

Yasuo strikes forward two hexes, attacking for % of his Attack Damage. If he can't hit two targets from where he's standing, he'll first dash to a place where he can.

Maokai ⚔️🎯

Maokai smashes the ground, sending forward a shockwave, that deals magic damage to enemies hit and slowing their Attack Speed by 50% for 3 seconds.

Garen ✨🛡️

Garen spins his sword for 4 seconds, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies and reducing incoming magic damage by 80% over the duration.

Twisted Fate ⛪🩸

Twisted Fate throws three cards in a cone that deal magic damage to each enemy they pass through

2-Cost Champions

Braum (Dragonsoul, Vanguard) 🔥🛡️

Ability - Unbreakable:
Braum reduces incoming damage and blocks projectiles for a few seconds.

Janna (Enlightened, Mystic) 📜✨

Ability - Eye of the Storm:
Janna shields a nearby ally and grants them bonus attack damage.

Jax (Divine, Duelist) ✨⚔️

Ability - Counter Strike:
Jax dodges all incoming attacks for a few seconds and then stuns nearby enemies.

Lulu (Elderwood, Mage) 🌳🔮

Ability - Whimsy:
Lulu polymorphs a random enemy, disabling them for a few seconds.

Pyke (Cultist, Assassin) ⛪🗡️

Ability - Phantom Undertow:
Pyke dashes forward, then returns to his starting position, stunning enemies in his path.

Teemo (Spirit, Sharpshooter) 👻🎯

Ability - Blinding Dart:
Teemo throws a dart at his target, blinding them and dealing magic damage.

Jarvan IV (Warlord, Keeper) ⚔️🛡️

Ability - Shield Bash:
Jarvan IV shields himself and then slams his shield into enemies, dealing damage.

Nautilus 🔥🛡️

Nautilus erupts the ground beneath his target, knocking them up, stunning them for a few seconds and dealing magic damage. Fabled Bonus: Nautilus also grants himself a shield that reduces incoming damage by 50% for 5 seconds.

Zed ⚔️

Innate: When combat starts, Zed teleports to the enemy backline. Passive: Every third attack, Zed deals bonus magic damage and steals % of the target's current Attack Damage.

Rakan 🍀🔮

Rakan dashes to the furthest enemy within range, disarming all units he passes through for a few seconds and taunting his target. Rakan then creates a shield on himself for 4 seconds

Vladimir 🍀🔮

Vladimir deals magic damage to his target. All nearby allies are healed for 50% of damage dealt.

Annie (Fortune, Mage) 🍀🔮

Ability - Burst Shield:
Annie shields herself and explodes, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies.

3-Cost Champions

Darius (Fortune, Slayer) 🍀⚔️

Ability - Guillotine:
Darius slashes his target, dealing massive damage. If he gets a takedown, he resets and casts again.

Katarina (Warlord, Assassin) ⚔️🗡️

Ability - Death Lotus:
Katarina spins in place, throwing daggers at multiple nearby enemies, dealing magic damage.

Kennen (Ninja, Keeper) 🥷🛡️

Ability - Slicing Maelstrom:
Kennen calls down a lightning storm, stunning and dealing magic damage to nearby enemies.

Kindred (Spirit, Executioner) 👻🎯

Ability - Lamb's Respite:
Kindred places a healing zone on the battlefield, preventing allies from dying for a few seconds.

Neeko (Fabled, Mystic) 🌊✨

Ability - Pop Blossom:
Neeko jumps into the air and slams down, dealing magic damage to all nearby enemies.

Shyvana (Dragonsoul, Brawler) 🔥💪

Ability - Dragon's Descent:
Shyvana transforms into a dragon, gaining bonus HP and burning enemies in a wide area.

Veigar (Elderwood, Mage) 🌳🔮

Ability - Dark Blossom:
Veigar targets the lowest-health enemy and blasts them with a powerful magic bolt.

Yuumi (Spirit, Mystic) 👻✨

Ability - Zoomies:
Yuumi heals the lowest-health ally and grants them bonus attack speed.

Irelia (Divine, Adept) ✨⏳

Ability - Bladesurge:
Irelia dashes to her target, disarming them and dealing magic damage.

Sivir ⚔️🗡️

Sivir rallies her allies within 2 hexes, granting them Attack Speed for 5 seconds. Sivir gains bonus Attack Damage for the duration.

Nunu 👻✨

Willump bites his target, dealing magic damage. If Willump's target has less Health than he does before the bite, it deals an additional 50% damage and becomes true damage.

Kalista ⚔️🗡️ .

Passive: Kalista's spears remain in her target, each one capable of dealing % of the target's maximum Health in magic damage when removed. She removes the spears when doing so would kill the target.

Akali ⚔️🗡️

Akali throws kunai at her target, dealing magic damage.

4-Cost Champions

Morgana (Enlightened, Syphoner) 📜🩸

Ability - Soul Shackles:
Morgana links herself to multiple enemies, dealing damage over time and stunning them if they remain linked.

Aatrox (Cultist, Vanguard) ⛪🛡️

Ability - The Darkin Blade:
Aatrox swings his massive blade, dealing magic damage to enemies in a straight line.

Aurelion Sol (Dragonsoul, Mage) 🔥🔮

Ability - Voice of Light:
Aurelion Sol unleashes a massive beam, dealing magic damage in a large area.

Cho'Gath (Fabled, Brawler) 🌊💪

Ability - Rupture:
Cho'Gath knocks up all enemies in a straight line, dealing magic damage.

Olaf (Dragonsoul, Slayer) 🔥⚔️

Ability - Ragnarok:
Olaf becomes unstoppable, gaining attack speed, lifesteal, and immunity to crowd control.

Sejuani (Fortune, Vanguard) 🍀🛡️

Ability - Glacial Prison:
Sejuani throws a giant ice explosion, stunning all nearby enemies.

Talon (Enlightened, Assassin) 📜🗡️

Ability - Blade's End:
Talon slashes his target. If the target dies, Talon jumps to another and resets his ability.

Tryndamere (Warlord, Duelist, Slayer) ⚔️⚔️⚔️

Ability - Spinning Slash:
Tryndamere spins toward his target, dealing physical damage.

Xayah (Elderwood, Executioner, Keeper) 🌳🎯🛡️

Ability - Featherstorm:
Xayah becomes untargetable and throws feathers at all enemies in front of her.

Kayle ⚔️⚔️⚔️

Kayle Ascends, causing her attacks to launch waves that deal bonus magic damage.

Shen 🍀🛡️

Shen dashes past his target, shielding himself against damage and taunting all adjacent enemies for a seconds.

5-Cost Champions

Azir (Emperor, Keeper) 👑🛡️

Ability - Emperor’s Command:
Azir summons Sand Soldiers, dealing damage to multiple enemies in a line.

Lee Sin (Divine, Duelist) ✨⚔️

Ability - Dragon’s Rage:
Lee Sin kicks his target across the battlefield, knocking up any enemies in their path.

Ornn (Elderwood, Blacksmith) 🌳🔨

Ability - Call of the Forge God:
Ornn summons a massive ram, which knocks up and stuns enemies in its path.

Samira (Daredevil, Slayer, Sharpshooter) 🎯⚔️

Ability - Inferno Trigger:
Samira enters a spinning barrage, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.

Sett (Boss, Brawler) 🥊💪

Ability - The Showstopper:
Sett grabs an enemy and slams them into the ground, dealing massive AOE damage.

Swain (Dragonsoul, Syphoner) 🔥🩸

Ability - Dragon's Ascendance:
Swain transforms, healing for a portion of the damage he deals and burning nearby enemies.

Yone (Exile, Adept) ⚔️⏳

Ability - Fate Sealed:
Yone dashes through enemies, reducing their armor and magic resist while dealing damage.

Zilean (Cultist, Mystic) ⛪✨

Ability - Time Bomb:
Zilean places a revive bomb on several allies. If they die, they come back to life with some health.

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Updated 2mo ago

🟡TFT Set 4.5 Revival: All Informations🟡

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