Patch note & Changelog
14.4 patch notes:
3/1: Update useful information for who want to enjoy TFT championship
2/24: move down Bruiser Lux to B tier, she is good and uncontested but her teammates aren't (Zac, Zed, Illaoi), not to mention her items is uncomfortable to play. Still a strong comp when you got lots of rods.
2/21: more detail on Lulu, make the tier list more visible
2/19: initial release
Free download mind map for every comp
New update: add a BiS cheat sheet for who don't want to play flexibly, and SET 3.5!
Hello everyone, I’m Khym!
I decide to turn this post to an meta round up for who want to enjoy TFT championship with fully knowledge, this post will contain:
- Tournament meta overview
- Ladder tier list
And a small interesting bonus section
14.4 Tournament meta overview
Tournament meta is a bit different, like Punk is a free top 4 comp in ladder but in TFT championship they don't really play without a Spatular, they want to play for a win.
At this point of the game I believe you already know how to play most of teams. If you're a newbie have a look of my mind map link above to see a quick guide to other comps.
1 cost carry
Yasuo: free top 4 lmao, still have a chance to win
Annie: only appear with Pumping up or Emotional Connection
Jinx: unlike Yasuo Jinx might appear in a Spatular portal or somehow they only need a top 4 to be qualified (like 20 points). Lower capped board than Yasuo but higher top 4 rate because sometimes you can't find Yasuo :v
2 cost carry
Bard, Katarina, Senna, Seraphine, Kayle. Currently the main meta for many reasons:
- Super flexible with Superfan opener
- In other set, normally you can't lv 9 when playing reroll comp. This is possible in set 10, not to mention headliner mechanics make 3 star easier.
- 2 cost bag size is safer than 3 cost in term of contesting
- Instead of hitting lv 8 to make a board with Karthus, Viego and Akali then lv 9 later, pro players tend to 3* Kayle so they can survive to make a higher capped board with those 4 cost.
For set 10 design Riot encourages this meta, in previous sets they don't let 1, 2 cost reroll comp alive :v
3 cost carry
Riven: the only reliable comp, due to the fact that there is no one buying her, unlike Yone
Lulu, Vex and Urgot: only can play with suitable augment (Hologram, Twin Terror, Exposing weekness, Submit to the Pit...)
Samira: playable with lots of items (Scrappy Invention, loaded carousel portal or Spatular)
4 cost carry
AD flex with Heartsteel: definitely a comp to see every match, highest capped board and very versatile (Ezreal, Zed, Akali, Caitlyn, and Viego)
Disco: 2nd highest capped board. Despite its strong in early game, you are easy to lose HP at lv 7, 8. Its depends on how early you can find Ziggs and what headliner you got (Dazzler+ TF is the safetest)
Pentakill Karthus: still a good top 2 comp, you might see someone play in loaded carousel (items for Karthus, Viego, Morde, Akali and Yorick)
Warrior Ahri: just a save top 4 comp, you might see when someone switching into this when Seraphine is contested, or play with KDA emblem
Thumbnail for popular comps :v

14.4 Ladder tier list
Tier list is not the same every game. For example Yone is stronger than Riven but there are always at least 2 Heartsteel players who also try to buy him, as a result Riven is more reliable. Yone is decent if you accidentally got lots of free Yone or got champion duplicator somehow.
So I provide 2 Tier lists:
- Overall Tier list (include contested rate)
- Capped board tier list (to see which comp have the most win rate)
Data well cherry pick and analyzed from MetaTFT, Master+ lobby
Overall Tier list
S Tier. Easy top 4, easy top 1 with capped board:
No broken comp atm
A Tier. 2 Categories
Riskier top 4, easier top 1:
- AD Flex (Ezreal, Zed, Caitlyn, Viego, TD Akali)
- Disco
Easy top 4, top 1 with good synergy:
- Hologram Lulu (need a good front line)
- Punk Jinx (can win with 6 Punk)
A- Tier. Top 2 comps:
For 2 cost reroll, after 3* go straight to lv 9 to find 4, 5 cost. Don't stop at lv 8 unless your HP is low
- Zhonya/Submit to the Pit Jax
- Country Samira & Urgot (can win with 7 Country or Golden egg)
- True Damage Yasuo
- True Damage Senna
- Crowd Diver Katarina
- KDA Seraphine
- Pumping Up Annie
- 7 Pentakill Karthus
- Submit to the Pit Jax/Urgot (can win at lv 9)
B tier. Top 4 comps, small chance to win:
That Jazz Baby Bard > MF (can win with 3* Neeko/Ekko)
Crowd Diver Yone (high contested, can win)
8-Bit Riven (easier top 4, can win with 6 8-Bit)
Warrior Ahri (Poppy > Zed)
Pentakill Kayle (A Tier with 3 star Morde)
Bruiser Lux (need lots of Rods)
B- tier. 3 star extra unit can win:
- 4/6 Executioner with 4/2 Guardian
- Twin Terror (4 Executioner or 4 Guardian)
- Sentinel/KDA Ahri
- Sentinel Kayle + Garen
C tier. Top 4 comp:
- 5 Pentakill + Edgelord/Executioner headliner (should find Pentakill headliner at lv 9)
- Bruiser Olaf (B tier with Gargantuan Resolve, normally don't choose to stay top 4 at 2-1)
For easy look

Capped board Tier list
S Tier:
- Ezreal, Disco full 5 cost at lv 9
- 6 8-Bit Riven (emblem on Viego/Lucian)
- 7 Country Samira/Urgot
- Senna + TD emblem on Ahri
- That Jazz baby Bard/MF + 3* Neeko/Ekko, S+ with both
- Lulu + 3 star Ekko/Gragas
- Zhonya Jax + 3 star Lux
A Tier:
- Viego Edgelord headliner + Pentakill Emblem (A+ Tier)
- 6 Punk (emblem on Poppy/Yorick)
- 6 Crowd Diver Yone + healing/crit/Gargantuan augment
- 7 Pentakill Karthus + itemized Yorick
- Sentinel Kayle (3* Garen + Morde/Ekko, Qiyana)
- Pentakill Kayle + 3 star Morde
B Tier: other comps
2 Broken things in this patch
If you see a player have one of these thing, keep an eye on them!
- Dimond Hand from Artifact anvil: it's equal an primastic augment and if they got it at 2-1, 99% top 4 rate and extremely high win chance. It gives lots of econ to fast 8 and play Ezreal for sure.
- Champion duplicator: with 2 of them 90% they will find 4 copies of an uncontested 4 cost, buy a headliner then 3* win the game.
Thanks for reading this far
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