Tome of Traits Set 9.5 Guide

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Tome of Traits is a consumable that you can receive from Augments like “Ancient Archives”, from Gold Orbs or other mechanics like a Piltover Cashout. Selling a Tome will grant you a choice between 4 different Emblems. This guide will teach you how to influence the outcome in your favor.

In Set 9.5 you have a total of 8 Craftable Emblems and 14 Elusive Emblems. Craftable means you can build them yourself with the help of a Spatula and Elusive Emblems are obtained with the help of Augments or other game mechanics.

The game will “tailor” an Emblem based on the amount of traits you placed on your board in the PREVIOUS round (PVP or PVE). It does not matter if the traits were active, they only have to show up on the left side of your screen.

0 - 5 Traits = Full Random

6 - 7 Traits = 1 Tailored Emblem

8 - 9 Traits = 2 Tailored Emblems

10 - 11 Traits = 3 Tailored Emblems

12+ Traits = 4 Tailored Emblems

Emblems in Set 9.5

Example 1: In Stage 2-1 you have the following units on your board: Samira, Cassiopeia, Swain and Warwick. You wait until Stage 2-2 and then pop the Tome. You have a total of 8 traits on your Board: Noxus, Challenger, Invoker, Juggernaut, Shurima, Sorcerer, Strategist, Zaun. This puts you into the threshold for 2 tailored Emblems. So from this list of 8 traits, you are guaranteed two of them, while the other 2 Emblems choices are fully random.


Example 2: In Stage 1-4 you have Cho'Gath, Renekton and Malzahar on your board. You select "Ancient Archives" and pop the Tome right away. You only had a total of 4 traits on your board: Bruiser, Void, Shurima and Sorcerer. Since you didn't reach the minimum of 6 traits, all of your Emblem outcomes are therefore fully random.


The most important tech you can use to increase your chance for a tailored Emblem is to add traits that count towards the threshold but don’t have available Emblems to contest. Here is a List of traits with no Emblem:

Multicaster (Taliyah, Twisted Fate, Sona, Vel'Koz)

Darkin (Naafiri, Aatrox)

Wanderer (Ryze)

Empress (Bel'Veth)

Reaver King (Gangplank)

Techno Genius (Heimerdinger)

The ones that you can only reach with Tier 5 units are not useful for Tome Manipulation, since you can't access them in the early game. Darkin only belonged to Aatrox in 9.0, but can now be added with the new Tier 2 Unit Naafiri. Multicaster can easily be added with Taliyah, Twisted Fate, Sona or Vel’Koz. Unfortunately we cannot use the Yordle trait anymore for Tome manipulation, since the trait was removed in the mid set.

There are two ways on how to approach Tome Manipulation.

  1. Maximize the chances for a specific Emblem.

  2. Create a selection of Emblems you prefer.


Maximizing Chances

If your only goal is to maximize the chances of receiving a specific Emblem and you don’t really care about the other outcomes, then you can aim for one of two different Setups:

Twisted Fate + Naafiri + Qiyana + X These three units will add the following 8 traits to your board: Bilgewater, Shurima, Challenger, Ixtal, Rogue, Slayer. You can now add any unit that has 2 traits to your board with the Emblem that you are looking for. This will put you at 10 traits and guarantee you 3 Emblems. Since Multicaster and Darkin have no Emblem it's a selection of 3 out of 8. If you want a Zaun Emblem you can add Jinx, if you want a Demacia Emblem you can add either Poppy or Galio. (Bilgewater, Shurima, Challenger, Ixtal, Rogue, Slayer)

Twisted Fate
Twisted Fate

Sona + Naafiri + Graves + X This an alternative setup that effectively accomplishes the same effect, with slightly different traits. Instead of a chance for a Rogue and Slayer Emblem you will instead have a chance for Demacia and Gunner Emblem.

It’s also possible to play 5 Units during the Krugs PVE round to reach more tailored emblems if you didn’t manage to find all of the units for the setup.


Create a good Selection

The downside of maximizing your chances for a specific Emblem is that you are running a lot of traits that you might not want to play. The other approach for Tome is a lot simpler. You can simply run 3 or 4 units that have traits you enjoy playing.

For example: Let’s assume you have the Urf Legend with the intention of selecting Ancient Archives in Stage 2-1. You can run Orianna, Cho’Gath and Kayle in Stage 1-4. You have an equal chance to receive either Piltover, Sorc, Void, Bruiser, Demacia or Slayer. If you feel confident with all of these Emblems you can pop the Tome right away, take one of the Emblems in Stage 2-1 and play out the game with a clear direction.


Useful Tips

  • Always remember that the outcome of your Tome is from the PREVIOUS round. You have to wait until the next planning phase starts, before consuming it.

  • Emblems follow a specific order and you can tell which Emblems were tailored. First is most left, then most right, then second to right, then second the left

  • The last tailored Emblem that appears in the second to the left slot is ALWAYS an elusive Emblem if you had 11 or less traits.

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Updated 1y ago

Tome of Traits Set 9.5 Guide

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