I'm from Poland my name is Tomasz I've been playing TFT from the very beginning the 2nd set on the "highest" level of the EUW/EUNE server, and since then I have been making meta in TFT!
🟩 Pros Patch
🟢 Olaf buffs
🟢 Witchcraft & Faerie Flex playable
🟢 Wukong weak
🟢 Veigar need Nerf Mage
🟢 Nerf All Hero Augments
🟢 Jinx needed nerf
🟢 Briar can be very good we can now stack her
🟢 Nerf Xerath Arcana
🟢 6x Chrono now get AP buffed
🟢 Nerf Op Items
🟢 Sugarcraft were definitely too strong (HP)
🟢 Nice changes Witchcrafts
🟢 Dragons playable
🟢 Rakan/Tahm Kench better tank than Nasus
🟢 Cassiopia is very good but with Spatula Witchcraft or Poppy Hero Augment or with Shapesifter Briar
🟢 Hecarim the good from Raid Boss is now ok, not just a character to be added
🟢 + is that rolls and flex 8/9 are together at the finish line
🟢 Next buffs for Faerie
🟢 Syndra is unplayable
🟢 Next Nerf on Shojin
🟢 Good reword skill Xerath
🟢 Legendary Board can be good
🟥 Cons Patch
🔴 Honeymancy a 40% buffed this is horibble
🔴 Nomsy rework WTF
🔴 Cassiopeia rework WTF
🔴 New Hero0 Augment Shen
🔴 No Buff needed for Norra
🔴 Smoldere still broken
🔴 8x Shapeshifter buff
🔴 Why Change Gwen
🔴 Why Chnage Ezreal on front?
🔴 Most of Artifact is crap
🔴 Clockwork Accelerator OP?
🔴 Warwick buffed WTF?
All Comps here:
They are as strong as the TOP 7:
Hecarim 3 ➡️
Blitzcrank 3 ➡️
Rumble 3 ➡️
Ashe 3 & Jax 3 ➡️
Warwick 3 ➡️
Legendary Board ➡️
With this compositions you can easly get in top 4:
Sugarcrafts ➡️
Bard 3 ➡️
Katarina 3 ➡️
Built Different ➡️
Kog'Maw 3 ➡️
Hwei 3 ➡️
Briar ➡️
Other Comps:
Seraphine 3 & Soraka 3 ➡️
Veigar 3 ➡️
Max Eldritch ➡️
Zilean 3 ➡️
Akali 3 & Nilah 3 ➡️
Dragons version 1 (with Reroll only Augment Dragonic Mastery)

Dragons version 2 (with Rush 9 Smolder & Briar)

How to play
In this patch, a lot of this composition is provided by Augment for Dragons "Draconic Mystery" in and to gain its full potential, play only in it.
At the beginning, we collect as much economy as possible and on golems, if we have a lot of noms, we can roll at level 4 from 50+ to 10-15 to get this character to three stars or slow roll to 5, I recommend slow roll, but the chances are also slightly higher you have Shyvan and this is a unit that we also do here for level 3, but if they finish the Noms, then we go to level 6 to maximize the % on the character for 2 gold. At the end, we are left with level 8/9 and, most importantly, getting 3 Dragon, so Smolder as a second carry, we can play him or some Bruiser items on Briar.
can play Jayce/Elise/Twitch 3 but dont you need this.

Witchcraft Flex (version 1)

Witchcraft Flex (version 2)

Witchcraft Flex (version 3)

How to play
For this spot to work, you have to come into it very naturally!
A very specific tactic due to the fact that you need to do as many as 8x Witchcraft, so it is very important to have such assets as: Flexible or Golem from Crest Witchcraft or Emblem itself, in a later phase you are looking for the second augment or taking Spatula from the circle. This is very flexible, if you don't get 8x you can go to Karma Carry with Fiora and add Morgan as a front tank. But once we have Morgana in this comp she becomes a killing machine and it's hard to stop her. We rather want to rush to level 8 to get at least characters such as Fiora/Karma and Rakan, of course it would be nice to have Morgan at this level as well, but after upgrading to level 8 we would like to reach level 9 and that opens the door to Morgan 2. We play as second carry. Karma with emblem and Fiora with offtank items like Bt/Sterak. Bonus can we more items so go Briar.

Faerie Flex (version 1)

Faerie Flex (version 2)

How to play
Finally, Faerie can be playable without trying hardening to a maximum of 9x this trait due to buffs. As for the whole composition, we only play until the end when I enter Spatula Faerie without her, this composition becomes weaker due to the addition of one usless unit, which is Lillia/Seraphine. As for rolling, we start at level 8 to get Rak and Kalista to level two, and it's best to play Spatula on Morgan. As for Katarina 3, we want to slow roll her at level 8 only when we have a lot of them and no one is playing her in the lobby, let me tell you right away that it is not required in this comp on three stars. As for 9x Faerie, when we can, we simply change Zilean and rush level 10 and add Lillia/Seraphine.