14.4 update: Add a new BiS + Ornn's item section, cherry picked and well analyzed data from metaTFT. Small item change to fit with new patch
14.3 update:
Caitlyn mana change to 75 that mean Shojin is her BiS now.
14.2 update:
Update new Karthus, TF, Jinx items and AP caster. Make the cheat sheet more memorable
Easy cheat sheet
Hello guys I'm Khym
Itemization is a fundamental skill that you should learn if you want to improve your gameplay. In this guide, I will cover how to make the most of your item components, best in slot and Ornn items for every single champion.
If you look at any team comp guide, you can learn what items you should build, but not every game will go the same. Let’s cook!
Below is ITEM RECOMMENDATION FOR A FLEXIBLE BUILD, if you want to see best in slot scroll down to BiS section, they are just slightly better but you have to pivot. Choose which one suit with your playstyle!
Most of the time we don't have 3 BiS on a 5 cost champion, but I still want to give you something in mind for late game strategy.
Those items vary depend on situation (for example if you have a healing aug ment then healing item is not necessary), what I do is trying to make an "optimal list" of what items you should slam. In case your aimed comp is contested you still can move to another comp.
Table of contents
Firstly, carry champion in this set divinded into 5 categories:
- Melee AD
- Ranged AD
- Melee AP
- Ranged AP
- AP caster
Then a list of BiS + Ornn items, cherry picked and well analyzed data from metaTFT. I confidentally say it's 99% accurate.
Melee AD core
Melee AD recommendation
This list shows the Best in Slot (BiS) items for each melee AD carry. If a slot is empty, it means that it’s okay to slam any AD items. It’s okay not to have BiS, but there are some things you should keep in mind:
Olaf: Sterak is the best item with 6 Bruiser. However, I don’t recommend slamming Sterak as the first item. Unless you’re 100% playing Olaf carry, otherwise consider slamming Titan or Bloodthirster (BT), and then flex into any melee AD later.
Yasuo: As a 1-cost carry, Yasuo will disappear quickly when taking damage. Therefore, Edge of Night (EoN) and BT are must-have items for him. Additionally, Ornn item Death’s Defiance is the best replacement when you get it.
Akali (KDA): When she has healing, you want to put her in the frontline to take a little damage before disappearing and healing herself. Therefore, a Titan will give her some stack in that interval. The last item could be anything, but if you have at least 2 Executioners, give her another HoJ to 1 vs 4, 5 when all her teammates die.
Poppy: just remember her passive skill convert HP bonus to AD
Viego/Zed/Qiyana: EoN or healing items then positioning wisely
Priority rule:
Healing item (HoJ/BT) > Titan, EoN > others (QS, Runaan, Gunblade, IE, Sterak, LW)
Ranged AD core
Ranged AD recommendation
IE is obviously the safest melee AD carry item, while Giant Slayer (GS) is a safe item to slam in the mid-game. Last item coulbe be Last Whisper or Evenshroud.
Runaan and Guinsoo: its good on carry who perform lots of normal atk or their skill count as a normal atk (Jinx, Samira (Runaan only), Lucian > Corki, Twitch, MF > others)
Corki and MF: they need extra >40% atk speed to maintain Big Shot bonus
Jinx: she has a lot of scaling attack speed. Statistically, her BiS is Guinsoo + Runaan and GS but this cost you 3 bows (and might be another bow for Last whisper). So DB is the optimal choice.
If you’re interested, read this topic (RB is good on her, but I suggest putting it on Twitch instead)
Samira: she gains attack speed on crit, so slam as much crit as possible. In a Country team (2 Executioner) her BiS is actually 2 IE and Runaan (make sure you have Sunder item on another unit).
Cait: needs 1 Shojin and any redundant item. In a Cait & Ez team, you should prefer BiS for Ez than Cait. Her kit is not optimized for any BiS.
Ezreal: watch out if you slam Blue Buff (BB) early. BB is strong but it’s not a safe item to slam. Slamming Blue Buff means you are forcing yourself to play Ezreal or Ahri, so don’t be sad if you can’t find Ez/Cait/Ahri/Akali headliner XD.
Jhin: BB > Shojin but normally you prefer putting on Ezreal, NEVER play Jhin as a main carry if you don't have Shojin, BB or Manazane. EoN can give him 2 more extra skills or save his life.
Lucian: his atk speed bug has been fixed, Runaan shot together with his skill
Priority rule:
IE, RB (can switch to ranged AP) > GS, Runaan, Shojin > others (Guinsoo when you sure what comp to play)
Melee AP recommendation
Jax/Kata: if your first aug is reroll you can flex between these two with Jeweled Guanlet opener
Jax last item could be Eon or BT but remember Zhonya is brooooken
Item priority:
HoJ > JG
Ranged AP core
Ranged AP recommendation
This build on AP isn't not the best, but the most flexible build to play with any comps
GS can be worn on any ranged AP except Karthus (he deals damage to the lowest HP enemies).
Senna: Superfan already gives her a Shojin. The next two items could be anything (RB, Morello, Nashor, GS, Shiv)
Lux: The EDM trait helps her skill cast again in a FIXED INTERVAL (no matter how fast her mana regenerates). Therefore, slam 3 damage items to maximize this.
TF & Karthus: after 14.2 BiS of these 2 are changed
Karthus: each cast give him AP so slam 2 mana regen/atk speed item Shojin + RB/Morello/AH/2nd Shojin + AP item (JG is better than Rabadon because he already have enough AP)
TF: better scaling with atk speed. 2 atk speed/mana regen items maintain Nashor 5s buff
- Best overall: Shojin + Red Buff/Morello/Guinsoo/AH (pick 2 of these) + any AP
- BiS but not flexible: Guinsoo + Archangel + Gunblade. Only slam this when you have a Disco opener. Disco holds the fight long enough for stacking
Personally I would recommend to slam Shojin and RB in case you want to flex into Karthus. Red Buff + Rabadon can be replaced by AH and Morello
AP caster core
AP caster recommendation
AP casters are different due to their properties. Unlike other carries, AP casters need to have at least 2 mana regen items (Nashor + Blue Buff/Shojin) to stack dmg as much as possible. Slamming a crit item (like JG) will lead to a huge damage loss, for example:
Seraphine: normally a carry skill deal 100% dmg but her skill 67% is dealing dmg and 33% healing, a crit item will waste 33% dmg multiplier. Going mana regen not only have the same dmg output but also healing more effective.
Lulu: same with Seraphine her skill at 3rd cast deals 50% less dmg with a stun effect. Third cast deal the same dmg in 14.2 so she can get benefit from crit.
But there is an exception: 7 Spellweavers, with 3 KDA this gives you 100+ AP so last items normally a Gunblade to help a weak frontline, Red Buff is slightly better than Nashor thanks to dmg multipler, JG is solid in this case with high AP.
Ahri: why people want to see her deal 2k dmg on a 200 HP unit and cast slower?
Seraphine: Superfan gives her Rabadon
For Lulu specifically: 2 Nashor 1 BB or 2 Shojin 1 Nashor should be fine, but in current patch BB > Shojin
Annie: BB + Nashor in 4 Emo team, spellweaver team is weak which I don't count
Bard: Bard can only carry in Jazz team, Superfan gives him Adaptive Helm, the next one could be any atk speed/mana regen like another AH or Nashor. Rabadon, JG are fine on him but will waste a little in healing.
Best in Slot & Artifact items
Slightly better but less flexible
Keep in mind Superfan already give 1 item in some teams (I only put 2 items on Karthus and Viego bevause we don't know what headliner will get, but MF or Senna we definitely know)
Some BiS is hard to reach (3 bows on Jinx + LW on Twitch). Better find my guide for an optimal build or my personal mind map here:
If you don't see any Artifact (Ornn) item on a champion, it means whatever you put don't make a huge difference, put any suitable item (like other champs in the same category) or give it to another
Infinity Force works on every champs, Zhonya & Goldmancer staff work on any AP.
Gambler's Blade is not a carry item in late game, it should wear on carry in early game then move to other unit later (Remover or Superfan remove item trick)