This composition revolves around the Umbral trait, giving you a nice shield so you have a stronger frontline and a nasty execute that synergies excellent with Alune attacking the WHOLE backlane with her skill.
We top that with the Invoker trait, and we end up having a strong frontline and an Alune spamming her AOE skill while executing enemies.

We want to level up to 4 early and if we are lucky, win streak from the beginning, we use Malphite early on if we want to put on some tank items and for our carry item holder we put Janna so when we go to level 5 we can activate Invoker with Kog'Maw.
If your Umbral hexes are on the right side of the board, just invert the position showed above.
MID GAME (level 6 / no cost 4 units)

As we level up above 50 gold, we want to replace Malphite with Shen so we can activate Ghostly and Janna with Alune as she will be our main carry. Aatrox will be our Sylas item holder as he shares the Bruiser trait and can make very good use of the items we want for him.
MID GAME (level 7 + cost 4 units)

When you get to level you ideally want to go to level 8 before slowrolling for Alune, but if you are low HP you can start slowrolling from here and go to level 8 after you have stabilized.
- Any extra items can go for Sett (tank items) and Lilia (carry items).
- If you go to level 9 you can either add a Nautilus to activate Warden or if you get an Umbral emblem you can add another Umbral unit, same goes for an Invoker emblem.
- Remember to put Alune in the Umbral hex