What you should learn to climb (My experience)


My journey to Master

This set particularly, was and still is a love/hate situation, though being a very good set in which I've had the most fun playing. It also is the most difficult to actually climb (At least for me).

Now let me show you a series of images from my own games to explain the mistakes I made, as well as the correct plays I shoud've done/ I did

Emerald disaster

I was trying to go for multistrikers Hecarim.

  1. I got desperate and went down to 0 gold every single turn denying myself the possiblility to level up.
  2. Tunneled to play around Hecarim.
  3. Not reading bug reports and having an augment that was literally useless
  4. Not picking up good augments, just one single combat augment that was bugged so it goes down to 0 combat aug.
  5. Not having guinsoo's

Summary: Really bad desicions



Preservers or Warriors or Faeries or Shapeshifters (?)

  1. Not having a clear idea of what I should've played and having a messy board that wanted to be this, this and that.
  2. Spreading Items: Seeing that I have Gwen, Rakan and Nasus 2. I should've crafted tank items either for Rakan or Nasus, but I decided to go for a Morello that could've been a crownguard, a BT and Titan's that could've been another Gargoyle's or that BT could've been for my Gwen 2 instead of Fiora 1

Losing streak


Trying to fast 8 without having a stable board at 7

  1. Most of my units weren't even 2-starred

This image just speaks for itself.

Again, having no idea of what I'm playing

Being stuck in emerald for a LONG LONG time


Starting to realize my own mistakes


Though making the same mistake not having good augments, this time I made sure my board was strong and stable before moving on to the next level. This made a HUGE difference on my Avg. Placement.



I realized that playing a specific comp almost every single game was farming me free LP. Just slamming my items for my future carries without even thinking about BIS. Since I got to know the ins and outs of this composition (Sugar-Preservers) I could get away with forcing it.

Finding a good composition that works for you no matter what the meta says, it's always a good idea to onetrick and farm LP. There's no point on trying to be flexible if you have no idea what you're doing unless you have a fast desicion making. (Flexible is always the correct way of playing, but not always the most effective).

This is most consistent way of climbing and getting used to not having that many components on your bench.

How does onetricking helps you with being flexible?

It may sound like both ways of playing are far from eachother, but in reallity they're not. Let me explain.

  1. By onetricking, you'll learn to slam items no matter if they're BIS or not.
  2. You'll learn which items work better for your Tanks, AP carries and AD carries.
  3. You'll know when your board is stable to get you safely to the next level.

Having this things in mind, you'll be able to play around any unit you hit on your rolldown, allowing you to pivot from one composition to another without any struggles whatsoever.

Applying every single thing I've learned


This is where I made the final push to master. This was when patch 14.18 was live so my onetrick comp was out of the blue, so I took my knowledge to start flexing around whatever the game is giving me and thanks to my onetrick era, I already knew which items could go to ''X'' unit and which ones could go to ''Y'' unit while keeping in mind if I'll be leaning more towards AD or AP. Allowing me to farm Diamond as if it was Silver.

Diamond stats

Current Rank


Finally getting to Master

As a result I got my promotion.

Now I'll be taking a break from TFT for about 2 or 3 days and then I'll try to climb as high as I can.

Thanks for reading and as always: Keep climbing.