FINAL BOARD (with Ezreal or Zed)
FINAL BOARD (with Poppy)
FINAL BOARD (with Caitlyn & Ezreal)
FINAL BOARD (with Caitlyn & Zed)
FINAL BOARD (with Akali True Damage)
FINAL BOARD (with Viego)
FINAL BOARD (with Zac)
FINAL BOARD (Legendary Board)
When it comes to Ad Flex, it is a very difficult composition for beginners because every move is important and there are many variants, e.g.
- Ezreal and Zed
- Caitlyn (8-Bit>Rapidfire)
- Akali (K/DA)
- Akali (True Damage)
- Poppy Headliner (Emo>Mosher)
- Viego (Pentakill>Edgelord)
how we play is independent of what we receive at level 8 for Headliner and items try to pass the Early Game thanks to Superfun or for the brave ones and those who know their Heartsteal skills, at level 8 we roll deeper to get our target Headliner, e.g. Zed or Ezreal, then also upgrade the unit to level two and they play e.g. Heartsteal, we reach level 9 and there again we can play many variants such as Illaoi/Yorick Qiyana or even Lucian as a second Carry
it is also important in this composition to maximize brown features, thanks to this you are stronger thanks to Jazz
Things like another headliner, e.g. not EDM Zed, but Crowd Diver, or at least Poppy Mosher or Caitlyn, not 8-bit, but Rapidfire, in the end, you have to take what's next, raise 2 units that match your characteristics
There's really no difference between Ezreal and the type of Headliner you'll take because there's no point in maxing out Big Shot, unless you're playing from the beginning of Heartsteal, then you've already been notified about it in Heartsteal and omitting this feature doesn't matter.
Zed (4x Crowd Diver at level 9) i.e. accepted Qiyana
Poppy (4x Mosher at level 8)
Akali True Damage not Executioner (Karthus instead of Ekko plus Qiyana lvl 9 or recommending Viego)
We still give Caitlyn Rapidfire to Miss Fortune instead of Lucian and then put it on 9 to activate 3 jazz or give a better legendary character
Viego (Edgelord) is a bit worse here because 5x this feature is completely useless, and you can connect it to level 9 with a simply legendary one like Yorick, who will use Mosher and gives you Pentakill
at the bottom you have all photos from each version (alternative)
Good items for slam:
- Redbuff
- Bluebuff
- Infinity Edge
- Evenshroud
- Warmog
- Bloodthrister
- Giant Slayer
- Edge Of Night
- Hand Of Justice