OVERPOWERED! Complete S0 Brant Guide & Build (Best Echoes, Weapons & Teams) - Wuthering Waves 2.1


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This is a guide to the upcoming five-star Fusion character Brant, who wields a sword. He is a support and healer, deals high basic attack damage, provides fusion damage amplification for a specific resonator, and provides resonance skill damage amplification for a specific resonator. Brant’s abilities provide a mix of offensive and supportive roles, making him adaptable to various combat scenarios, focusing heavily on energy management and tactical positioning.

Brant’s best weapon is obviously his signature weapon, which has a base attack of four hundred twelve and a seventy-seven percent energy regeneration substat. Critical hit rates are boosted by eight percent. Following resonance liberation, there is a twenty-four percent increase in basic attack damage for ten seconds. Additionally, when inflicting basic attack damage, the bonus to basic attack damage rises by twenty-four percent for four seconds.

Two alternate five-star limited swords that Brant can make use of are Blazing Brilliance, Changli’s signature sword, and Red Spring, Camellya’s signature sword. Use Changli’s sword if you build Brant as a quick swap D.P.S. and Camellya’s sword if you build Brant as a main D.P.S. Brant's attack is increased by twelve percent with Blazing Brilliance, and it has a forty-eight point six percent critical damage substat. Upon dealing damage, Brant gains one stack of Searing Feather every zero point five seconds, and five stacks when using Resonance Skill. Each stack enhances resonance skill damage by four percent, accumulating up to fourteen stacks. Upon reaching the maximum, all stacks are removed after twelve seconds. Red Spring has a critical rate substat of twenty-four point three percent. Brant's attack is boosted by twelve percent. When dealing basic attack damage, Brant receives an additional ten percent basic attack damage bonus for fourteen seconds, stacking up to three times and can be triggered once per second. Additionally, upon using Concerto Energy, Brant gains a forty percent basic damage bonus for ten seconds. This bonus can be triggered once per second and ends if Brant is switched off the field.

A standard gacha five-star sword that Brant can use is the Emerald of Genesis. It boosts energy regeneration by twelve point eight percent. Upon casting Resonance Skill, it enhances attack by six percent, and this effect can stack twice. The effect remains active for ten seconds.

A four-star gacha sword that Brant can use is Overture. It has an energy regeneration substat of fifty-one point eight percent. When the resonance skill is used, it restores eight concerto energies. This effect can be activated once every twenty seconds. Overture is the only four-star sword that has an energy regeneration substat. Brant’s forte circuit increases his attack based on his energy regeneration above one hundred fifty percent.

The best three-star free-to-play sword for Brant is the Sword of Voyager. It has an energy regeneration percent substat of thirty-two point three percent. Upon casting Resonance Skill, it replenishes eight Resonance Energy. This effect can occur once every twenty seconds.

Brant’s Sequence Node One states that using Returned from Ashes briefly slows the movement speed of nearby targets. Additionally, executing the Intro Skill or flipping after each stage of the Mid-air Attack boosts Brant's damage by twenty percent for four seconds, with the effect stacking up to three times.

I would recommend pulling for Brant’s signature weapon over his Sequence Node One because it provides more useful stats to Brant, including energy regeneration, critical hit increase, and basic attack damage bonus. Meanwhile, his Sequence Node One only increases damage by sixty percent and slows the nearby enemies.

Brant’s sequence node stopping point is sequence node two because it increases Brant’s critical rate and deals a fusion damage nuke.

The best echo set for Brant is a five-piece set of Tidebreaking Courage. Its two-piece set bonus increases energy regeneration by ten percent. Its five-piece set bonus boosts Brant's attack by fifteen percent. Achieving two hundred fifty percent energy regeneration enhances all attribute damage by thirty percent for Brant.

If you have not farmed Tidebreaking Courage and have a Moonlit Clouds set, you can use it. Its two-piece set bonus increases energy regeneration by ten percent. Its five-piece set bonus states that after deploying the Outro Skill, the attack of the next Resonator is enhanced by twenty-two point five percent for fifteen seconds.

If you build Brant as a main D.P.S., he can use a five-piece set of Molten Rift. Its two-piece set bonus increases Fusion Damage by ten percent. Its five-piece set bonus states that after activating a Resonance Skill, Fusion Damage is further increased by thirty percent for fifteen seconds.

The only main echo for Tidebreaking Courage is Dragon of Dirge. When this Echo is equipped in the main slot, Brant gains a twelve percent bonus to both Fusion Damage and Basic Attack Damage.

For Moonlit Clouds, you can use either Bell-Borne Geochelone or Impermanence Heron as the main echo. With Bell-Borne Geochelone, Brant gains a Bell-Borne Shield that persists for fifteen seconds. This shield offers fifty percent damage reduction and a ten percent damage boost to the current team members. The shield will vanish after the current character receives three hits. With the Impermanence Heron, the current character restores ten resonance energy. If they deploy their Outro Skill within the next fifteen seconds, the subsequent character's damage output will increase by twelve percent for fifteen seconds.

The only main echo for Molten Rift is Inferno Rider. It boosts the current character's Fusion Damage and Basic Attack Damage by twelve percent each for a duration of fifteen seconds.

The best echo stats for Brant are four cost of critical rate percent or critical damage percent, three cost of fusion damage, three cost of fusion damage, one cost of attack percent, and one cost of attack percent.

An alternate echo stats arrangement for Brant is four cost of critical rate percent, four cost of critical damage percent, one cost of attack percent, one cost of attack percent, and one cost of attack percent.

Brant’s substat priority is first energy regeneration until two hundred eighty percent to maximize his forte circuit, then critical rate percent or critical damage percent, aiming for an optimal crit ratio of one to two, then attack percent, and lastly flat attack.

Brant’s recommended endgame stats at level ninety are sixteen thousand H.P., two thousand three hundred attack, one thousand one hundred defense, forty two percent fusion damage percent, sixty percent critical rate percent, one hundred twenty percent critical damage percent, and one hundred thirty percent energy regeneration.

Brant’s ability leveling priority is first his forte circuit, second his resonance liberation, third his resonance skill, fourth his basic attack, and lastly his intro skill.

The best team for Brant is himself, Changli, and the Shorekeeper. An alternate premium team is Brant, Yinlin, and Verina. A standard gacha team includes Brant, Encore, and Verina. A free-to-play quick swap team includes Brant, Xiangli Yao, and Baizhi. Xiangli Yao can be replaced with Havoc Rover.

Normal Attack: Brant can execute up to four consecutive basic attacks that deal Fusion Damage. He also has a Heavy Attack option, which uses stamina to deal more Fusion Damage, and this can be executed after certain stages of his basic attacks or mid-air attacks.

Mid-air Attacks: Brant can perform up to four stages of mid-air attacks, each dealing Fusion Damage. He can hold the attack button to continue attacking until released, with various maneuvers such as flipping backward at different stages of the attack for positional advantage.

Dodge Counter: After successfully dodging, pressing the basic attack button allows Brant to counter-attack, dealing Fusion Damage.

Resonance Skill:

Anchors Aweigh!: Brant flips backward and shoots targets within range, dealing Fusion Damage. Mid-air Attack, Plunge: This can be performed by pressing the Resonance Skill button after a mid-air attack, consuming stamina to deal Fusion Damage considered as Basic Attack Damage. Resonance Liberation: To the Last Horizon: Deals Fusion Damage and enters Aflame mode, healing all team Resonators for twelve seconds. This can also be performed mid-air.

Aflame Mode: Increases Bravo Regen by one hundred percent when normal attacks or Anchors Aweigh! hit the target. In this mode, Forte Circuit Staged Moment is replaced with My Moment, which significantly boosts Brant's attack based on his energy regeneration.

Intro Skill: Applaud For Me!: Attacks and marks the target, which modifies the subsequent Mid-air Attack to start at stage two.

Outro Skill—The Course is Set!: Amplifies the next Resonator's Fusion and Resonance Skill damage for a duration or until switched out.

Forte Circuit—Saga at Sea:

Staged Moment: Increases Brant's attack based on Energy Regeneration. Waves of Acclaims: Heals all team Resonators at specific Bravo milestones. Returned from Ashes: When Bravo is full, replace Resonance Skill with this powerful attack that deals Fusion Damage and provides a shield, considered Basic Attack Damage. Using this in Aflame mode will end the mode immediately.

Bravo: A unique resource that Brant builds up through hitting targets with normal attacks, intro skills, and resonance attacks, capping at one hundred.

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Updated 2mo ago

OVERPOWERED! Complete S0 Brant Guide & Build (Best Echoes, Weapons & Teams) - Wuthering Waves 2.1

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