ULTIMATE Miyabi Guide! [Builds, W-Engines, Teams, and MORE] Zenless Zone Zero


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Miyabi is a S-Rank Frost Slash character using the Anomaly W-Engine type. Frost is currently unique to Miyabi and is not Ice. She is the first Frost Anomaly limited banner character in Zenless Zone Zero. Miyabi is a member of the Hollow Special Operations Section 6. She is set to be released in the first half of patch 1.4 of Zenless Zone Zero.

Miyabi's Kit:

Miyabi is an on-field attack scaling Crit D.P.S. whose attacks are based on anomaly and disorder. Miyabi applies a unique attribute anomaly called Frost with all of her attacks. When Miyabi accumulates Frost Anomaly Buildup, she will have an independent Attribute Anomaly Accumulation meter, which triggers special Freeze, Shatter and Frostbite effects, which can trigger Disorder with other attribute anomaly effects, including ice attribute anomaly effects. Frost shatter is the same as normal shatter. Frost can trigger disorders with Ice, which is amazing because Miyabi needs to trigger disorders to be most effective. Miyabi is benefited immensely by Ice supports since they can trigger disorders for her. So, Frost is similar to Ice but can trigger disorders with Ice. Miyabi generates up to six frostfall stacks and uses them to deal damage with her basic attack two, Frost Moon. Miyabi initially starts with three Frostfall stacks when entering the battlefield. Her EX Special Attack, Flying Snow, provides her with two stacks of frostfall. Her EX Special Attack two also provides her with two stacks of frostfall. Miyabi’s Ultimate, Residual Snow, provides her with two stacks of frostfall as well. When Miyabi deals Frost Damage to an enemy, she will apply Iceflame to it, and when she applies Frostbite to the enemy affected by Iceflame, she will trigger Frostburn-Break, which provides Miyabi with one stack of Frostfall. Miyabi’s additional ability, together as frost and snow, is dependent on if there is another character who is Anomaly or belongs to the Hollow Special Operations Section 6 faction. When any character triggers Disorder, Miyabi is provided with three stacks of Frostfall. Her basic attack two, frost moon, consumes two stacks of frostfall and can be charged up to three times. Miyabi’s core passive, Cold Flame, makes it so that during the Frostburn state, all teammates’ attribute anomaly buildup rate increases by nine percent up to fifteen percent, but Miyabi cannot apply Iceflame to the target again. This needs to be cleared by a disorder, or she needs to wait for it to be automatically removed over time. Miyabi only does a few hits, but they hit for a lot of damage. A completely max stacked basic attack two, Frost Moon, deals equivalent damage to some characters’ ultimates. At level twelve, Miyabi’s level three charged Frost Moon has a damage multiplier of four thousand forty three point ten percent. Miyabi’s ultimate at level twelve has a damage multiplier of five thousand three hundred twenty six point ten percent. When triggering Frostburn-break, Miyabi deals one thousand percent up to two thousand percent of her attack to the enemy target.

Recommended Endgame Stats:

Miyabi’s recommended endgame stats at level 60 are three thousand four hundred attack, ten thousand H.P., eight hundred defense, seventy percent critical rate, one hundred forty percent critical damage, one hundred ninety anomaly mastery, and four hundred fifty anomaly proficiency.

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Skill Level Priority:

For Miyabi’s skill level priority, first level her special attack, second level her chain attack, third level her basic attack or assist, and lastly level her dodge.


Miyabi’s Signature W-Engine, Temple of the Shifting Stars, has a base attack of seven hundred forty four and twenty four percent critical rate substat. A S-Rank standard gacha W-Engine that Miyabi can use is Fusion Compiler, Grace’s signature W-Engine. It has a base attack of six hundred eighty four and a penetration ratio substat of twenty four percent. Fusion Compiler’s effect increases attack by tweleve percent. When using a Special Attack or EX Special Attack, Miyabi's Anomaly Proficiency is increased by twenty five for eight seconds, stacking up to three times. An A-Rank battlepass W-Engine that Miyabi can make use of is the Electro-Lip Gloss. It has a base attack of five hundred ninety five and an anomaly proficiency subtat of seventy five. At W-Engine Upgrade Five, its effect is that when there are enemies inflicted with attribute anomaly on the field, Miyabi's attack increases by sixteen percent, and she deals an additional twenty five percent more damage to the target. Miyabi’s best gacha A-Rank W-Engine option is Rainforest Gourmet. At W-Engine Upgrade Five, its effect is that for every ten energy consumed, Miyabi gains a buff that increases attack by four percent for ten seconds, stacking up to ten times. Miyabi’s best free-to-play B-Rank W-Engine option is Magnetic Storm Alpha. At W-Engine Upgrade Five, its effect is that accumulating Anomaly Buildup increases Miyabi's Anomaly Mastery by twenty five for ten seconds. This effect can trigger once every twenty seconds.

Drive discs:

There are two new drive disks, Song of the Broken Sword and The Sound of Serenity. One of them will be the best in slot drive disk for Miyabi. An alternative drive disk set for Miyabi is Hormone Punk. Its two-piece set effect increases attack by ten percent. Its four-piece set effect increases Miyabi’s attack by twenty-five percent for ten seconds when she enters combat or switches in. Another four piece drive disk set that Miyabi can use is Freedom Blues, which has the two piece set effect of increasing Anomaly Proficieny by thirty and the four piece set effect of reducing the target enemy’s Anomaly Buildup Resistance to Miyabi’s Frost Attribute by twenty percent for eight seconds when her EX Special Attack, Flying Snow, hits the enemy target. For a two piece drive disk set combination, Miyabi can use Woodpecker Electro, which has the two piece set effect of increasing critical rate by eighty percent, and Polar Metal, which has the two piece set effect of increasing ice damage by ten percent. Another two piece drive disk set combination is Hormone Punk and Puffer Electro, which increases her penetration ratio by eight percent.

Drive Disc Main Stats:

For drive disc four, use either a critical rate or a critical damage main stat. An alternative main stat for drive disc four is Anomaly Proficiency. For drive disc five, use a frost or ice damage percent main stat. Alternatively, use a penetration ratio main stat for drive disc five. For drive disc six, use an Anomaly Mastery main stat.

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Drive Disc Substats:

For drive disc substats, prioritize critical rate and critical damage equally, up to a one to two crit ratio, then anomaly proficiency, then attack percent, then penetration, and lastly, flat attack.

Bangboo options:

For Bangboo options, you can use the S-Rank Agent Gulliver if you use Yanagi with Miyabi. Agent Gulliver’s damage increases when attack shocked enemies and when attacking non-electric anomalies, attacks accumulate one hundred percent more anomaly buildup. If you use two or more ice characters, use the A-Rank Penguinboo, which inflicts sixty percent more anomaly buildup and deals ice damage. Sharkboo is an S-Rank upgrade to Penguinboo.


Miyabi’s best premium teammates are Yanagi, Burnice White, and Lighter. So, team one would be Miyabi, Yanagi, and Burnice. Team two would be Burnice, Lighter, and Miyabi. Miyabi’s free-to-play teammate options include Soukaku, Piper, and Lycaon. So, team three would be Miyabi, Soukaku, and Piper. While team four would be Lycaon, Miyabi, and Piper.

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Mindscape Cinema Level 1 vs Signature W-Engine:

If you are a free-to-play player, Mindscape Cinema levels are not important. In fact, I would recommend pulling Miyabi’s Signature W-Engine before Mindscape Cinema level 1 because her signature W-Engine does more. Mindscape level one, Adding Insult to Injury, states that whilst in the Frost Moon Stance, for every stack of Frostfall consumed, Basic Attack: Frost Moon ignores six of the target's defense, up to six stacks. This effect ends after exiting the Frost Moon Stance. Whilst in the Frost Moon Stance, when hitting an enemy in the Frostburn state with a level three Charge Attack, the target's Frostburn is immediately removed, and the Attribute Anomaly Buildup Rate of all teammates increases by ten percent for ten seconds.

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Updated 4mo ago

ULTIMATE Miyabi Guide! [Builds, W-Engines, Teams, and MORE] Zenless Zone Zero

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