Von Lycaon Character Information
Lycaon is an S rank character with the Ice attribute who belongs to the Stun Specialty and who is part of the Victoria Housekeeping Co. Victoria Housekeeping Co. faction.
Can resolve any matter. The most trusted of attendants, and solid support for any team. Rational and wise, a true gentleman who can't tolerate a single stain. Offers absolute loyalty to the one he decides to follow. Though outwardly sophisticated and rational, his innate feral character will reveal itself when faced with certain dangers.
How to Play Lycaon
- Hold Down Basic and Special Attacks to Deal More Daze
Lycaon's Basic and Special Attacks deal a lot more Daze when held down. So we recommend holding down the Basic Attack and Special Attack to stun the enemy as soon as you can.
- Lycaon Daze Combo
Do two Charged EX Specials and then transition into a Charged Basic Attack Combo. Repeat the combo until the enemy is stunned. This combo will easily Stun enemies in no time.
Charged EX Special Attack 2x → Charged Basic Attack Combo→ Repeat Until Stunned
- Attack Stunned Enemies to Increase the DMG Multiplier
When Lycaon attacks a stunned enemy, the Stun DMG multiplier will increase. Make sure to attack the stunned enemy with Lycaon before switching to the Attack unit. This can only work if there's another Ice or Victoria Housekeeping Co. agent in the party.
- Use Ultimate for Massive Daze
Lycaon's Ultimate can deal a great amount of Daze onto enemies at a wide AoE. This is very useful if you need to Stun multiple enemies.
Lycaon Pros & Cons
- Pros
Additional ability amplifies the standard Stun multiplier from 150% to 185% increasing team burst damage during the Stun window tremendously.
Core ability applies 25% Ice Res Shred for 30 seconds allowing for near infinite uptime on enemies boosting the damage of Ice characters by an incredible amount.
Deals massive amounts of Daze unconditionally with his charged basic attack combo allowing him to act as a main field Dazer delivering absurd Daze on the field while still having the option to support a Main DPS with Parries and EX’s when they are available.
Has access to incredible teammates, allowing Lycaon to form one of the strongest teams in the game (Mono-Ice).
Despite being incredible in Ice damage-focused teams, he can still provide value outside of them thanks to his incredible Daze and bonus stun multiplier.
- Cons
- Charging up basic attacks and chaining them together requires a mild amount of timing to ensure time isn’t wasted in between each attack.